أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

[ نُشرت في: AgriScience and Technology ]
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النتائج 1 - 10 من 31

Heat Stress and Cultivable Intestinal Bacteria of Lehmann Brown Hens


Harutyunyan, N.A. | Chitchyan, Zh.T. | Badalyan, M.V. | Pepoyan, A.Z.

Armenian National Agrarian University - Armenia

Epidemiological Analysis of the Swine Perfringens Disease in the Aragatsotn Region


Sargsyan, M.A.

Armenian National Agrarian University - Armenia

A Study of Weight Gain Dynamics in Lambs of Armenian Semi-Fine Fleece Sheep in the Corridel Breed before Weaning


Pambukhchyan, Z.S. | Marmaryan, Y.G.

Armenian National Agrarian University - Armenia

The Use of Fruit Extracts in the Production of Functional Juices


Yavruyan, N.V. | Karapetyan, V.A.

Armenian National Agrarian University - Armenia

The Monitoring of Raspberry Pest Species Composition in the Conditions of the Ijevan Region


Ter-Grigoryan, A.J. | Manvelyan, A.A. | Ghazaryan, M.H. | Amiryan, K.R.

Armenian National Agrarian University - Armenia

Study and Evaluation of Quality Indicators of Raceme Tomato Hybrids Under Greenhouse Conditions


Martirosyan, H.H.

Armenian National Agrarian University - Armenia

The Influence of the Stationarity Property on Traffic Flow Control


Sargsyan, Arman | Harutyunyan, Armen

Armenian National Agrarian University - Armenia

Research on the Efficiency of Complex Fertilizer Produced from the New Serpentine-Based Ingredient


Yeritsyan, Sergey | Gasparyan, Gayane | Grigoryan, Karen | Khachatryan, Anna

Armenian National Agrarian University - Armenia

The Use of Pine Cone Extract in the Production of Albumen Curd


Chatinyan, Nara | Dallakyan, Nara | Mezhlumyan, Anahit

Armenian National Agrarian University - Armenia

Risk Assessment of Toxic Elements in Buckwheat Produced in Armenia


Pipoyan, Davit | Arshakyan, Yepraqsya | Beglaryan, Meline

Armenian National Agrarian University - Armenia