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النتائج 1 - 10 من 148
Investigation of the Protective Feature of the Shell Part of Japanese Quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica) Eggs Against Ionizing Radiation
Şındak, Nihat | Sulu, Kadir | Gülaydın, Ali | Akgül, Mustafa Barış | Özen, Doğukan
In this study, we aimed to assess the protective capacity of the eggshell against radiation and the impact of ionizing radiation on the embryonic development process in quail eggs exposed to varying doses of radiation during incubation. A total of 740 quail eggs were divided into six groups, each exposed to different doses of ionizing radiation. Throughout the incubation period, we monitored hatching rates and examined hatched chicks for potential pathologies. Additionally, over six months, we conducted routine weekly examinations and observed the sexual activity of mature quails. At the study's conclusion, clinical pathology was not observed, and there were no mass mortalities. Quails whose laying activities were monitored exhibited normal sexual behavior. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences in hatching rates among the main study groups (p<0.001). Specifically, Group VI, exposed to the highest levels of X-rays, exhibited significantly lower hatching rates compared to Groups I and V (p<0.001). These findings suggest that the quail eggshell provides some protection against ionizing radiation, as evidenced by the absence of anomalies and the high hatching rates observed in the chicks.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]In vitro 3D Spheroid Wound Modeling: An Alternative to Experimental Animal Studies
Akkaya, Esila Ece | Kul, Oğuz
ABSTRACT Laboratory animals have frequently been used in scientific and preclinical pharmaceutical drug safety and efficacy research. Although the introduction of new in silico assays and computer modeling for drug discovery has shown promise in reducing laboratory animal trials, there is still a need to develop in vitro alternatives to in vivo animal models. The in vitro spheroid wound model is one of the best options for developing alternative techniques to animal research as it is the most widely used laboratory animal model. The aim of the study is to using 3D in vitro wound modeling as an alternative to in vivo wound healing assays. In the study, a three-dimensional cell culture (organoid culture) with cell/cell and cell/matrix junctions was generated using the most common Fibroblast and HaCaT cell lines hanging drop technique to replicate the healing stages in the injured skin area. After spheroid epidermal structures were formed, inhibitors and activators were added to the culture medium and their effects on the wound line and 3D cells produced were determined. It was noted that the number of spheroid structures increased significantly and cell-cell interactions became visible in the additional activator groups compared to the control groups. When the inhibitor-treated group was compared with the control groups, it was observed that the formed structures completely disappeared or decreased in amount and cell-cell interactions could not be established. In conclusion, this study offers an alternative to using laboratory animals to evaluate potential medicines and/or extracts in wound healing experiments.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Investigation of the Antibacterial Effectiveness of Various Licensed Surface Disinfectants
Kızıl, Sibel | Gürer Giray , Burcu | Direkel, Şahin | Gül, Emine | Çeçen , Efsun Melike | Kazan, Asya | Emekdaş, Gürol | Alkan , Nilüfer
The concept of hygiene has become more important today due to pandemic infections. Many products on the market have been licensed, but whose antibacterial effectiveness has not been checked later. For this reason, the study aimed to determine the antibacterial activities of surface disinfectants available in the market for public and personal use, based on the international standard. Eight different surface disinfectants, licensed from the authority and for public and personal use, were collected and processed without any dilution (100%). In the study, standard strains Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) (ATCC 6538), Escherichia coli (E. coli) (ATCC 10536), and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeroginosa) (ATCC 15442) were used. Exposure conditions; it was done for 5 minutes and under clean conditions (0.3 g/L bovine albumin solution) at room temperature (22-24℃). It was determined that the eight surface disinfectants included in the study showed different levels of antibacterial activity. When the logarithm differences and antibacterial activities of surface disinfectants are examined as percentages; while the logarithm difference of three disinfectants against the three bacteria examined was ≥ 5; the logarithm difference of five disinfectants against two bacteria is ≥ 5; the percentage of those effective against all three bacteria was 37.5%; the percentage of those effective against both bacteria was found to be 62.5%. Due to the improprieties detected in the antibacterial activities of the surface disinfectants examined, when their antibacterial activities are examined, although they are licensed, it is seen that the products do not provide the specified antibacterial activity. The selection of disinfectants used to neutralize bacteria that cause infections, the determination of their antibacterial activities, and the sustainability of the determined antibacterial activity are of great importance. For this reason, it is necessary to check the antibacterial activities of disinfectants even after the registration stage and to select disinfectants according to their effectiveness to prevent infections.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Investigation of the Contribution of Different Antiseptic Solutions to Clinical Recovery in Uroretropropulsion Technique in Cats
SAYLAK, Nahit | Sukutli, Umut
The aim of this study was to report the contribution of different antiseptics to clinical improvement during intravesical lavage in cats with urethral obstruction problems. Urethral obstruction (UO) is a problem mostly encountered in male cats, requiring urgent intervention with a high success rate in the inferior urinary system. A total of 42 cats of different breeds and ages were evaluated, and the first medical treatment was applied, but no urine output was detected. All cases were randomly divided into 3 different groups and one-time intravesical lavage was performed with different fluids: GI (0.9% saline), GII (Dimethyl sulphoxide) and GIII (lugol’s solution). The controls performed on the 7th, 14th, and 30th days of the study showed similar results in all cases, and no statistically significant difference was determined. As a result, it was concluded that lugol’s solution can be used as a new alternative to DMSO antiseptic, which is the only agent approved for treatment by the US Food and Drug Administration, when performing intravesical lavage in cats with urethral obstruction.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Intestinal Mucosal Damage and Intestinal Permeability In Non Infectious and Infectious Diarrheic Calves In Relation to Diamine Oxidase Activity
Alıç Ural, Deniz
This field study was designed as a cohort (prospective) and involved 71 calves within the borders of Aydın Province. Each calf in the study was from one of three different farms (Farm A with 12 non-infectious diarrheic, 15 infectious diarrheic, Farm B with 13 non-infectious diarrheic, 19 infectious diarrheic, and Farm C as the healthy control group n=12). Serum samples were separated into Eppendorf tubes after centrifugation and stored in a -80 °C freezer until analysis. The competitive enzyme immunoassay technique was applied using the Bovine Diamine Oxidase ELISA test. Diamine Oxidase (ng/mL) measurements in infectious, non-infectious, and healthy calves were determined to be 6.52 ± 2.85, 7.16 ± 3.40, and 17.05 ± 2.63 (p< 0.001), respectively, in terms of mean ± standard error. The data obtained suggest that determining circulating diamine oxidase enzyme levels under field conditions can support diagnosis as a biological marker of intestinal permeability, and more prominently, diamine oxidase activity may decrease in both non-infectious and infectious diarrheic calves in relation to small intestinal mucosal damage. This could represent a step closer to the diagnosis of leaky gut in calves.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Treatment of Diaphyseal Tibial Fractures of Cats with Using Minimal Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis and Evaluation of Outcomes Postoperatively
Karslı, Birkan | Bakıcı, Merve
In the present study, it was aimed to apply minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) in the treatment of diaphyseal tibia fractures in cats and to evaluate recovery and complications postoperatively. Minimally invasive fracture repair preserves the blood supply of fragments and periosteal tissues which help to result faster healing, less morbidity, and rapid recovery of limb function. The study was conducted on 12 cats with diaphyseal tibia fracture. After closed reduction of the fractures of the cats included in the study, two small incisions were made from the proximal and distal tibia to expose the bone tissue. Plate placement was performed percutaneously through these insicion areas. The plate was fixed with two screws from the proximal and distal incision line and the fixation of the fracture line was ensured. Soft bandage was applied for 5 days postoperatively and animals caged to restrict movements for 3 weeks. X-rays were taken at regular intervals postoperatively and fracture healing was evaluated. In the controls, it was seen that the animals started to use their legs after the bandage was removed. There were no complications related to the very small operation wound and bone tissue. Healing times were determined as 35 days on average. As a result, it was determined that earlier healing was performed and less complication rate compared to open operational techniques.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The Diversity of Hind-Gut Bacterial Microbiome of House Rats and Cockroaches: An indication of Public Health Risk for Residents of Semi-urban and Urban Morogoro, Tanzania
Kimwaga, Bernadetha Richard | Mzula, Alexanda | Mnyone, Ladslaus
House rats (Rattus rattus) and cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) are important reservoirs of zoonotic bacterial diseases. Understanding these animals' gut bacteria composition is crucial for monitoring and preventing infections. This study aimed to determine the hindgut bacteria composition and diversity of the two hosts sampled from Kilosa and Morogoro districts, in Tanzania. A cross-sectional study design was employed, A total of 114 house rats and 57 cockroaches were caught. The hind guts of trapped host species were dissected and pooled to obtain four pools (two pools represent the hindgut of R. rattus and P. americana from Morogoro municipal and two pools for the hindgut of R. rattus and P. americana from Kilosa district). Genomic DNA was extracted from the pooled samples which was then used in metagenomics sequencing. The observed Shannon and Chao 1 indices indicated higher bacterial species diversity in rats of the Kilosa district and cockroaches of Morogoro municipal. The microbiome diversity in Morogoro municipal was higher for cockroaches than for rats, but it was not statistically significant (p>0.05). In Kilosa district, the microbiome diversity was higher for rats than for cockroaches, but it was not statistically significant (p>0.05) Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes were the most abundant phyla in the hindgut samples of both animals. However, abundances differed among the host species and areas sampled. Proteobacteria were the most abundant phylum from Rattus rattus from Kilosa district, P. americana and R. rattus from Morogoro municipal, comprising 48%, 41%, and 40%, respectively. Bacteroidetes were plentiful from P. americana from Kilosa district (48%). Bacterial diversity was observed to be higher for R. rattus from Kilosa district and P. americana from Morogoro municipal. Potential pathogenic bacteria were also observed; the highest relative abundance of pathogenic bacteria was observed from P. americana of Kilosa, followed by R. rattus from the Morogoro district. Therefore, this study highlights the composition of hindgut bacteria carried by P. americana and R. rattus, which gives an insight into the different bacteria carried, including the pathogenic ones. This study suggests surveillance of these pests to minimise outbreaks and transmission of zoonotic diseases. Since this study did not focus on factors influencing microbiome composition and diversity, further studies are recommended to be conducted to see the influence of those factors on the gut microbiome.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Investigation of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Tendency by Echocardiography in Kangal Dogs
Toksoy, Görkem | Yasa Duru, Sibel
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is defined as a cardiac disease characterized by dilatation of the cardiac chamber, decreased myocardial contractility, and decreased left ventricular ejection fraction. In this study, we aimed to determine whether there is a tendency to age-related dilated cardiomyopathy in Kangal Dogs, a breed of Anatolia, echocardiographically. The experimental groups of the study consisted of a total of 20 dogs, 10 of which were 1-3 years old, young group (Group I) and the other 10 were 4-7 years old, middle-aged group (Group II), who had no clinical problems at rest. By echocardiographic examination, the end-diastolic thickness of interventricular septum, the end-systolic thickness of interventricular septum, left atrial diastolic diameter, aortic root diastolic inner diameter, the ratio of left atrium diameter to aortic diameter, left ventricular end-diastolic inner diameter, left ventricular end-systolic inner diameter end-systolic thickness of the posterior wall, the end-diastolic thickness of the posterior wall of the left ventricle, heart rate, left ventricular ejection fraction, left ventricular contraction force, stroke volume, cardiac output, end-diastolic volume and end-systolic volume parameters were measured. The data collected from the two groups were analysed using independent samples T-test. In conclusion, considering that the age of the Kangal dogs constituting the middle-aged group (G II) of the study was within the age limits specified in the studies (6-7 years), a myocardial defect indicating echocardiographic DCM was not detected. Thus, it was concluded that there is no tendency for DCM among the age groups included in the study. However, it can be said that echocardiographic evaluation of more coiled dogs in the given age group may give a more reliable result considering that the rate of DCM is 6% in different breed dogs.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Intestinal Permeability Targeted Rectal Enema Nutraceutical Intervention in Dogs with Cutaneous Adverse Food Reactions: Gut-Brain-Skin Axis Directed Pro-active Treatment
Ural, Kerem | Erdogan, Hasan | Erdogan, Songul | Aslan, Tuğba | Balıkçı, Cansu | Gökçay, Gamze
Inflammatory cutaneous disorders have frequently been subjected to treatment trials with very limited success by pharmaceutical intervention, such as corticosteroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Nevertheless, the latter drugs might be usual suspects for undesirable side effects. In an attempt to overcome those side effects, natural nutraceuticals are being investigated by the present researchers group. In this scenario, 5 different set of nutraceutical interventions [were numbered by their relevant usage order as Nutr-i1 to Nutr-i5] via rectal enema was deemed available at the present study as a novel protocol for pro-active treatment of cutaneous adverse food reactions (caFr) among dogs involved. In a total of 10 dogs with caFr, at the age of 2 to 7 years old, of both sexes, from various breeds diagnosis was based on i) in vitro serum testing for selected/specific IgE ii) intradermal testing different antigens, iii) elimination diet trial and iv) treatment based respond evaluation. Pruritus, as a vast majority presented clinical sign, scoring deemed available visual analog scale (pVaS). Mean ( ± Sd) pVaS scores showed significant decreases after treatment in contrast to prior values [1.4 ± 1.27 vs.7.7 ± 1.62, respectively (p<0.005)]. As discussed herein in the whole manuscript, all Nutr-i1 to Nutr-i5 protocols showed pro-active treatment efficacy, which could contribute to novel protocol establishment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Determination of Neonicotinoid Residues in Honey Samples Collected from The East-Southeast Anatolia Region of Türkiye
Dinç, Hikmet | Özdemir, Nurullah | Kapucuk, Fuat Serkan
In this study, 30 honey specimens were collected from some provinces of East-Southeast Anatolia to investigate the residue of neonicotinoid type insecticide. After the collected honey specimens were extracted with the liquid-liquid extraction method, the analyzes were carried out in a High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) device. According to the analysis results, Acetamiprid in honey samples was observed to be in the range of 0.93-4.98 μg/kg. These results were found to be below the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) value of 5 μg/kg according to FAO/WHO and Turkish Food Codex (TGK). It was determined that the results obtained for other analytes were insignificant and were in accordance with the residue limits of neonicotinoids in honey.
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