أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

The dependence of the success of natural regeneration on upper soil conditions and degree of acidity in declined forest stands of the Black Forest


Littek, T. (Freiburg Univ. (Germany). Waldbau-Institut)

المعلومات البيبليوغرافية
KfK-PEF-Berichte (Germany, F.R.)
الإصدار 94
مواضيع أخرى
Foret; Naturverjuengung; 176.1 alnus incana; 176.1 vaccinium myrtillus; Baden-wuerttemberg/ picea abies; Regeneration naturelle; 175.2 avenelela flexuosa; Krautschicht; 174.7 abies alba; 231; Regeneracion natural; Bodenversauerung; Bade wurtemberg/ picea abies; 174.7 picea abies; 176.1 sorbus aucuparia; 176.1 acer pseudoplatanus; Quimica del suelo; 425.1; Konkurrenzstarke bodenvegetation; 176.1 fagus sylvatica; 181.45; (430.1-43.5)
6 tables; 6 ref. Summaries (De, En)
Conference; Summary; Non-Conventional
In: [8th status colloquium of PEF [Project European Research Centre for Air Pollution Control Measures] from 17th to 19th March 1992 at the Nuclear Research Centre of Karlsruhe], Horsch, F.Filby, W.G.Fund, N.Gross, S.Kaendler, G.Reinhardt, W. (comps.).- Karlsruhe (Germany, F.R.), Apr 1992. p. 309-320
مؤتمر المنظمة
8. Statuskolloquium des PEF (Projekt Europaeisches Forschungszentrum fuer Massnahmen zur Luftreinhaltung), Karlsruhe (Germany, F.R.), 17-19 Mar 1992

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