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النتائج 1 - 3 من 3
A Study of Weight Gain Dynamics in Lambs of Armenian Semi-Fine Fleece Sheep in the Corridel Breed before Weaning
Pambukhchyan, Z.S. | Marmaryan, Y.G.
In livestock breeding, particularly in sheep breeding, biotechnology of industrial technology plays an important role. A remarkable characteristic of technology is that it should be economically and biologically suitable. As a result, we are faced with the task of increasing grain yields and qualitative compositions of sheep. Ewes not having enough milk to feed their lambs after birth, result in malnourished lambs that grow poorly. Consequently, they become sick, and the rate of decline increases. Based on the analysis of the data, it appears that the variation in the live mass can also be attributed to ewes feeding, care, and behavior during the manger period. According to the research program, 2.5- and 5-month-old lambs were weighed. 2.5-month-old lambs had an average live weight of 17.0-20.51 kg for males and 15.10-18.13 kg for females. Compared to the live weight of newborn lambs (3.85 kg and 3.20 kg), the absolute weight gain of male and female lambs at 2.5 months was 16.66 kg and 14.93 kg, respectively. Lambs grain weight rapidly from birth to 2.5 months old (200-220 grams per day), which is typical for lambs in this age group. The data shows that lambs up to 2.5 months of age grew more rapidly than lambs 2.5-5 months of age, which was 12.69 kg and 12.09 kg, respectively, which is typical for lambs this age of multi-purpose sheep.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The Effect of Breeding Factors on the Fertility of Saanen Goat Breed and the Live Weight of Newborn Yeanlings
Navasardyan, D.S. | Grigoryan, H.G. | Marmaryan, Yu.G. | Badalyan, M.V.
Reproduction of farm animals is one of the main indicators determining their biological and economic value. Highly efficient reproduction promotes the increase of livestock number and improvement of animal breeding technique. The reproductive qualities of goats depend on genetic factors and environmental conditions: age, fatness, live weight of queens, feeding level before mating and during pregnancy, daylight hours, etc. A goal has been set to study the fertility of goats and the live weight of newborn Saanen goats, bred in the goat farm of Krashen village, in the Shirak region. To analyze the goat fertility, 40 queens were taken into consideration depending on their lactation age, among which 47.5% were first-born, 5.0 % - second-born, 45.0 % were the third lambing and one doe was the fourth lambing. The studies were carried out on the queens of 2-4 years. In our opinion, it is this age, that is optimal for characterizing the queens in terms of fertility, since the first mating of goats is carried out at the age of 10 months, provided that the live weight of the young is 70-75 % of the mother's weight, but not less than 30-32 kg. Such a new approach to the technological solution makes it possible to obtain one lamb more from each queen during economic use than with conventional technology. The data obtained can be used in breeding farms for the production and sale of young animals, and the development of goat breeding in the republic.
The study was conducted on Holstein cows, which were imported from Germany and kept in the “smart” barnyard of the “Pepi Agro” farm at the Armavir Marz of the Republic of Armenia. According to the results, during the first lactation, 5827 kg of milk was yielded, fat and protein contents in milk were 3.82 and 3.27 %, live weight was 535 kg, and milk yield was 10.9 with the average milk flow rate of 2.37 kg/min. According to the 1990 appraisal, these cows exceeded the standards of the Holstein breed in terms of milk yield, fat, and protein content, as well as live weight. However, their milk yield was lower than the mothers bred in Germany by 2933 kg or 50 %. We propose to continue the importation of Holstein cows and their further breeding in “smart” farming conditions in the Republic of Armenia.
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