Radioecological investigation of food of animal origin in Belgrade environment
Gordana, V., Belgrade Univ. (Serbia) | Svetlana, G. | Branislava, M. | Milan, O. | Branko, P.
The activity concentrations of sup(40)K, sup(238)U, sup(232)Th and sup(137)Cs were measured using gamma spectrometric method in different food chain samples from Serb Belgrade environment during the periods May-June 2007 and May-June 2008 year. Relatively high activities of sup(40)K and sup(137)Cs were detected in the soil. These results indicate that sup(137)Cs is present in Belgrade environment even 20 years after nuclear accident in Chernobyl. However, in the samples of feedstuffs, animal products and bio indicators (meat of wild animals and fish), activity concentrations of primordial radionuclides and sup(137)Cs were low and below the detection limits. Results of these trials have shown that investigated animal products from the natural environment around Belgrade, are radioactivity safe.
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