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النتائج 1 - 10 من 13
High-speed exercise history and catastrophic racing fracture in Thoroughbreds.
Estberg L. | Stover S.M. | Gardner I.A. | Drake C.M. | Johnson B. | Ardans A.
A comparison of feed intake and growth performance of goats fed guinea grass and napier grass
Norfadzrin F. | Mohamad Noor I. | Nurzillah M. | Aswanimiyuni A. | Haryani H.
In Malaysia, Guinea grass (Megathrysus maximus) and Napier grass(Pennisetum purpureum) are considered as good palatable fodder for goats and have been used widely. The objective of this study is to evaluate the potential grasses for goats to have optimum growth performance and optimum feeding cost. Fourteen male Jamnapari goats with an average age of five months were used in this experiment. All animals were individually weighed anddivided equally (seven goats) into two treatment groups. Group 1 was fed with cut and carry Guinea grass while group 2 animals were fed cut and carry Napier grass, and both groups were given the same quality and quantity of PKC and molasses. There was no significant difference observed in the average final weight (AFW), average weight gain (AWG) and average daily gain (ADG) among the two dietary treatment group. However, dry matter intake (DMI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) showed a significant difference. The group fed with Napier grass showed lower ADMI and FCR. From the viewpoint of economic evaluation, feeding Guinea grass and Napier grass as an animal feed is economincally viable for local farmers.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of the effects of a commercially available Salmonella Newport siderophore receptor and porin protein vaccine on fecal shedding of Salmonella bacteria and health and performance of feedlot cattle
Dodd, Charles C. | Renter, David G. | Thomson, Daniel U. | Nagaraja, T.G.
Objective--To evaluate effects of a Salmonella Newport siderophore receptor and porin protein (SRP) vaccine on cattle health and performance and on prevalence of fecal shedding of Salmonella bacteria in feedlot cattle. Animals--1,591 beef cattle. Procedures--Cattle were randomly allocated within a replicate (n = 10 replicates [20 total pens]), administered 2 mL of a Salmonella Newport SRP vaccine (n = 795 cattle) or a placebo (796), and revaccinated approximately 21 days after the first administration. Health and performance data were recorded by trained feedlot personnel who were blinded to treatment. Fresh fecal samples (n = 25) were collected from pen floors on days 0, 60, and 120 and within 24 hours of cattle harvest and were subjected to selective Salmonella culture and serotyping by laboratory personnel who were blinded to treatment. Pen-level mixed models were used to analyze data. Results--Significant differences in fecal prevalence of Salmonella bacteria or health and performance variables were not detected between vaccinated and control cattle. Salmonella bacteria were recovered from all 10 replicates, and cumulative prevalence estimates ranged from 1.5% to 22%. Overall prevalence of fecal shedding of Salmonella bacteria was 10.2% and 10.9% in vaccinated and control cattle, respectively. Overall morbidity risk was 34.8% for both vaccinated and control cattle. Overall mortality risks were 1.9% and 1.1% for vaccinated and control cattle, respectively. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance--In this setting, administration of the Salmonella Newport SRP vaccine in feedlot cattle had no effect on fecal prevalence of Salmonella bacteria or cattle health and performance.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of economic effects and the health and performance of the general cattle population after exposure to cattle persistently infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus in a starter feedlot
To evaluate economic effects and health and performance of the general cattle population after exposure to cattle persistently infected (PI) with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in a feedlot. 21,743 high-risk calves from the southeastern United States. PI status was determined by use of an antigen-capture ELISA (ACE) and confirmed by use of a second ACE, reverse transcriptase-PCR assay of sera, immunohistochemical analysis, and virus isolation from sera. Groups with various amounts of exposure to BVDV PI cattle were used. After being placed in the feedlot, identified PI cattle were removed from 1 section, but PI cattle remained in another section of the feedlot. Exposure groups for cattle lots arriving without PI animals were determined by spatial association to cattle lots, with PI animals remaining or removed from the lot. 15,348 cattle maintained their exposure group. Performance outcomes improved slightly among the 5 exposure groups as the risk for exposure to BVDV PI cattle decreased. Health outcomes had an association with exposure risk that depended on the exposure group. Comparing cattle lots with direct exposure with those without direct exposure revealed significant improvements in all performance outcomes and in first relapse percentage and mortality percentage in the health outcomes. Economic analysis revealed that fatalities accounted for losses of $5.26/animal and performance losses were $88.26/animal. This study provided evidence that exposure of the general population of feedlot cattle to BVDV PI animals resulted in substantial costs attributable to negative effects on performance and increased fatalities.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Prevalence of lameness and metabolic disorders in endurance horses
Lawan A. | Noraniza M. A. | Rasedee A. | Bashir A.
This study was carried out to investigate the prevalence of equine
lameness and metabolic disorders in endurance horses during an endurance race. Out of 67 horses that participated in the race, 19 horses completed the race successfully without any derangement while 48 horses were eliminated from the race for various disorders. Fifty-three (53.73%) percent of these horses had metabolic disorders and
17.91% were eliminated due to lameness. The study showed that the highest number of endurance horses that were eliminated were due to metabolic disorders followed by lameness. These findings may assist veterinarians in designing laudable measures in the management and
conditioning protocols of endurance horses during training and further prevent the morbidity and mortality during endurance races.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of strenuous sub-maximal race on heart rates of endurance horses
Lawan A. | Noraniza M. A. | Rasedee A. | Bashir A.
The study was carried out to investigate the effect of prolong
submaximal exercise on heart rate reflecting the performance of endurance horses after covering distances of 40 and 80 km races. This study was conducted in Malaysia to determine the post-race
heart rates of endurance horses based on distances for the eliminated horses and those that completed the races with good
performance. Heart rates of competing endurance horses were examined at pre and post-race. Thirty-four endurance horses were sampled; N = 9 (40 km) and N = 9 (80 km) were the good performance horses while, N = 3 (40 km) and N = 13 (80 km) were the poor performance horses
eliminated from the race. The mean heart rate of the good performance horses in the 40 km category was 53 ± 8 bpm and that of
the 80 km in the good performance category was 56 ± 7 bpm, while the eliminated horses of the 40 km group had 74 ± 17 bpm and those in the 80 km group had 78 ± 7 bpm. The study showed that eliminated
horses in the 40 and 80 km categories both exhibited high heart rates compared to the good performance horses that were in the same racing category. Thus, the heart rates of horses during training may be used to predict performance based on distances covered in endurance races.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Investigation on performance of different age and gender using biochemical profile of horses during 120 km endurance race
Noraniza M. A. | Lawan A. | Rasedee A. | Bashir A.
Exercise-induced changes of pro-oxidant generating substances and muscle fibre damaging enzymes are the possible causes of reduced performance in endurance horses. Therefore, this study aims to investigate on the performance of different age and gender using biochemical profile of endurance horses during 120 km endurance race. One hundred and eighty four Arabian endurance horses were physically examined and blood samples were collected post-race.
After physical examination, the MD (F, n= 44; G, n = 86) and SC (F, n = 20; G, n = 34) were identified. T-test and pairwise correlation were used for the analysis. There were significant differences in
CK, uric acid, lactate and age (P<0.0001) respectively between the gender in the MD and SC. There were significant differences in AST (P<0.0029) and GGT (P<0.0039) respectively between the gender in the
MD and SC. In conclusion age and gender significantly affect performance of endurance horses in relation to biochemical profile during 120 km endurance race. Therefore, further studies are required to determine if age, gender and biochemical profile could be used to assess performance in endurance horses.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of supplementation of crystal lodine to drinking water on Broiler
Eren, M. | Yavuz, H.M. | Deniz, G. | Kardes, S. (Uludag Univ. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bursa (Turkey))
This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of 2 ppm iodine supplementation to drinking water of broilers on body weight, feed efficiency, carcass dressing percentage, feed consumption per kg carcass, mortality and litter moisture. In the present study a total of 512 day-old sexed Avian Farm broiler chicks were used
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Интерьерные особенности утят при межлинейной гибридизации
Petrukovich, T.V. | Ryskova, I.P., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the possibility of increasing of meat yield productivity of ducklings of Temp cross in the conditions application of parental lines of Peking ducks of German breeding Stolle Seddin Vital (SVV) cross. In course of the study there was realized a comparative evaluation of linear and crossbred ducklings in accordance with meat qualities and blood indexes. There were presented the results of morphological composition of liner and crossbred duck carcasses; dynamics of changes of lipid exchange (total lipids; cholesterine; triglyceride) of ducklings; morphological composition of carcasses of father and mother combinations; blood indexes of ducklings; blood indexes of crossbred ducklings of final combinations. Research results showed that crossbred ducklings had high meat properties which exceeded the purebred ones. In ducklings with lower indexes of fattiness of carcasses there was noted the lowering of concentration of total lipids, cholesterine and triglyceride in blood.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Фенотипические особенности ремонтных телочек, полученных методом трансплантации замороженно-оттаянных эмбрионов
Minina, N.G., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
The study has stated that heifer replacements, from the date of birth to 18 months, got through transplantation of frozen-defrosted embryos were not inferior to and in many cases superior to the heifers of their age but got through traditional reproduction. Transplant first-calf heifers have a high level of milk productivity which amounts to 7536,10 kilos, with 3,62% of fat and 3,23% of protein. Thus they provide a good selection material for new generation champions to be chosen among them and for being used as mothers of bulls for service
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]