Investigations on the occurrence and chemical control of Botryosphaeria canker of apple in China | 中国苹果枝干轮纹病发生和防治情况
Guo Liyun, China Agricuhural University, Beijing(China), Department of Plant Pathology | Li Jinyun, China Agricuhural University, Beijing(China), Department of Plant Pathology | Li Baohua, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao(China)
صينى. 2008年5~6月,对我国山东等7个苹果主产省市的88个果园苹果枝干轮纹病发生和防治情况进行了调查。结果显示,苹果枝干轮纹病的总体发病率达77.6%。随着树龄的增大,枝干轮纹病危害加重,发病率和病情指数均提高。4~10年生果树发病率为56.7%,病情指数为37.0;11~17年树龄的果树发病率为78.7%,病情指数为53.8;18~24年树龄的果树发病率为91.5%,病情指数为70.8;25年以上树龄的果树发病率为100.0%,病情指数为95.3。不同省份之间苹果枝干轮纹病的发生程度存在一定差异:该病在山东、河南和北京的危害相对较重,而在山西和陕西的危害相对较轻;几个主栽品种之间无明显差异。在枝干轮纹病的化学防治中,石硫合剂是最常用的药剂,其次是多菌灵。已被禁用于无公害果园生产中的福美胂仍然在不少果园中使用。[著者文摘]
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]إنجليزي. During May to June in 2008, the occurrence and control status of Botryosphaeria canker of apple were investigated in 88 orchards located in major apple production areas in China. Results obtained showed that the incidence of this disease in general was about 77.6%. The older the tree, the more severe the disease. The incidences and the disease index were 56.7% and 37.0, 78. 7% and 53.8, 91.5%and 70. 8, and 100. 0% and 95.3 for the trees at the age of 4--10, 11--17, 18--24, and 25--30 years, respectively. The occurrence of the disease varied among different regions. Comparatively, the occurrence of the disease was more severe in Shandong, Henan and Beijing than that in Shanxi and Shaanxi. No significant difference in occurrence of the disease was observed among the main cultivars. Among the chemicals used to prevent the apple canker, lime sulphur was the most popular one, followed by carbendazim. The banned asomate was still used in some orchards.
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