Value of the pore water pressure in the wet clay core of Wadaslintang dam, Central Java (Indonesia)
Sutardjo, T. | Mudjihardjo, D. (Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pengairan, Bandung (Indonesia))
At present a 116 m high zoned section dam, namely Wadaslintang has been constructed in the border of Kebumen - Wonosobo District Central Java. It is believed that The Wadaslintang dam is the first highest dam in Indonesia that its upstream sloping core was constructed using wet core. A number of geotechnical instruments have been installed to study the behaviour of the dam . It is also of interdt to study the development of pore water pressure occured in the wet clay core during construction and first filling that up to october 1988 the pore water pressure are still in excess of the long term steady seepage values, a most desirable situation since this preludes the posibility of "hydraulic fracturing". This paper describes the observation and analysis of pneumatic piezometer results to study the pore pressures build-up in the wet clay core ofthe Wadaslintang dam.
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