Origin and distribution of brachial plexus of white New Zealand rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
Ali, Md Liaquat | Bhowmik, Sukanto | Abul Quasem, Md. | Abdul Jalil, Md. | Mussa, Md Tareq | Shaown, Rakibul Hasan | Islam, Md Aminul
The study was conducted toknow the anatomy of the brachial plexus ofWhite New Zealand Rabbit (Oryctolaguscuniculus). Ten healthy male and femaleWhite New Zealand rabbits were dissectedin this study. It was found that the brachialplexus of the White New Zealand Rabbitwas formed by ventral branches of C5,C6, C7, C8, T1 and T2 spinal nerves.The cranial trunk was formed by thecaudal branch of C5, C6 and caudal trunkformed by rami ventralis of C7, C8, T1and the cranial branch of ventral ramusof T2. Cranial pectoral nerve originatedfrom the caudal trunk spreading into thepectoral muscles. The musculocutaneousnerve innervates into the brachial muscleand the axillary nerve into the subscapularmuscle. The radial nerve was dividedinto two branches as ramus profundusand ramus superficial then divided intothe digital dorsal common III and IV.The thoracodorsal nerve innervates thelatissimusdorsi muscle. The median nervewas divided into digital dorsal commonI, II, III and IV nerves. The ulnar nerveformed the caudal cutaneous antebrachialthen digital dorsal common IV and Vnerves. Lateral thoracic and caudal pectoralnerves originated from the caudal trunk.The origin and distribution of brachialplexus resemble that of porcupines butdiffer from other mammals.
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تم تزويد هذا السجل من قبل Universiti Putra Malaysia