Dynamics of physiological races of rice blast fungus in jiangxi province during 2006 -2008 | 2006~2008年江西省稻瘟病菌生理小种的消长动态
He Liegan, Jiangxi Acedemy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanchang (China), Institute of Plant Protection | Huang Linhong, Plant Protection and Quarantine Bureau, Nanchang(China) | Lan Bo, Jiangxi Acedemy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanchang (China), Institute of Plant Protection
صينى. 利用我国7个统一鉴别品种鉴定2006―2008年从江西省31个水稻主产县(市)采集分离的195个稻瘟病菌有效单孢菌株,共鉴定到6群40个生理小种。所测菌株中ZB群出现频率最高,分布最广,为优势小种群。主要的优势小种为ZB13、ZB15、ZB5、ZA1,出现频率分别为14.36%、13.33%、6.67%、6.67%;3年中小种类群及优势小种的构成有一定的差异,在稻瘟病流行的2006年,小种类群以ZA和ZB为主,主要的优势小种为ZB13,和ZA1,频率分别为17.65%和11.76%;在稻瘟病中发偏轻的2007年和2008年,小种类群及优势小种的构成均较为一致,2年中小种类群均以ZB为主,如2008年优势小种为ZB15和ZB13频率分别为18.92%和10.81%;试验结果同时表明,同一穗瘟病标本中不同单孢菌株的生理小种不同,并讨论江西省稻瘟病菌生理小种的年度动态变化。[著者文摘]
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]إنجليزي. 195 monoconidial cultures of the rice blast fungus (Magnaporthe grisea) sampled from 31 counties or cities in Jiangxi Province, China during 2006 - 2008 were isolated. The virulence of these isolates was assayed with 7 differentials. Forty races belonging to 6 groups could be differentiated, of which ZB group was the most prevalent group, the predominant races were ZB13 ,ZB15 ,ZB5 and ZA1 ,with the frequency of 14.36%, 13.33% ,6.67% and 6.67% respectively. There are some differences among predominant groups and races over the three years (2006 - 2008). Most of the isolates belonged to ZA and ZB groups, and the predominant races were ZB13 and ZA1 , with the frequency of 17.65% and 11.76% respectively in 2006 when rice blast was in epidemic ; and the group and predominant races were similar over the years of 2007 - 2008 when the disease was moderately -light, most isolates belonged to ZB group, for instance, in 2008 the predominant races were ZB15 and ZB13 ,with the frequency of 18.92% and 10.81% respectively. The physiological races of different single isolates from the same sample were different. The dynamic of races over the three years is discussed in the paper.
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