أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

The effect of dietary β-glucans supplements on the haematological parameters of the sea trout


Revina, O., Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIORˮ, Riga (Latvia);Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia);Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIORˮ, Riga (Latvia) | Revins, V., Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIORˮ, Riga (Latvia) | Cirule, D., Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIORˮ, Riga (Latvia) | Valdovska, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)

المعلومات البيبليوغرافية
Research for Rural Development. International Scientific Conference Proceedings (Latvia)
الإصدار 25/2019 الرقم التسلسلي المعياري الدولي (ردمد) 2255-923X
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
ترقيم الصفحات
p. 247−251
مواضيع أخرى
Beta glucans; Muestreo sanguineo; Biologie des peches; Metodos estadisticos; Methode statistique; Prelevement sanguin; Experimentacion; Regime alimentaire; Alimentacion de peces; Hematocrite; Complement alimentaire pour animaux; Biologia pesquera
Summary (En)
2 tables, 23 ref.
Conference; Web Site; Ams
Research for Rural Development 2019. Annual 25th International Scientific Conference Proceedings (online resource), Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia).- Jelgava (Latvia): Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, 2019. International Scientific Conference: Research for Rural Development 2019, 25, Jelgava (Latvia), 15−17 May 2019.- p. 247−251
مؤتمر المنظمة
International Scientific Conference: Research for Rural Development 2019, 25, Jelgava (Latvia), 15−17 May 2019
