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النتائج 1 - 10 من 12
Prevalence of pigment gallstones in sheep.
Cavallini A. | Messa C. | Mangini V. | Linsalata M. | Guerra V. | Misciagna G. | Di Leo A.
In a survey of 666 sheep at a slaughterhouse, gallstones (concretions with a diameter greater than or equal to 1 mm) were found in the gallbladder of 50 sheep (7.5%), sludge (concretions with a diameter < 1 mm) was found in 9 sheep (1.4%), and sludge plus gallstones were found in 7 sheep (1.1%). Gallstones and sludge were associated, and were more frequent in lambs and females, compared with adults and males. Qualitative analysis of the stones revealed all to be pigment (bilirubin) stones. There was a statistically significant increase of biliary bilirubin (total and indirect quota) only in sheep with gallstones plus sludge, compared with control sheep without sludge or gallstones. Concentrations of bilirubin, cholesterol, phospholipids, total and single bile aids, and total and ionized calcium were similar in the bile of sheep with gallstones, sludge, or both and control sheep. Bacteriologic analysis of the bile in 10 sheep with gallstones and 10 controls revealed bacteria in 50% of the first group and in 75% of the second group (Escherichia coli in all sheep and Salmonella spp also in 1 sheep with gallstones). These findings confirm our earlier findings of a high prevalence of black pigment gallstones in sheep. On that basis, we suggest that gallstones are associated with high total bilirubin concentration in the bile, and deconjugating bacteria are common in the biliary tract of these animals.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Percutaneous ultrasound-guided cholecystocentesis in cows.
Braun U. | Gerber D.
A method was developed for percutaneous ultrasound-guided cholecystocentesis in cattle. The procedure was performed on the right side in the 9th, 10th, or 11th intercostal space of 30 cows. Of the 30 cows, 20 were slaughtered 24 hours after cholecystocentesis and the remaining 10 cows were slaughtered after a 10-day observation period. Changes in the peritoneum and gallbladder wall, observed at slaughter, were minimal. During the 10-day observation period, general behavior, attitude, and appetite of the 10 cows were normal. A transient, slight increase in rectal temperature was observed in 6 cows at 4, 5, or 8 days after cholecystocentesis. Total and differential WBC counts and total protein and fibrinogen concentrations, determined daily, were all within normal ranges. Bile samples from 20 cows were examined microscopically and biochemically. Fasciola hepatica and Dicrocoelium dendriticum eggs were observed in bile from 7 and 12 cows, respectively. Fecal examination revealed F hepatica eggs in 4 cows; D dendriticum eggs were not identified in any of the fecal samples. In 1 cow, F hepatica eggs were observed in the feces, but not in the bile. Bile acids concentration in bile varied from 12.5 to 68.5 mmol/L (mean +/- SD, 45.3 +/- 3.05 mmol/l) and in serum from 3.8 to 281.0 micromol/l (41.6 +/- 17.24 micromol/L). Negative correlation was obtained between bile acids concentration in bile and that in serum (r = - 0.60, P < 0.01). It was concluded that percutaneous ultrasound-guided cholecystocentesis in cows is a safe procedure and that microscopic and biochemical examinations of obtained bile can be useful diagnostic aids.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Biochemical, functional, and histopathologic characterization of lomustine-induced liver injury in dogs
Dedeaux, Andrea M. | Flesner, Brian K. | Reinhart, Jennifer M. | Langohr, Ingeborg M. | Husnik, Roman | Geraci, Shawn N. | Toboada, Joseph | Rademacher, Nathalie | Thombs, Lori A. | Bryan, Jeffrey N. | Trepanier, Lauren A. | Boudreaux, Bonnie B.
OBJECTIVE To characterize the biochemical, functional, and histopathologic changes associated with lomustine-induced liver injury in dogs. ANIMALS I0 healthy purpose-bred sexually intact female hounds. PROCEDURES Dogs were randomly assigned to receive lomustine (approx 75 mg/m2, PO, q 21 d for 5 doses) alone (n = 5) or with prednisone (approx 1.5 mg/kg, PO, q 24 h for 12 weeks; 5). For each dog, a CBC, serum biochemical analysis, liver function testing, urinalysis, and ultrasonographic examination of the liver with acquisition of liver biopsy specimens were performed before and at predetermined times during and after lomustine administration. Results were compared between dogs that did and did not receive prednisone. RESULTS 7 of the I0 dogs developed clinical signs of liver failure. For all dogs, serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activities, bile acid concentrations, and liver histologic score increased and hepatic reduced glutathione content decreased over time. Peak serum ALT (r = 0.79) and ALP (r = 0.90) activities and bile acid concentration (r = 0.68) were positively correlated with the final histologic score. Prednisone did not appear to have a protective effect on histologic score. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE In dogs, liver enzyme activities, particularly ALT and ALP activities, should be closely monitored during lomustine treatment and acute increases in those activities may warrant discontinuation of lomustine to mitigate liver injury. Nonspecific ultrasonographic findings and abnormal increases in liver function tests were not detected until the onset of clinical liver failure. Glutathione depletion may have a role in lomustine-induced hepatopathy and warrants further investigation.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]In vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy for the evaluation of hepatic encephalopathy in dogs
Carrera, Ines | Kircher, Patrick R. | Meier, Dieter | Richter, Henning | Beckman, Katrin | Dennler, Matthias
Objective—To investigate clinical use of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) and to compare metabolic brain bioprofiles of dogs with and without hepatic encephalopathy. Animals—6 dogs with hepatic encephalopathy and 12 control dogs. Procedures—Conventional MRI and single-voxel 1H MRS were performed with a 3-T magnet. Images for routine MRI planes and sequences were obtained. Single-voxel 1H MRS was performed with a point-resolved sequence with a short echo time (35 milliseconds) and voxel of interest placement at the level of the basal ganglia. Metabolites of interest included the glutamine-glutamate complex (sum quantification of glutamate and glutamine), myoinositol, N-acetyl aspartate, total choline, and creatine. Data were analyzed with postprocessing fitting algorithm software, and metabolite concentration relative to water and ratios with creatine as the reference metabolite were calculated. Results—Compared with control dogs, dogs with hepatic encephalopathy had specific changes, which included significantly higher concentration relative to water of the glutamine-glutamate complex and significantly lower concentration of myoinositol. Choline and N-acetyl aspartate concentrations were also slightly lower in dogs with hepatic encephalopathy than in control dogs. No differences in creatine concentration were detected between groups. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—1H MRS aided in the diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy in dogs, and findings supported the assumption that ammonia is a neurotoxin that manifests via glutamine-glutamate complex derangements. Use of 1H MRS may provide clinically relevant information in patients with subclinical hepatic encephalopathy, equivocal results of bile acids tests, and equivocal ammonia concentrations or may be helpful in monitoring efficacy of medical management.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Prevalence of pigment gallstones in sheep
Cavallini, A. | Messa, C. | Mangini, V. | Linsalata, M. | Guerra, V. | Misciagna, G. | Di Leo, A.
In a survey of 666 sheep at a slaughterhouse, gallstones (concretions with a diameter greater than or equal to 1 mm) were found in the gallbladder of 50 sheep (7.5%), sludge (concretions with a diameter < 1 mm) was found in 9 sheep (1.4%), and sludge plus gallstones were found in 7 sheep (1.1%). Gallstones and sludge were associated, and were more frequent in lambs and females, compared with adults and males. Qualitative analysis of the stones revealed all to be pigment (bilirubin) stones. There was a statistically significant increase of biliary bilirubin (total and indirect quota) only in sheep with gallstones plus sludge, compared with control sheep without sludge or gallstones. Concentrations of bilirubin, cholesterol, phospholipids, total and single bile aids, and total and ionized calcium were similar in the bile of sheep with gallstones, sludge, or both and control sheep. Bacteriologic analysis of the bile in 10 sheep with gallstones and 10 controls revealed bacteria in 50% of the first group and in 75% of the second group (Escherichia coli in all sheep and Salmonella spp also in 1 sheep with gallstones). These findings confirm our earlier findings of a high prevalence of black pigment gallstones in sheep. On that basis, we suggest that gallstones are associated with high total bilirubin concentration in the bile, and deconjugating bacteria are common in the biliary tract of these animals.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Hepatic total 3 alpha-hydroxy bile acids concentration and enzyme activities in prednisone-treated dogs
Solter, P.F. | Hoffmann, W.E. | Chambers, M.D. | Schaeffer, D.J. | Kuhlenschmidt, M.S.
High serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity is considered a sensitive marker of cholestasis in most mammalian species, including dogs. Induction of high serum ALP activity in association with cholestasis is dependent on high hepatic bile acids concentrations. Treatment of dogs with glucocorticoids also results in high serum ALP activity. The possible causal relation between serum ALP activity and bile acids concentration was investigated in dogs treated with glucocorticoids. The relation of glucocorticoid treatment to changes in the activity of individual ALP isoenzymes, alanine transaminase (ALT) and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) also was investigated. Eight conditioned dogs were given 4 mg of prednisone/kg of body weight, IM, daily for 10 days. Blood samples were taken prior to treatment and on treatment days 3, 5, 7, and 10. Liver tissue was then taken from each dog. Serum total ALP activity was significantly (P < 0.05) high at day 3 in prednisone-treated dogs. Isoenzyme analysis indicated that this increase was attributable to an increase in the liver ALP isoenzyme (LALP). Significant increases in serum corticosteroid-induced ALP (CALP) and bone ALP were first observed on days 7 and 10, respectively. Serum ALT and GGT activities were significantly increased by day 5. Increased serum or hepatic tissue bile acids concentrations were not observed in prednisone-treated dogs, compared with values in 8 clinically normal (control) dogs, but were high in 3 dogs with complete bile duct ligation. Hepatic activities of LALP, CALP, and GGT were higher in prednisone-treated dogs than values in controls, indicating probable increased hepatic synthesis of these enzymes. Hepatic ALT activity was not increased. The ratio of serum to tissue LALP activity was increased in prednisone-treated dogs, compared with values in controls, indicating that LALP may have been preferentially released into serum. There was no difference in the ratio of serum to liver GGT activity between prednisone-treated dogs and controls. The LALP and GGT ratios were increased in bile duct-obstruction dogs. It was concluded that, although LALP is the principal ALP isoenzyme in serum during the first 10 days of prednisone treatment, hepatic bile acid concentrations are not increased and, therefore, are not likely to be responsible for induction and release of ALP into serum. Prednisone may, therefore, be directly responsible for induction of ALP activity in dogs treated thusly.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]3 alpha-hydroxylated bile acid profiles in clinically normal cats, cats with severe hepatic lipidosis, and cats with complete extrahepatic bile duct occlusion
Center, S.A. | Thompson, M. | Guida, L.
Concentrations of 3 alpha-hydroxylated bile acids were measured in serum and urine of clinically normal (healthy) cats (n = 6), cats with severe hepatic lipidosis (n = 9), and cats with complete bile duct occlusion (n = 4). Bile acid concentrations were measured by use of a gradient flow high-performance liquid chromatography procedure with an acetonitrile and ammonium phosphate mobile phase and an in-line postanalytic column containing 3 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and a fluorescence detector. Specific identification of all bile acid peaks was not completed; unidentified moieties were represented in terms of their elution time (in minutes). Significant differences in serum and urine bile acid concentrations, quantitative and proportional, were determined among groups of cats. Cats with hepatic lipidosis and bile duct occlusion had significantly (P greater than or equal to 0.05) greater total serum and urine bile acids concentrations than did healthy cats. The proportion of hydrophobic bile acids in serum, those eluting at greater than or equal to 400 minutes, was 1.9% for healthy cats, 3.3% for cats with lipidosis, and 5.4% for bile duct-obstructed cats. Both groups of ill cats had a broader spectrum of unidentified late-eluting serum bile acids than did healthy cats; the largest spectrum developed in bile duct-occluded cats. The trihydroxy-to-dihydroxy serum bile acids ratio was 8.8:1 for healthy cats; 24.1:1 for cats with lipidosis: and 20:1 for cats with bile duct obstruction. There was a paucity of glycine-conjugated bile acids in all cats and small quantities of secondary bile acids in ill cats. A significantly (P < 0.05) smaller proportion of unconjugated primary bile acids was detected in sera from ill cats. Serum taurolithocholic acid was detected only in small quantities in cats of each group. There was significantly increased quantity, but lower proportion, of trihydroxy-cholestanoic acid in serum from ill cats, compared with healthy cats. A significantly (P < 0.05) greater proportional amount of unidentified moieties eluting at 130 and 277 minutes was detected in urine of cats with hepatic lipidosis; we believe that the unidentified moiety eluting at 277 minutes is tau- tauroallocholic acid. Large proportional amounts of taurocholic and cholic acids were detected in urine of all cats, but ill cats had significantly (P < 0.05) greater quantities (quantitatively and proportional). Ill cats had significantly (P < 0.05) more taurocholic than cholic acid in urine. Because taurine is an essential amino acid for cats and is a necessary daily dietary constituent, large urinary losses of taurine in conjugated bile acids may further compromise the health of anorectic cats with severe hepatic lipidosis.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Serum bile acid concentration in clinically normal cattle: comparison by type, age, and stage of lactation
Craig, A.M. | Pearson, E.G. | Rowe, K.
Serum total bile acid concentrations were determined for various types and ages of cattle. There was extreme variability among all the cattle, but the variance was twice as large (0.50 vs 0.22 in logarithmic scale) for beef cattle than for dairy cattle. There was no significant difference in serum total bile acid concentrations between beef cattle and dairy cattle in midlactation. Values for calves < 6 weeks old and for 6-month-old heifers were significantly (P = < 0.05) lower than values for lactating dairy cows. The 5th to 95th percentile range of values (micromol/L) for beef cattle was 9 to 126; for lactating dairy cattle, 15 to 88; and for 6-month-old dairy heifers, 11 to 64.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Variability of serum bile acid concentrations over time in dairy cattle, and effect of feed deprivation on the variability
Pearson, E.G. | Craig, A.M. | Rowe, K.
Twelve nonlactating dairy cows, free of signs of liver disease and with normal serum activities of liver-derived enzymes and normal liver biopsy tissue, were examined over a 72-hour period for serum total bile acid concentrations. The cattle were fed hay twice daily, and blood samples were obtained every hour for 24 hours, every other hour for 24 hours, then every hour for 24 hours. After 3 weeks, the study was repeated on 6 of the cattle, thus providing data for eighteen 72-hour periods. Serum bile acid concentration varied greatly over the 72 hours, with the range being from one third to 3 times the median. There were variations by as much as 60 micromol/L from 1 hour to the next. After another 3 weeks, 8 of the cattle were deprived of hay for 48 hours and then fed hay morning and afternoon of the third (last) day of the study. There was no significant reduction in bile acid concentration after withholding the hay, but the variability was reduced (P = 0.02) during the last 20 hours of the haydeprivation period. In 3 ancillary studies, serum bile acid concentrations were examined over a 48-hour period in 2 cows in early lactation, 3 cows in midlactation, and two 6-month-old heifers. The cows were fed hay and grain twice daily, and the heifers were fed only hay twice daily. In comparison with values for the 12 nonlactating cows fed hay twice daily, mean serum bile acid concentration in the recently freshened cows was significantly (P < 0.002) higher (62.9 vs 22.0 micromol/L). The cows in midlactation had hourly fluctuations as great as 65 micromol/L. Values for the heifers varied less than values in older cattle.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Percutaneous ultrasound-guided cholecystocentesis in cows
Braun, U. | Gerber, D.
A method was developed for percutaneous ultrasound-guided cholecystocentesis in cattle. The procedure was performed on the right side in the 9th, 10th, or 11th intercostal space of 30 cows. Of the 30 cows, 20 were slaughtered 24 hours after cholecystocentesis and the remaining 10 cows were slaughtered after a 10-day observation period. Changes in the peritoneum and gallbladder wall, observed at slaughter, were minimal. During the 10-day observation period, general behavior, attitude, and appetite of the 10 cows were normal. A transient, slight increase in rectal temperature was observed in 6 cows at 4, 5, or 8 days after cholecystocentesis. Total and differential WBC counts and total protein and fibrinogen concentrations, determined daily, were all within normal ranges. Bile samples from 20 cows were examined microscopically and biochemically. Fasciola hepatica and Dicrocoelium dendriticum eggs were observed in bile from 7 and 12 cows, respectively. Fecal examination revealed F hepatica eggs in 4 cows; D dendriticum eggs were not identified in any of the fecal samples. In 1 cow, F hepatica eggs were observed in the feces, but not in the bile. Bile acids concentration in bile varied from 12.5 to 68.5 mmol/L (mean +/- SD, 45.3 +/- 3.05 mmol/l) and in serum from 3.8 to 281.0 micromol/l (41.6 +/- 17.24 micromol/L). Negative correlation was obtained between bile acids concentration in bile and that in serum (r = - 0.60, P < 0.01). It was concluded that percutaneous ultrasound-guided cholecystocentesis in cows is a safe procedure and that microscopic and biochemical examinations of obtained bile can be useful diagnostic aids.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]