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Infrared guided smart food formulation: an innovative spectral reconstruction strategy to develop anticipated and constant apple puree products
Wang, Zhenjie | Bureau, Sylvie | Jaillais, Benoit | Renard, Catherine, M.G.C. | Chen, Xiao | Sun, Yali | Lv, Daizhu | Pan, Leiqing | Lan, Weijie | Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU) | Sécurité et Qualité des Produits d'Origine Végétale (SQPOV) ; Avignon Université (AU)-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE) | École nationale vétérinaire, agroalimentaire et de l'alimentation Nantes-Atlantique (ONIRIS) | Statistique, Sensométrie et Chimiométrie (StatSC) ; École nationale vétérinaire, agroalimentaire et de l'alimentation Nantes-Atlantique (ONIRIS)-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE) | Département Aliments, produits biosourcés et déchets - INRAE (TRANSFORM) ; Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE) | Sécurité et Qualité des Produits d'Origine Végétale (SQPOV) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Avignon Université (AU) | Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (CATAS) | This work was supported by the 'Interfaces' project, an Agropolis Foundation Flashship project publicly funded through the ANR (French Research Agency) under the 'Investissements d'Avenir' program ( Labex Agro, coordinated by Agropolis Fondation), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC,32302204), and Research Startup Foundation (ANR-10-LABX-01-001) Nanjing Agricultural University (No. 804120).
International audience | An innovative chemometric method was developed to exploit visible and near-infrared (Vis-NIR) spectroscopy to guide food formulation to reach the anticipated and constant quality of final products. First, a total of 671 spectral variables related to the puree quality characteristics were identified by spectral variable selection methods. Second, the concentration profiles from multivariate curve resolution-alternative least squares (MCR-ALS) made it possible to reconstruct the identified spectral variables of formulated purees. Partial least square based on the reconstructed Vis-NIR spectral variables was evidenced to predict the final puree quality, such as a* values (RPD = 3.30), total sugars (RPD = 2.64), titratable acidity (RPD = 2.55) and malic acid (RPD = 2.67), based only on the spectral data of composed puree cultivars. These results open the possibility of controlling puree formulation: a multiparameter optimization of the color and taste of final puree products can be obtained using only the VisNIR spectral data of single-cultivar purees.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Role of the gut microbiota in liver diseases | Role of the gut microbiota in liver diseases: Attestation from microbiota transplants in germfree animal models
Gerard, Philippe | MICrobiologie de l'ALImentation au Service de la Santé (MICALIS) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-AgroParisTech | MICrobiologie de l'ALImentation au Service de la Santé (MICALIS) ; AgroParisTech-Université Paris-Saclay-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE) | Institut des Sciences Vétérinaires, El- Khroub, Université de Constantine 1
International audience | The human intestine is home to a complex bacterial community known as the gut microbiota. This microbiota performs functions that are essential for maintaining our health, and has been shown to influence the host's physiology and metabolism. As a result, dysregulation of this intestinal microbiota, known as dysbiosis, could be implicated in the development of various diseases. However, studies analysing the microbiota rarely assess causality, which can be demonstrated by using germ-free (GF) animals and transplanting microbiota. Using these strategies, it has been shown that the intestinal microbiota may play a causal role in the development of obesity and associated metabolic disorders, particularly liver diseases, including Metabolic dysfunction–associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) and Alcoholic liver disease (ALD). Indeed, by transplanting the gut microbiota from mice with or without MASLD to GF mice, we showed that the propensity to develop MASLD features including hyperglycaemia or steatosis is transmissible by the gut microbiota. Regarding ALD, we first showed that a specific dysbiosis is present in alcoholic patients with a severe alcoholic hepatitis. GF mice colonized with the gut microbiota from a patient with severe alcoholic hepatitis (AH) developed more severe liver inflammation and higher liver necrosis, than GF mice colonized with the gut microbiota from an alcoholic patient without AH.In conclusion, we demonstrated that the individual susceptibility to liver diseases is driven, at least partly, by differences in intestinal microbiota composition. Our findings open new avenues for diagnostic procedures based on personalised medicine by the identification of patients at high risk of developing liver diseases. They also open new possibilities for liver diseases prevention and treatment through intestinal microbiota manipulation.
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