Perceiving and Defining Soils on Disturbed Land
Indorante, S. J. | Jansen, I. J.
This study outlines and applies a procedure for mapping and classifying soils on surface-mined land. Soils are mapped by defining soil units and then delineating corresponding bodies as they exist on the landscape. For a given landscape, soil unit concepts are most useful if they facilitate grouping soils that are alike and separating soils that are different. Soil units on the surface-mined land were defined by considering premine soil and overburden characteristics, method of mining, and method of soil construction. Considering these historical factors provides clues to soil characteristics and geographic patterns of the soils much as applying geomorphic and conventional soil genesis concepts do for natural soils. Four series were mapped on surface-mined land. The Morristown, Lenzburg, Schuline, and Swanwick series are Typic Udorthents. Particle size class, which included rock fragments, and reaction class of the control section are the main differences among the series. The approach to defining soil units used in this study is an effective method for perceiving order on surface-mined land so that the soils can be mapped and classified.
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