Construction of vp1 recombinant lentivirus vector and establishment of bhk-21 cell lines stably expressing vp1 gene of fmdv | 口蹄疫病毒VP1基因重组慢病毒载体的构建及VP1基因稳定表达细胞系的建立
Dai Wenjun, Shandong Academy of Agricultral Science, Tai'an(China) | Wang Hongmei, Shandong Academy of Agricultral Science, Tai'an(China) | Liu Xiao, Shandong Academy of Agricultral Science, Tai'an(China)
صينى. 【目的】构建口蹄疫病毒VP1基因重组慢病毒载体FG9-VP1,并建立稳定表达VP1基因的BHK-21细胞系。【方法】采用RT-PCR技术从口蹄疫病毒材料中扩增出VP1基因,并将其连入慢病毒载体FG9中,经PCR、酶切和测序鉴定正确后,转染BHK-21细胞,96h后经流式细胞分选筛选GFP阳性细胞,细胞增殖后经WB检测VP1基因的表达。【结果】VP1基因重组慢病毒载体FG9-VP1测序正确,转染BHK-21细胞经流式细胞仪筛选的GFP阳性细胞后可稳定表达VP1基因。【结论】VP1基因重组慢病毒载体构建成功并获得了稳定表达VP1基因的BHK-21细胞系。
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]إنجليزي. 【Objective】 To construct the lentivirus vector containing VP1 gene and to establish the cell line with stable expression of VP1 gene of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV). 【Method】 The full-length VP1 gene was amplified by RT-PCR, and VP1 gene was cloned into FG9 vector, then recombinant vector was confirmed by restricting enzyme digestion and DNA sequence. The recombinant plasmid was transfected into BHK-21 cells through LipofectamineTM 2000, and the GFP positive cells were screened via FACS after 96h. The expressions of VP1 gene were confirmed by Western-blot. 【Result】 FG9-VP1 was constructed successfully and the VP1 gene could be stably expressed in BHK-21 cel1s. 【Conclusion】 The recombinant lentivirus vector containing VP1 gene was cloned successfully and the stable cell line expressing the VP1 gene was established.
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