Регуляция воспроизводительной функции быков-производителей
Zhuk, N.F., Brestplempredpriyatie, Brest (Belarus) | Khanchina, A.R., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The efficiency of influence of iodon on the reproductive function of fullmouthed sire bulls of white-and-black breed was studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. There were formed two groups of sire bulls: experimental group with low indices of sperm quality; control one – with high indices. In course of studying the interrelation of thyroid and sexual glands there was established the presence of parallelism in their development and function. In a period of sexual arousal the thyroid gland came into hyperactivity condition. At the same time, the quantity of triiodothyronine increased from 2,23 +/-0,02 to 3,05 +/-0,02 ng/ml, thyroxine - from 38,7 +/-1,02 to 59,8 +/-1,07 ng/ml. For the increasing of the reproductive qualities of sire bulls there was developed a iodine-containing preparation Iodon which should be spread with a medical syringe over a skin along the spine column. Iodon preparation applied in such a way made it possible to reduce the stressful influence more efficiently in comparison with an injection; it was well acquired and promoted the increasing of the reproductive function of sire bulls. The Iodon was developed on a basis of dimethylsulfoxide that promoted the efficient absorption through a skin. The preparation is a homogeneous hyaloid russet liquid with a specific smell, it is produced in bottles of 200 and 400 cm cubic. Iodon preparation realizes medical and preventive action in cases of impairment of sexual glands function against the background of iodine hunger. The preparation does not possess any allergenic properties, shows weak cumulative properties, and is harmless. The sperm quality improvement has been marked in all parameters, sexual reflexes become more stable and vigorous, animal fertility increased
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المعلومات البيبليوغرافية
تم تزويد هذا السجل من قبل National Academy of Sciences of Belarus