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Electrochemical reduction of azo dyes mimicking their biotransformation to more toxic products
Pietruk, Konrad | Piątkowska, Marta | Olejnik, Małgorzata
Some azo dyes, including Sudans I–IV and Para Red, are genotoxic and may be biotransformed to cancerogenic aromatic amines. They are banned as food and feed additives, but their presence has been detected in food. Aromatic amines are also considered potentially toxic. Online EC–MS is a promising tool to study the transformation mechanisms of xenobiotics such as azo dyes. The aim of the study was to investigate emulation of how azo dyes are enzymatically transformed to amines with EC–MS. The reduction reactions of five azo dyes (Sudans I–IV and Para Red) were conducted using a glassy carbon working electrode and 0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile. Reduction results were compared with the literature and in silico to select preliminary candidates for metabolites. The LC-MS/MS method was used to confirm results obtained by electrochemical reactor. A limited number of pre-selected compounds were confirmed as azo dyes metabolites – aniline for Sudan I, aniline and 4-aminoazobenzene for Sudan III, o-toluidine for Sudan IV, and 4-nitroaniline for Para Red. No metabolites were found for Sudan II. Electrochemistry–mass spectrometry was successfully applied to azo dyes. This approach may be used to mimic the metabolism of azo dyes, and therefore predict products of biotransformation.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Comparison of intraosseous pentobarbital administration and thoracic compression for euthanasia of anesthetized sparrows (Passer domesticus) and starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)
Paul-Murphy, Joanne R. | Engilis, Andrew Jr | Pascoe, Peter J. | Williams, Colette | Gustavsen, Kate A. | Drazenovich, Tracy L. | Keel, Kevin | Polley, Tamsen M. | Engilis, Irene E.
OBJECTIVE To compare intraosseous pentobarbital treatment (IPT) and thoracic compression (TC) on time to circulatory arrest and an isoelectric electroencephalogram (EEG) in anesthetized passerine birds. ANIMALS 30 wild-caught adult birds (17 house sparrows [Passer domesticus] and 13 European starlings [Sturnus vulgaris]). PROCEDURES Birds were assigned to receive IPT or TC (n = 6/species/group). Birds were anesthetized, and carotid arterial pulses were monitored by Doppler methodology. Five subdermal braided-wire electrodes were used for EEG. Anesthetic depth was adjusted until a continuous EEG pattern was maintained, then euthanasia was performed. Times from initiation of euthanasia to cessation of carotid pulse and irreversible isoelectric EEG (indicators of death) were measured. Data (medians and first to third quartiles) were summarized and compared between groups within species. Necropsies were performed for all birds included in experiments and for another 6 birds euthanized under anesthesia by TC (4 sparrows and 1 starling) or IPT (1 sparrow). RESULTS Median time to isoelectric EEG did not differ significantly between treatment groups for sparrows (19.0 and 6.0 seconds for TC and IPT, respectively) or starlings (88.5 and 77.5 seconds for TC and IPT, respectively). Median times to cessation of pulse were significantly shorter for TC than for IPT in sparrows (0.0 vs 18.5 seconds) and starlings (9.5 vs 151.0 seconds). On necropsy, most (14/17) birds that underwent TC had grossly visible coelomic, pericardial, or perihepatic hemorrhage. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results suggested that TC might be an efficient euthanasia method for small birds. Digital pressure directly over the heart during TC obstructed venous return, causing rapid circulatory arrest, with rupture of the atria or vena cava in several birds. The authors propose that cardiac compression is a more accurate description than TC for this procedure.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Influence of electrode placement on effective field strength in the superficial digital flexor tendon of horses
Lin, Y.L. | Moolenar, H. | Weeren, P.R van | Lest, C.H.A van de
Objective-To determine the relationship between the output of an electrical treatment device and the effective field strength in the superficial digital flexor tendon of horses. Sample Population-Cadaver horse forelimbs without visible defects (n = 8) and 1 live pony. Procedure-Microcurrents were generated by a microcurrent electrical therapy device and applied in proximodistal, dorsopalmar, and mediolateral directions in the entire forelimbs, dissected tendons, and the pony with various output settings. Corresponding field strengths in the tendons were measured. Results-A linear relationship was detected between current and field strength in all conditions and in all 3 directions. In dissected tendons, significant differences were detected among all 3 directions, with highest field strength in the proximodistal direction and lowest in the dorsopalmar direction. In the entire forelimbs, field strength in the proximodistal direction was significantly lower than in the mediolateral direction. Results in the pony were similar to those in the entire forelimbs. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Electrode placement significantly affected field strength in the target tissue. Many surrounding structures caused considerable reduction of field strength in the target tissue. These factors should be taken into account when establishing protocols for electrical current-based therapeutic devices if these devices are proven clinically effective.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Electromyographic activity of the hyoepiglotticus muscle and control of epiglottis position in horses
Holcombe, Susan J. | Cornelisse, Cornelis J. | Berney, Cathy | Robinson, N Edward
Objective-To determine whether the hyoepiglotticus muscle has respiratory-related electromyographic activity and whether electrical stimulation of this muscle changes the position and conformation of the epiglottis, thereby altering dimensions of the aditus laryngis. Animals-6 Standardbred horses. Procedure-Horses were anesthetized, and a bipolar fine-wire electrode was placed in the hyoepiglotticus muscle of each horse. Endoscopic images of the nasopharynx and larynx were recorded during electrical stimulation of the hyoepiglotticus muscle in standing, unsedated horses. Dorsoventral length and area of the aditus laryngis were measured on images obtained before and during electrical stimulation. Electromyographic activity of the hyoepiglotticus muscle and nasopharyngeal pressures were measured while horses exercised on a treadmill at 50, 75, 90, and 100% of the speed that produced maximum heart rate. Results-Electrical stimulation of the hyoepiglotticus muscle changed the shape of the epiglottis, displaced it ventrally, and significantly increased the dorsoventral length and area of the aditus laryngis. The hyoepiglotticus muscle had inspiratory activity that increased significantly with treadmill speed as a result of an increase in phasic and tonic activity. Expiratory activity of the hyoepiglotticus muscle did not change with treadmill speed in 4 of 6 horses. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Findings reported here suggest that contraction of the hyoepiglotticus muscle increases dimensions of the airway in horses by depressing the epiglottis ventrally during intense breathing efforts. The hyoepiglotticus muscle may be an important muscle for dilating the airway in horses, and contraction of the hyoepiglotticus muscle may induce conformational changes in the epiglottis.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Influence of body size on tibial nerve somatosensory evoked potentials in dogs
Poncelet, L. | Michaux, C. | Balligand, M.
Somatosensory evoked potentials in response to tibial nerve stimulation were recorded from the scalp of 31 clinically normal mixed-breed dogs. The latency and amplitude of a main positive potential (P18), recorded with a frontal electrode referenced to the nose, were measured in subjects with body length ranging from 316 to 962 mm. A linear relation to body size explained the variations in latency among dogs (r2 = 0.81); the amplitude variations were explained in part by body size (r2 = 0.44). Bilateral tibial nerve stimulation significantly (P < 0.05) increased the amplitude of P18, but its latency was unaffected, compared with unilateral stimulation. Results of unilateral right and left tibial nerve stimulation were compared and were not different. Replacing acepromazine with xylazine as premedication before thiopental anesthesia did not influence the recordings.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Quantitative analysis of computer-averaged electromyographic profiles of intrinsic limb muscles in ponies at the walk
Jansen, M.O. | Raaij, J.A.G.M. van | Bogert, A.J. van den | Schamhardt, H.C. | Hartman, W.
The function of several intrinsic muscles of the fore-and hind limbs of 5 ponies walking normally was evaluated via surface electromyography. Electromyographic signals were band-pass filtered, rectified, linear enveloped, and standardized to the stride duration. Mean data from the muscles of the left and right limbs that were obtained from at least 30 strides in 2 recording sessions were recorded as electromyographic signals-time curves. The timing of muscle activity was determined from these graphs. On the basis of the major peaks in the electromyographic signal, muscle functions were identified. In the forelimb, the extensor carpi radialis muscle was involved in extension of the carpus at the end of the swing phase of the stride, and it provided support to flexion of the cubital joint at the beginning of the swing phase. The common digital extensor muscle extended the distal joints of the forelimb at the end of the swing phase. The ulnaris lateralis muscle provided support to extension of the cubital joint at the beginning of the stance phase, and the flexor carpi radialis muscle flexed the carpus at the beginning of the swing phase. The flexor carpi ulnaris muscle extended the cubital joint at the end of the swing phase. In the hind limb, the long digital extensor muscle flexed the tarsus at the beginning of the swing phase and extended the digital joints preceding the stance phase. The deep digital flexor muscle prevented overextension of the distal interphalangeal joint during the stance phase and flexion of the digital joints during the swing phase. The gastrocnemius muscle prevented flexion of the tarsus on impact and supported flexion of the femorotibial the beginning of the swing phase.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Pigment epithelial function in canine retina
Kommonen, B. | Dawson, W.W. | Parmer, R.
The lateral distribution and temporal changes in the eye standing potential of 15 dogs with normal eyes (as determined by use of an ophthalmoscope and electroretinography) were measured by use of noninvasive methods. The standing potential was converted to an alternating potential by controlled eye movement. The light peak occurred 6 minutes after a stimulus intensity increase of 4 log units. The ratios of the highest measured voltage after the light step divided by the voltage measured immediately before the light step ranged from 1.27 to 2.07 (mean 1.74 +/- SEM, 0.064). The responses typically decayed slowly after the light peak. The potential after the light peak did not return to prelight step values during the observation period. The field potential of the standing potential decreased nonlinearly in temporal direction from the outer canthus.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Amplitude and latency characteristics of spinal cord motor-evoked potentials in dogs
The motor-evoked potential can be reliably recorded in anesthetized dogs by use of percutaneous placement of active recording electrodes near the dorsal lamina of the vertebral column. Two types of responses were observed in this study; short (< 5.5 ms at T9-10)- and long (> 5.8 ms at T9-10)-latency waves. Short-latency waves are larger in amplitude and appear with higher stimulus intensities than do long-latency waves. Short-latency waves are conducted at > 80 m/s and may not reflect pyramidal tract activation. The safety of using higher intensity stimuli to generate short-latency waves has not been determined.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Electromyographic activity of cubital joint muscles in horses during locomotion
Tokuriki, M. | Aoki, O. | Niki, Y. | Kurakawa, Y. | Hataya, M. | Kita, T.
Electromyographic (EMG) activity of 4 muscles of the cubital joint and the strain of forelimb hooves were recorded telemetrically in 4 Thoroughbreds (with and without a rider) standing, walking, trotting, and cantering. Bipolar fine wire electrodes were inserted into the muscles, and strain gauges were attached to the hoof wall. Motion pictures (16 mm), synchronized with EMG tracings, were taken to obtain kinematic data. When horses were standing, the biceps brachii had tonic activity, but the brachialis and the caput longum and the caput laterale of the triceps brachii had no EMG activity. The biceps brachii had EMG activity during the stance phase. The brachialis had EMG activity from the end of the stance phase to the middle of the swing phase. Unlike the biceps brachii, the brachialis acted as a flexor muscle of the cubital joint during locomotion. The EMG activity of the caput longum of the triceps brachii was detected from midswing phase to early stance phase. The EMG activity of the caput laterale of the triceps brachii began in midswing or late-swing phase and ceased in early stance or midstance phase. During locomotion, caput longum EMG activity always preceded caput laterale activity. When horses were cantering, the brachialis and the caput longum (acting mainly in the swing phase) had an EMG activity phase different from those in leading and trailing forelimbs. These 4 muscles had similar EMG activity patterns during locomotion in horses with and without a rider.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Electrode scalp impedance differences between electroencephalography machines in healthy dogs
Luca, Julia | Hazenfratz, Michal | Monteith, Gabrielle | Sanchez, Andrea | Gaitero, Luis | James, Fiona
Scalp electrode impedance measurements recorded by wired and wireless electroencephalography (EEG) machines in 7 healthy dogs were compared. Eight recordings resulted in 80 impedance readings from subdermal wire electrodes (locations F7/F8, F3/F4, T3/T4, C3/C4, Fz, and Cz). Impedance values were measured first from the wired and then the wireless EEG machine. Wireless impedance measurements were higher than the wired EEG machine in 79/80 readings (P ≤ 0.05), being on average 2.83 kΩ [P ≤ 0.05, 95% confidence interval (CI): 2.51 to 3.14, SD = 1.42] higher. Impedances from the wired machine ranged between < 0.5 and 9 kΩ (mean = 3.09, median = 2.00, SD = 2.15), whereas impedances from the wireless machine ranged between 2.69 and 6.07 kΩ (mean = 5.92, median = 5.05, SD = 2.59). Despite these differences in impedance measurements, both machines measured similar impedance patterns. The wireless EEG machine's impedance measurements, therefore, should be acceptable for veterinary clinical settings.
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