أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

A late Quaternary lake record from the Qilian Mountains (NW China), evolution of the primary production and the water depth reconstructed from macrofossil, pollen, biomarker and isotope data


Herzschuh, U. | Zhang, C. | Mischke, S. | Herzschuh, R. | Mohammadi, F. | Mingram, B. | Kürschner, H. | Riedel, F.

المعلومات البيبليوغرافية
مواضيع أخرى
Pol6-earth climate variability since the pliocene; Periglacial research; Earth science > climate indicators > precipitation indices; Pol-marcopoli; Periglacial dynamics; Geo system; Geosciences; Earth science > paleoclimate > land records
Text, Article
Her2005aHerzschuh, U., Zhang, C., Mischke, S., Herzschuh, R., Mohammadi, F., Mingram, B., Kürschner, H., Riedel, F. (2005). A late Quaternary lake record from the Qilian Mountains (NW China), evolution of the primary production and the water depth reconstructed from macrofossil, pollen, biomarker and isotope data, Global and Planetary change, 46, 361-379

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