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Ekram Abdelrahman
Egyptian agricultural lands are subject to many constraints and challenges which negatively impact the ability of the state to produce the food needs of the present and the inability to provide food needs As a result of the difficulty of reexploiting the land in agricultural activity with the same efficiency, only by providing a large amount of financial resources that were supposed to be directed to the development of the agricultural sector and improve the standard of living of the population. The research aims to study the role of agricultural policies in the development and protection of agricultural land, The results showed, the land area of the first class declined to less than 45% during the period (1996-2000), The total area of agricultural land that has been violated since 1983 until 1/10/2017 about 318.5 thousand acres, of which about 27 thousand acres, the percentage of the removal of the violations of about 30.20 % Since 25/1/2011 until 1/10/2017. It is expected that the proportion of agricultural land of the total area of the total area of Egypt about 3.88% in 2016 and will be about 4.06% in 2020, an increase of about 1.4%, representing about 52.6% from 1990 .The results of the analysis showed that the area will increase in the coming years, Means that the policies are in the right direction towards the sustainability of agricultural land resources with the need to follow up and develop solutions that reduce and respond to the deterioration and decline of agricultural land in Egypt to achieve sustainable agricultural development.
Elsebaei M. | Mansour H.
The research aims to identify the current situation of red meat, poultry meat, and fish in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Forecasting, food gap until 2020 for these meat and its impact on the future prospects for its imports has also examined. This will help to design reliable policies for the production, import and export of meat in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The research problem is the increase of domestic consumption of meat due to population growth and inadequate domestic production. This summation the contribute to increase the deficit in the agricultural and food trade balance. The study referee to relative stability in the average production of red meat in the Kingdom during the period (2000-2014) amounting to 120.2 thousand tons, while production increased from both poultry and fish at an annual rate of about 6.2, 3.85 thousand tons, representing about 1.2 %, 4.6% of average annual production of 514.8, 82.2 thousand tons, respectively. At the same time red meat consumption in Saudi was relatively stable and swings around average during the study period amounting to 238.8 thousand tons, while increasing consumption of poultry meat, and fish at an annual rate significantly statistically amounted to about 39.7, 6.2 thousand tons, representing about 4.0%, 3.3 % of the annual average consumption of about 1003.9, 186.6 thousand tons, respectively. Results revealed that avirtual food gap in Saudi Arabia in each of red meat, poultry meat and fish amounted to about 118.6, 489.2, 104.4 thousand tons, respectively. However, according to the results, food gap has increased from both red meat and fish to reach about 169.2 , 247.5 thousand tons, respectively, While domestic production of poultry meat has achieved surplus in all the years of study, an average of 139 thousand tons , which indicates the presence of extravagance in consumption with an average share of Saudi Arabia's per capita, 39.7 kg , which is close to three times, as much as the average international per capita, estimated at 15.0 kg average for the period (2011-2014). Results of using Holt Winter,s two- parameters model to predict showed increasing of the virtual food gap from red meat , poultry meat and fish, reaching around 168.95, 822.0, 136.3 thousand tons respectively during 2020.
Amal K. Eid | Amira A. Elshater
Agriculture Investments play important role in agriculture sector, It contributes about 15.4 of total GDP for the period (1995 / 1996 - 2013 / 2014). The research problem was the decrease in the contribution of the agricultural investment in the total investment and this has lead to a decrease in the contribution of the agriculture sector in the Egyptian Gross demostic products (GDP). The results showed that agricultural sector contributes with about 5.6% of the total investments between different economic sectors. The study showed that there was an efficiency in the agricultural private investment and in total agricultural investment while there was unefficiency in the agricultural public investment. The study showed that the most important determinants of agricultural investment in Egypt were agricultural gross domestic product, GDP, the agricultural income, reclaimed area, interest rate of agricultural loans and agricultural labor. The agricultural investment value is inversely proportional to both of the interest rates of agricultural loans and the volume of agricultural labor, where by decreasing both of the interest rates of agricultural loans and size of agricultural labor by about 1% leads to an increase in agricultural investments with about 0.17, 1.88 billion pounds respectively, the reason of decline in the agricultural employment size was to expand in using the technology in the agricultural sector. From the estimated model indicators that increasing both of the agricultural gross domestic product and GDP and agricultural income with about 1% leads to increase agricultural investments with about 0.413 , 40, 30 million pounds, respectively, and by increasing the reclaimed area with about 1% the investment increased with about 3.2 million pounds. The study showed that ARIMA model was the most suitable model for forecasting public, private and total agricultural investment. The forecasted figures for public investment were about 3.4, 3.01, 3.04 billion pounds for the years 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017, respectively while forecasting for the private agricultural investment were about 6.14, 3.99, 2.65 billion pounds, respectively for the same years. While forecasting for total agricultural investment will be about 10.04, 7.64, and 5.79 billion pounds during the forecasted years. Finally the study recommended some important and topical recommendations for raising the agricultural investment such as: 1. Unify the agencies responsible for data source of investments to design a correct and clear investment map. 2. Stimulate agricultural investment projects by reducing the taxes through designing good tax and investment policies. 3. To Integrate the young graduates and small farmers in great cooperation for land reclamation and other agricultural projects by the help and stimulation of Agricultural Development And Credit Bank.
Abeer Abdalla Kinawy | Rehab Said Ibrahim
Gross national product (GNP) is considered as one of the important indicators that reflect the ability of national economy to achieve the main objectives of the state including creation of employment opportunities, development of export potentials, and positive contribution in reduction of the deficits in the balance of payments and the balance of trade. Analysis of the most important components of the gross national income is of considerable importance that enables the identification of changing values of individual components of the gross national product. The study aimed at identifying causes of imbalance in the national economy through the following determination of the relative importance of Egyptian GNP and development of important economic indicators in the Egyptian national economy. Analysis and identification of the most important economic factors affecting expenditure on consumption, investment, exports and imports are mode through building single and multiple equation models aiming at identifying the most important economic factors affecting variables of the study. Moreover, forecasting the most are also mode important variables until.2020. Results obtained indicated that the household consumer expenditure in 2012 was equal to 158.5 billion Dollars representing 58% of the GNP, followed by Investment expenditure, representing 18% of GNP, followed by government expenditure, total exports and total imports representing 9%, 8% and 7%, respectively. Results obtained proved that the most important economic indicators increased annually with different rates during the study period. Studying of the mutual impact between GNP and the study variables through building an econometric model and applying two stage least square method. The model contains six equations for GNP, total investments, total imports, total exports, government expenditure, and household expenditure. In addition, an identification equation for the (GNP= household expenditure + Investment expenditure + Government expenditure + net international trade). The study proved that while the most important determinants of the Egyptian GNPare total investments, total exports and imports factors, mostly affect total investment are total GNP, total Egyptian exports and exchange rate Egyptian Pound. In addition, factors determining total Egyptian Imports are total exports and the exchange rate of the Egyptian Pound. Moreover, factors determining government expenditure are total exports and households consumption. Furthermore, the household consumption is highly affected by GNP and total indirect taxes. Forecasted values of the study variables are obtained by estimating single equation trend model and simultaneous equation model. Results obtained indicated that the forecasted value of the Egyptian GNP in 2020 will be equal to 334$ and 335 billion Dollars using single trend equation and simultaneous equation models, respectively. The forecasted total investment in 2020 is expected to be equal 64 billion dollars. The forecasted Total Egyptian imports and exports using single trend equation are 33.2, and 29.2, billion dollars, respectively. The forecasted values of total exports and imports in 2020 using simultaneous equation model are 32.8, and 830.1, respectively. Regarding Government expenditure results obtained indicated that the forecasted government expenditure is expected to take values of 31.9 and 51.4 billion dollars using single equation trend model and simultaneous equation model, respectively. Results related to the forecasted household expenditure in 2020 is expected to take values of $206.5 billion and $334 billion using single equation trend model and simultaneous equation model, respectively. Based on the research results, best forecasted values the study variables are obtained by using simultaneous equation models. This may be attributed to the fact that simultaneous equation mod- els takes into account all variables as well as the interactions between variables. Based on results the study recommend that the state would give the highest priority to economic policy that would lead to rationalization of household expenditure. In addition, aiming at reducing the Egyptian trade balance, policies that would lead to reduction of the gap between imports and exports by limiting imports and encouraging exports are highly recommended. Moreover, policies that increase and encourage investment, limit inflation, and control of prices of goods and services are expected to have positive impact on the Egyptian economy.
Omnia Shahin | M. Rihan | Eman Fakhry | M. Abdelghafar
The trend currently in most countries of the world, whether developed or developing, is how to obtain the largest possible amount of gains in light of the state's available resources and the methods of production used and how to manage those resources in light of an investment climate consistent with those variables, and no country can live Isolated from all other countries in the world, whether that country is rich in resources and has a surplus in production and wants to spend it or it needs other countries to obtain a sufficient amount of a commodity that is sufficient for the needs of its population. In spite of the great export importance of Egyptian citrus crop and its occupation is the first in the list of Egyptian agricultural exports, and Egypt ranked third globally in its export, but its exports have been characterized by fluctuation and instability during the period (2018-2001), which leads to fluctuating returns from these masts, Which requires the necessity of identifying the determinants of external demand for these exports in various global markets to provide the necessary means for developing these exports and promoting them and maintaining their current markets and opening new markets for them and in light of the study problem and in an attempt to identify the most important variables Local and international influencing the demand for Egyptian citrus, and the study used a simultaneous multi-equation model, where he explained that the most influencing factors on the average Saudi per capita share of Egyptian citrus exports is the export price to Syria, and the export price to Jordan, as the value of "F" indicates the significance The statistically estimated equation is at the level of 0.05, and the adjusted coefficient of determination indicates that about 95% of the changes in the average per capita share of Egyptian exports are due to the above-mentioned independent variables. The results of the statistical analysis also showed that the most influencing factors on the average Russian per capita share The Egyptian citrus Dorat is the export price of Turkey citrus, and the average Russian per capita national income, as the value of "F" indicates the significance of the statistically equivalent equation at the level of 0.05, and the value of the adjusted coefficient of determination indicates that about 84% of the changes in the average per capita of exports The Egyptian citrus fruit of Russia is attributed to the aforementioned independent variables.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Prediction of Tomato Early Blight Disease Under Climate Change Conditions in Egypt
Hassan Hassan | Shaker abolmaaty | Afaf Elmenisy | Nagy Abdel-Ghafar
Early blight caused by Alternaria solani (Ell. and Mart.) is one of the most important economic diseases, which caused considerable loss in their yield and quality under Egyptian conditions. Aim the research was to study the relationship between climate change and disease severity for prediction in future seasons. Disease severity was recorded for three growing periods i.e. summer (May. to Aug), autumn (Jul. to Oct) and winter (Nov. to Mar.), at three governorates (Behira, Ismailia, and Assuit) during growing seasons 2016/2017-2017/2018. Severity of early blight disease on tomato has been predicted by regression estimated accumulative disease severity values during 2007/2008 to 2015/2016 season and average max and min temperature and humidity through these seasons. Prediction of disease has been formed as Y= b0+b1x1+b2x2+.......... bqxq. Three models were created to describe the severity disease by multiple regressions (MINITAB® program). The highest value of early blight disease was recorded through season 2017/2018, while the lowest value was recorded during season 2016/2017. Also, highly disease severity was estimated during summer period compared with autumn and winter growing periods, but through winter growing period was the least severity and moderately severity estimated in the autumn growing period. Influence of environmental conditions on the severity of early blight disease during seasons from 2007/2008 to 2015/2016, in Behira governorate, the highest disease severity was showed in season 2010-2011, and the lowest disease was in season 2012-2013, but in Ismailia governorate, highest disease severity was estimated in season 2010-2011and lowest disease was recorded in season 2013-2014 and in Assuit governorate, the highest value of disease was in season 2010-2011, and the lowest value was in season 2013-2014. For Forecasting, significantly differences noticed between disease severity through 2020/2030, 2030/2040 and 2040/ 2050s seasons compared with 2008/2018s seasons and thier relation with climate change in tested governorates, where severity of tomato early blight disease was icreased from 11.8% during 2008/2018s seasons to 2040/ 2050s seasons 15.4% during at Behira governorate, from 18.8% during 2008/2018s seasons to 2040/ 2050s seasons 36.3% during at Ismailia governorate and from 18.8% during 2008/2018s seasons to 2040/ 2050s seasons 40.4% during at Assuit governorate with slight change in maximum or minimum temperatures and percentage of relative humidity.
Rihan M.K. | Sally Bawady
Inflation is meant the overall and continuing rise in prices by the impact of internal or external variables, produced by excess demand about supply capacity. Problem of the study: The Egyptian economy has a decline in overall economic indicators, most importantly is the overall growth rate, compared with a rise in inflation, poverty, unemployment, the low production and the continuing deficit in the trade balance, and in general budget, which are negative indicators for the Egyptian economy. Therefore, the study is trying to explain and study the problem of inflation, its direct and indirect effects on overall growth rates in the Egyptian economy. Research Objectives: Identify the reality of growth rate in the Egyptian economy; identify what are inflation types and methods of measurement, measuring interaction relationships between both of inflation rates and growth rates in the Egyptian economy, determine factors afficting of both inflation and growth rates in Egypt, to work on indirect effect in these phenomena by afficting on those factors. Results and recommendations 1-To study the effect of the most important variables of affected GDP at current and real prices in Egypt during the period (2003-2014): It turns out that study variables give effects on growth rate in real GDP at real prices consistent with economic logic, on the contrary effects of the growth rate of GDP at current prices. 2- Study interrelationships between the local annual growth rate at real and current prices and the annual inflation rate in Egypt during the period (2003-2014): It was concluded that data will be relied on real growth rate of GDP in its relations with inflation, where it is more logical from the economic point of view than the results of the GDP growth rate of GDP at current prices. 3- The relation between the inflation rate and growth rate GDP in real terms is negatively slope. 4- The results of the current economic model show that: The most important factors affecting in inflation rate and real growth rate in GDP are: First: Annual inflation rate in consumer prices (X2), it has a negative significant statistically effect for both of annual growth rate of GDP at real prices% (X6), net cash reserve (X8), and the balance of current transactions and transfers (X13). And positive significant statistically effect for both of exchange rate of the dollar declared by the Central Bank (X10), and and the total surplus (deficit) (X21). Second: Annual growth rate of GDP at real prices% (X6), it has a negative effect from, annual inflation rate in consumer prices (X2), and the exchange rate of the dollar announced by the Central Bank (X10), while the effect was statistically significant positive for both of, net cash reserve (X8), and the total surplus (deficit) (X21). 5- Best method to forcast the main variables under study of inflation rate and the real growth rate of GDP is the use of the simutianeous equation model it takes into consideration all external variables affecting the internal variables under study. It was reached by forcasting both of the Inflation rates and real GDP growth rates, that the policies followed by floating exchange rate, which requires an impact on all variables to the hoped results of the floating of the Egyptian pound. Therefore research recommends: to re-enter the Central Bank for determining the exchange rate of the Egyptian pound against other currencies, not directly to the currency exchange rate, but by indirect intervention through supply and demand control of the currency in Egyptian market against other currencies, by intervening in the market by selling and buying direct from banks, in addition to moving external variables affecting both inflation and real growth rates in Egypt to able to reach the resalts of simulitanuos equation model which takes into account all external variables related to the study variables.
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