The Impact Of Covid-19 On Open Space Use In Residential Neighbourhoods. Case Study Of Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria
Ajayi, Olusegun Popoola
إنجليزي. Open space refers to both natural and human-made areas that are used for outdoor recreation, However, there are only a few studies on the usage of open spaces in Nigeria. The embracement of the use of open spaces has been a questionable act in Nigeria as a result of people's perception, urbanization rate, inadequate planning, and adherence to cultural practices. Since the emergence of SARS-CoV-2, there has been a decrease in the use of open spaces to curb the spread of the virus.The research is aimed at the impact of Covid-19 on open spaces usage in the neighborhood of Ikeja Local Government Area, Lagos, Nigeria, during the pandemic. A research study was conducted among 80 respondents residing in Ikeja LGA. A convenience sampling technique was used to select respondents, with a semi-structured questionnaire to support the research objectives. Conversely, data was collected through Google Forms and oral interviews, and then data analyzed using IBM SPSS 20.0. The findings revealed that the use of the public spaces by the younger population in the study area has reduced since the outbreak of Covid-19, while the older population indicated that they avoided using the open spaces due to the panic of Covid-19 effect on their health.Furthermore, this research brings out that the older population felt disengaged from their normal daily life even before the emergence of Covid-19. Secondly, it was revealed that since the pandemic, the use and value of public spaces in the study area had reduced drastically.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Avalik ala viitab nii looduslikele kui ka inimtekkelistele aladele, mida kasutatakse õues puhkamiseks, kuid Nigeerias on läbi viidud vähe uuringuid nende kasutamise kohta. Selliste ruumide omaksvõtt on Nigeerias olnud keeruline inimeste arvamuste, urbaniseerumise määra, ebapiisava planeerimise ning kultuuritavade järgimise tõttu. Alates SARS-CoV-2 tekkimisest on vähenenud alade kasutamine viiruse leviku piiramiseks.See lõputöö mille eesmärk on vaadelda Covid-19 mõju avalike alade kasutamisele Ikeja kohaliku omavalitsuse piirkonnas, Lagos, Nigeerias. Uurimus viidi läbi 80 Ikeja LGA-s elava vastaja seas. Vastajate valimiseks kasutati mugandatud valimit koos poolstruktureeritud küsimustikuga, et toetada uurimuse eesmärke. Samal ajal koguti andmeid Google Formsi kaudu, suulisi intervjuusid ning andmeid analüüsiti IBM SPSS 20,0 abil. Järeldustest selgus, et uuringupiirkonna noorema elanikkonna alade kasutamine on vähenenud alates Covid-19 puhkemisest ning vanem elanikkond märkis, et nad vältisid avalike ruumide kasutamist murest, et Covid-19 võib mõjutada nende tervist.Lisaks tõid tulemused välja, et vanem elanikkond tundis end juba enne 19. Covid ilmumist oma tavalisest igapäevaelust eraldatuna. Uurimistööst selgus ka, et alates pandeemia algusest 2019. aastal on valimis olnud aladel avalike ruumide kasutus ja ruumi väärtus drastiliselt vähenenud.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]الكلمات المفتاحية الخاصة بالمكنز الزراعي (أجروفوك)
المعلومات البيبليوغرافية
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