The effect of the sowing way and bacterization on the yield and quality of red clover fodder and seed
Vojin, S.
This research was pointed on the effect of the sowing way and bacterization on the yield and quality of red clover fodder and seed, with the aim to create the scientific-expert basis for increasing of fodder and seed yield in Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) agroecological conditions. The yield components, yield and quality of fodder and seed of 2n and 4n red clover genotypes were determined during the research. The highest fodder yield was obtained on 20 cm inter-row space with using microbiological fertilizers. The highest average fodder yield was obtained with 4n variety K-32 (82.7 t/ha green fodder or 10.2 t/ha hay). Tetraploid red clover cultivars obtained more raw proteins than diploid ones. The research showed the highest seed yield was obtained on the 20 cm inter-row space with using of microbiological fertilizers. The highest average seed yield was obtained with 2n genotype BL-3 (521.3 kg/ha). The best seed quality was in connection with 40 cm inter-row width with 4n cultivars and microbiological fertilizer application. As an average more bacteria were found in the soil where the sowing inter-row width was 40 cm. Depending on genotype and applicated bacterial strain, nodular bacteria and nitrobacteria reached satisfactory number (strain MBsub(1), 20 cm inter-row width). Tested soil has moderate acid reaction, so the number of nitrobacteria were reduced. The activity of dehydrogenase was relatively low, but certain increase was obtained with applying of bacterization. It shows that in these agroecological conditions, with planting on 20 cm inter-row width and inoculation with certain microorganisms' strains, red clover can result with high fodder and seed yields, both tetraploid and diploid genotypes. In Banja Luka region, tetraploid cultivars have advantage for fodder production, while in combined production (fodder-seed) diploid genotypes have advantage. These finding are an important basis for stabile livestock feed.
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المعلومات البيبليوغرافية
تم تزويد هذا السجل من قبل Unassigned data from Yugoslavia