Identificazione dei geni per la resistenza a Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici in linee di grano.
Jerkovic Z.
ITALIANO: [Due linee di grano, 0044/76 e NS 70-19, mostrano una resistenza completa a dieci colture di Puccinia recondita tritici della razza tipo 77 allo stadio di plantula in serra, e alla popolazione del parassita in campo come le linee pressoche' isogeniche Lr 9, Lr 19 e Lr 24 nel substrato di Thatcher. Le linee resistenti sono state incrociate con queste linee pressoche' isogeniche come pure con tre linee suscettibili, NS 60-00, NS 60-01 e NS 2853. La resistenza negli ibridi F1 da 0044/76 era dominante, mentre nella progenie F1 degli incroci con NS 70-19 era parzialmente dominante. La segregazione nelle generazioni F2 e F1 BC1 indicava che 0044/76 contiene il gene Lr 24 mentre NS 70-19 possiede almeno due geni di resistenza con effetto complementare. Inoltre, ciascuna delle linee parentali suscettibili sembra portare uno di questi geni].
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]إنجليزي. Two wheat lines, 0044/76 and NS 70-19, exhibit complete resistance to ten Puccinia recondita tritici cultures of race type 77 at seedling stage in the greenhouse, and to parasite's population in the field as the near isogenic lines Lr 9, Lr 19 and Lr 24 in the Thatcher background. The resistant lines were crossed with these near isogenic lines as well as with three susceptible lines, NS 60-00, NS 60-01 and NS 2853. Resistance in the F1 hybrids from 0044/76 was dominant whereas in the F1 progeny of the crosses with NS 70-19 was partially dominant. The segregation in the F2 and F1 BC1 generations indicated that 0044/76 contains the gene Lr 24 while NS 70/19 possesses at least two resistance genes with complementary effect. Moreover, each of the susceptible parent lines are likely to carry one of these genes.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]الكلمات المفتاحية الخاصة بالمكنز الزراعي (أجروفوك)
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