أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

Improving two-stage thermophilic-mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of swine manure and rice straw by digestate recirculation


Chen, Hong | Zhang, Wenzhe | Wu, Jun | Chen, Xiangyu | Liu, Rongzhan | Han, Yunping | Xiao, Benyi | Yu, Zhi | Peng, Yinglin

المعلومات البيبليوغرافية
المجلد 274 ترقيم الصفحات 129787 الرقم التسلسلي المعياري الدولي (ردمد) 0045-6535
Elsevier Ltd
مواضيع أخرى
Volatile fatty acid; Free volatile fatty acid; Total solids; Energy output; Swine manure; Free ammonia nitrogen; Microbial communities; Volatile solids; Energy input; Anaerobic co-digestion with digestate recirculation; Methane production; Continuously stirred tank reactor; Total alkalinity; Microbial community; Renewable energy sources; Inhibition factor of fan; Swine manure; Methanosarcina; Anaerobic co-digestion without digestate recirculation; Total chemical oxygen demand; Carbon to nitrogen ratio; Digestate recirculation; Gas chromatograph; Flame ionization detector; Total ammonia nitrogen; Thermophilic-mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion; Pig manure; Hydraulic retention time; Energy recovery; Difference between energy output and input; Soluble chemical oxygen demand; Total volatile fatty acid; Anaerobic co-digestion
Journal Article; Text

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