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Rootability of Some Mulberry Cultivars Treated with Growth Regulators
Ayat Salah El den | Hassan Elwakeel | Ahmed Awad | Mohamed Abd El-Hamed Nasser
The Red and White pakestanian mulberry cultivars and Baladi mulberry trees were propagated by using medium hardwood cuttings pre-pared in November, December and January, and treated with the growth regulators IBA and NAA (0, 2000, 4000 and 6000 ppm) during 2020 and 2021 seasons. The hardwood cuttings treatment was planted in wooden frames inside the greenhouse in a cultivation medium consisting of peat moss and sand (1:3 v/v respectively). Data showed that Baladi mulberry cultivar gave the highest values of rooting percentage while the White Pakestanian gave the highest values for the number of roots per cutting. Concerning growth regulator treatments, IBA at 6000 gave the highest significant number of roots per cutting followed by NAA at 6000 ppm. In the interaction between the two studied factors, the highest rooting percentage was found by NAA at 6000 ppm for Baladi and White cultivars. While the highest values of root number and root length were resulted by IBA at 6000 ppm followed by NAA at 6000 ppm for Baladi and White mulberry cultivars. The C/N ratio in Baladi and White cultivars cuttings was highest in hardwood cuttings prepared in November. While the values of C/N ratio in Red mulberry cultivar cuttings were highest in hardwood cuttings prepared in January.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of some Yemeni grape cultivars according to their propagation, and fruit morphological characters and chemical properties
Al-Shawish, F.A.
Study was conducted during 2008 - 2009 on five local grape cultivars: Gubery, Assemy, Aswed, Razeql and Bayadh at the faculty of AgricultureThamar University . Cultivars were collected from Rawdha and Bany Husheish area - Sana'a Governorate. Morphological and physical characters of berry were determined and the chemical analysis for juice was also assessed. Finally, cuttings were taken from all, cultivars and cultivated at the nurser.Data were collected and analyzed by SAS system according to the least significant difference at the probability level of 0.05 and the results showed that: Assemy cultivar gave the maximum value of berry weight of 8.5 g, whereas the lowest rate was for Razeqi cv. of 1.2 g. According to berry dimensions, berry length ranged between 1.6 - 2.6 cm and berry width 1.35-2.43 cm. Razeql cv. gave the highest content of T.S.S (24.5%), whereas Gubery cv. contained the lowest value of 20.37%. pH value was between 3.98-4.77 and organic acids were between 0.35 -0.80%. Aswed cv. gave the highest rate of rooting percentage of 58% meanwhile, the lowest rate was found In the Razeqi cv. (6.75).
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