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النتائج 1 - 10 من 32
Resting energy expenditure in dogs with nonhematopoietic malignancies before and after excision of tumors.
Ogilvie G.K. | Walters L.M. | Salman M.D. | Fettman M.J.
Forces loading the tarsal joint in the hind limb of the horse, determined from in vivo strain measurements of the third metatarsal bone.
Schamhardt H.C. | Hartman W. | Lammertink J.L.M.A.
Strain gauge rosettes were bonded to the dorsal, lateral, medial, and plantar aspects of the third metatarsal bone in the hind limbs of 6 ponies. The maximal compressive principal strain was approximately -600 X 10(-6) m/m, and exceeded the amplitudes of the tensile strains at all aspects of the bone. After transformation, the shear strain and the principal strains parallel and perpendicular to the bone were obtained. The first peak in the bending strain was higher in the dorsal and lateral aspects, and the second peak was higher in the medial and plantar aspects. Young modulus of elasticity was determined in a 4-point bending test at the dorsal and plantar sides; it averaged 19.5 GPa in tension and compression. Applying linear bending theory, the eccentricity of an axial force parallel or a bending force perpendicular to the bone were calculated. The position where the total force penetrated the tarsometatarsal joint surface was largely within the joint surface, indicating that the joint is merely loaded in (eccentric) compression.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Use of force-plate analysis of gait to compare two surgical techniques for treatment of cranial cruciate ligament rupture in dogs.
Jevens D.J. | DeCamp C.E. | Hauptman J. | Braden T.D. | Richter M. | Robinson R.
Clinical chemistry investigations in recumbent and healthy German Holstein cows after the fifth day in milk
Weber, Jim | Zenker, Markus | Köller, Gábor | Fürll, Manfred | Freick, Markus
Recumbency is a frequent symptom occurring throughout lactation. Its cause can be related to the energy or mineral metabolism, or to trauma or infectious diseases. We compared various clinical chemistry parameters between healthy and recumbent cows and between cows with different causes of recumbency and determined if hypocalcaemia manifests in later lactation. Recumbent (n = 32) and healthy (n = 32) German Holstein cows were studied. After clinical examination, a serum sample was taken to measure the concentrations of Mg, Ca, Fe, Na, K, Pi, β-hydroxybutyrate, total bilirubin, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), urea, and creatinine as well as activities of alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), creatine kinase (CK), and γ-glutamyl transferase in recumbent cows > 5 d in milk and control cows matched for age, lactation number, and pregnancy stage. In recumbent cows, mean serum concentrations of NEFA, bilirubin, and CK were statistically higher, while those of Fe, K, and Pi were significantly lower. Parameters compared between different recumbency diagnoses showed some descriptive Fe, K, urea, and AST differences, but these were not statistically significant. The results show that only a limited number of parameters have diagnostic besides therapeutic value. Although of minor importance in our study, hypocalcaemia should be considered a cause of recumbency, even outside the typical risk period of parturient paresis.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Analysis of haematological and biochemical blood parameters after electrical cardioversion of atrial fibrillation in dogs
Noszczyk-Nowak, Agnieszka | Michałek, Marcin | Janiszewski, Adrian | Kurosad, Agnieszka | Sławuta, Agnieszka | Cepiel, Alicja | Pasławska, Urszula
Electrical cardioversion is a therapeutic procedure used to convert various types of arrhythmias back to sinus rhythm. It is used to restore the sinus rhythm in dogs with atrial fibrillation. The effect of the electrical energy used during cardioversion on red blood cells (RBC) is not fully understood. Studies on humans reported lysis of RBC following electrical cardioversion. Similar studies have not been carried out on dogs. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of electrical cardioversion on chosen RBC parameters. The study was carried out on 14 large and giant breed dogs weighing from 30 to 84 kg with lone atrial fibrillation (lone AF). Electrical cardioversion was carried out under general anaesthesia by biphasic shock with 70–360 J of energy. Blood was collected at T0 – during atrial fibrillation, prior to cardioversion, and at T1 – 30 min after electrical cardioversion. Complete blood counts as well as total and direct bilirubin concentrations were evaluated. A maximum output of 360 J was used. In all cases, electrical cardioversion was effective, and no significant changes in the number of RBC and RBC indices were noted. Similarly, there were no statistically significant differences in the levels of total and direct bilirubin. Electrical cardioversion in dogs led neither to statistically nor clinically significant RBC lysis.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Mitochondrial theory of skeletal muscle ageing –new facts, new doubts
Słodki, Sebastian | Bogucka, Joanna
For many years, scientists have been pursuing research on skeletal muscle ageing both in humans and animals. Studies on animal models have extended our knowledge of this mechanism in humans. Most researchers agree that the major processes of muscle ageing occur in the mitochondria as the major energy production centres in muscle cells. It is believed that decisive changes occur at the enzymatic activity level as well as in protein synthesis and turnover ability. Deregulation of ion channels and oxidative stress also play significant roles. In particular, in recent years the free radical theory of ageing has undergone considerable modification; researchers are increasingly highlighting the partly positive effects of free radicals on processes occurring in cells. In addition, the influence of diet and physical activity on the rate of muscle cell ageing is widely debated as well as the possibility of delaying it through appropriate physical exercise and diet programmes. Numerous studies, especially those related to genetic processes, are still being conducted, and in the near future the findings could provide valuable information on muscle ageing. The results of ongoing research could answer the perennial question of whether and how we can influence the rate of ageing both in animals and humans.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of ketosis in dairy cows on blood biochemical parameters, milk yield and composition, and digestive capacity
Yang, Wei | Zhang, Bingbing | Xu, Chuang | Zhang, Hongyou | Xia, Cheng
This study aimed to characterise the effects of ketosis on milk yield and composition and digestive capacity in transition dairy cows. Seven ketotic and seven healthy cows were housed in individual stalls for six days. Samples of plasma, milk, refused total mixed ration, and faeces were collected, and the blood biochemical parameters, milk yield and composition, dry matter intake, and faecal dry matter (FDM) production were determined. Compared with healthy cows, the ketotic cows had significantly higher concentrations of milk fat and citrate, but lower levels of milk protein and lactose. The cows exhibited a need for acid detergent fibre in forage and better digestion of neutral detergent fibre, starch, crude protein, and phosphorus than healthy cows, but more fat and gross energy were excreted in their faeces. Ketotic cows had higher energy-corrected milk yields and lower FDM than healthy cows. Lower feed intake coinciding with the requirement to maintain high milk production is considered to be the cause of ketosis in dairy cows. Ketotic cows exhibited lower dry matter fat digestion.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of extender supplementation with low-molecular-weight antioxidants on selected quality parameters of cryopreserved canine spermatozoa
Lecewicz, Marek | Strzeżek, Rafał | Kordan, Władysław | Majewska, Anna
Introduction The addition of low-molecular-weight antioxidants during the freezing process improves post-thaw sperm quality. The high antioxidant potential of cryopreserved semen could have a positive effect on the motility, viability, and energy status of sperm cells and their ability to bind to the zona pellucida of oocytes. The aim of the study was to determine the effects of different concentrations and combinations of vitamins E and C in a semen extender on selected quality parameters of frozen-thawed canine spermatozoa. Material and Methods The experimental material was the semen of four mixed-breed dogs. Sperm viability (motility, plasma membrane integrity, and mitochondrial function) was examined at 0, 60, and 120 min in semen samples supplemented with the extender and in the controls. Results Combined supplementation with vitamins C + E at a concentration of 200 + 200 μM /1 × 10⁹ spermatozoa had the most profound effect on total sperm motility, linear motility, and the percentage of spermatozoa with intact plasma membrane and active mitochondria. Conclusion The synergistic activity of vitamins E and C had a more beneficial influence on the quality of frozen–thawed sperm than these non-enzymatic antioxidants applied separately.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of various carbon dioxide laser settings on the time and number of laser beam passes required to make a full-thickness skin incision and amount of laser-induced tissue artifact
Agulian, Lori M. | Mann, F. A. | Middleton, John R. | Kim, Dae Y.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the time and number of laser beam passes required to make full-thickness skin incisions and extent of laser-induced tissue artifacts following use of a CO(2) laser at various settings. SAMPLE 24 skin specimens from six 5-month-old porcine carcasses. PROCEDURES 4 full-thickness skin specimens were harvested from the flank regions of each carcass within 30 minutes after euthanasia and randomly assigned to 4 treatment groups. Three 5-cm-long incisions were made in each specimen with a CO(2) laser (beam diameter, 0.4 mm) set to deliver a continuous wave of energy alone (groups 1 and 2) or in superpulse mode (groups 3 and 4) at 10 (groups 1 and 3) or 20 (groups 2 and 4) W of power. The time and number of passes required to achieve a full-thickness incision were recorded, and extent of laser-induced tissue artifact (as determined by histologic evaluation) was compared among the 4 groups. RESULTS Mean time required to make a full-thickness skin incision for groups 2 and 4 (power, 20 W) was significantly less than that for groups 1 and 3 (power, 10 W). Mean number of passes was lowest for group 2 (continuous wave at 20 W). Extent of laser-induced tissue artifact was greatest for group 4 (superpulse mode at 20 W). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results provided preliminary information regarding use of CO(2) lasers to make skin incisions in veterinary patients. In vivo studies are necessary to evaluate the effect of various CO(2) laser settings on tissue healing and patient outcome.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Feasibility and efficacy of ultrasonographic and laparoscopic guidance for microwave ablation of clinically normal canine ovaries
Verpaalen, Valentine D. | Case, J Brad | Dark, Michael J. | Cardenas-Goicoechea, S Joel | Winter, Matt D. | Boston, Sarah E. | Garcia-Pereira, Fernando | Rhoton-Vlasak, Alice S. | Toskich, Beau B.
OBJECTIVE To determine the optimal energy profile for and to assess the feasibility and efficacy of ultrasonographic and laparoscopic guidance for microwave ablation (MWA) of clinically normal canine ovaries. SAMPLE 44 extirpated ovaries from 22 healthy dogs. PROCEDURES In the first of 2 trials, 13 dogs underwent oophorectomy by routine laparotomy. Extirpated ovaries underwent MWA at 45 W for 60 (n = 11) or 90 (12) seconds; 3 ovaries did not undergo MWA and served as histologic controls. Ovaries were histologically evaluated for cell viability. Ovaries without viable cells were categorized as completely ablated. Histologic results were used to identify the optimal MWA protocol for use in the subsequent trial. In the second trial, the ovaries of 9 dogs underwent MWA at 45 W for 90 seconds in situ. Ultrasonographic guidance for MWA was deemed unfeasible after evaluation of 1 ovary. The remaining 17 ovaries underwent MWA with laparoscopic guidance, after which routine laparoscopic oophorectomy was performed. Completeness of ablation was histologically assessed for all ovaries. RESULTS 2 ovaries were excluded from the trial 1 analysis because of equivocal cell viability. Six of 11 ovaries and 10 of 10 ovaries that underwent MWA for 60 and 90 seconds, respectively, were completely ablated. In trial 2, laparoscopic-guided MWA resulted in complete ablation for 12 of 17 ovaries. Dissection of the ovarian bursa for MWA probe placement facilitated complete ablation. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Laparoscopic-guided MWA at 45 W for 90 seconds was feasible, safe, and effective for complete ablation of clinically normal ovaries in dogs.
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