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النتائج 1 - 8 من 8
Adrenocortical function in neonatal and weanling Beagle pups.
Randolph J.F. | Center S.A. | Reimers T.J. | Scarlett J.M. | Corbett J.R.
Adrenocortical function was assessed in 27 Beagle pups at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 weeks of age by determination of plasma sodium, potassium, and chloride concentrations; serum aldosterone and cortisol concentrations; and plasma ACTH concentrations. Serum cortisol concentration was measured before and 1 and 2 hours after IM administration of 2.2 IU of ACTH/kg of body weight. Serum progesterone concentration also was determined for all pups at 2, 4, and 6 weeks of age. Mean baseline cortisol concentration was lower for pups 8 weeks old or younger than for mature dogs. Nevertheless, mean serum ACTH-stimulated cortisol concentration in dogs of all age groups increased into the adult reference range after administration of ACTH. For pups 4 weeks old or younger, increase in cortisol concentration was maximal at 2 hours after ACTH administration. However, in pups between 6 and 12 weeks of age, the increase in cortisol concentration was maximal 1 hour after ACTH administration in about a third of the pups, whereas the remaining pups had peak values at 2 hours. Mean plasma sodium, potassium, and chloride concentrations for each age group were within the reference ranges established for mature dogs, with the exception of lower mean plasma sodium and chloride concentrations in pups 4 weeks old or younger. Mean serum aldosterone concentration in pups of each age group was substantially higher than the range of aldosterone concentrations for clinically normal mature dogs. Median progesterone concentration was uniformly less than 0.2 ng/ml for all pups 6 weeks old or younger. The normal endogenous ACTH concentration and adequate cortisol responses to exogenous ACTH seen in our pups would support functional pituitary gland and adrenal cortex for cortisol production. The low baseline cortisol concentration observed in the pups of this study may be related to reduced binding of cortisol to plasma proteins, as exists in human infants.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol concentrations after corticotropin-releasing hormone stimulation testing in cats administered methylprednisolone.
Crager C.S. | Dillon A.R. | Kemppainen R.J. | Brewer W.G. Jr. | Angarano D.W.
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis was studied in 8 healthy cats after administration of supraphysiologic doses of methylprednisolone (MP). Ovine corticotropin-releasing hormone (oCRH) administration increased cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) concentrations. Significant (P < 0.05) suppression of cortisol and a trend toward suppression of ACTH was observed after 1 week of MP administration. The HPA axis quickly recovered from suppressive effects of MP 1 week after administration of the steroid was discontinued. Side effects of oCRH administration were minimal in 7 cats; however, 1 cat had a severe hypotensive reaction. Clinical abnormalities were not associated with MP administration. The HPA axis was suppressed by supraphysiologic doses of MP in all treated cats that lacked clinical signs consistent with iatrogenic HPA axis suppression. Despite the relatively active pars intermedia in cats, compared with human beings and dogs, feedback of MP on the HPA axis resulted in similar trends in oCRH-stimulated ACTH and cortisol concentrations as observed in human beings and dogs. Lack of consistent correlation between ACTH and cortisol concentrations was observed in 3 cats and possibly was related to the active pars intermedia in the cat.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Duration of pituitary and adrenocortical suppression after long-term administration of anti-inflammatory doses of prednisone in dogs.
Moore G.E. | Hoenig M.
Duration and magnitude of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis suppression caused by daily oral administration of a glucocorticoid was investigated, using an anti-inflammatory dose of prednisone. Twelve healthy adult male dogs were given prednisone orally for 35 days (0.55 mg/kg of body weight, q 12 h), and a control group of 6 dogs was given gelatin capsule vehicle. Plasma cortisol (baseline and 2-hour post-ACTH administration) and plasma ACTH and cortisol (baseline and 30-minutes post corticotropin-releasing hormone [CRH] administration) concentrations were monitored biweekly during and after the 35-day treatment period. Baseline plasma ACTH and cortisol and post-ACTH plasma cortisol concentrations were significantly (P < 0.05) reduced in treated vs control dogs after 14 days of oral prednisone administration. By day 28, baseline ACTH and cortisol concentrations remained significantly (P < 0.05) reduced and reserve function was markedly (P < 0.0001) reduced as evidenced by mean post-CRH ACTH, post-CRH cortisol, and post-ACTH cortisol concentrations in treated vs control dogs. Two weeks after termination of daily prednisone administration, significant difference between group means was not evident in baseline ACTH or cortisol values, post-CRH ACTH or cortisol values, or post-ACTH cortisol values, compared with values in controls. Results indicate complete hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis recovery 2 weeks after oral administration of an anti-inflammatory regimen of prednisone given daily for 5 weeks.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of inoculations with Eimeria zuernii on young calves treated with decoquinate or narasin with or without dexamethasone.
Fitzgerald P.R. | Mansfield M.E.
Sixteen 7-week-old Holstein male calves were inoculated with sporulated oocysts of Eimeria zuernii. Four calves (controls) were euthanatized and necropsied at 14 and 20 days after inoculation (DAI). Two calves were treated with 20 mg of dexamethasone (IM) on 13, 14, and 15 DAI and euthanatized and necropsied 17 DAI and 2 calves were given similar treatments and necropsied 20 DAI. The 8 other calves were euthanatized and necropsied 20 DAI. Two were started on the anticoccidial drug decoquinate in feed 13 DAI; 2 others were given decoquinated on the same schedule plus dexamethasone on 13, 14, and 15 DAI. Two calves were given the antibiotic narasin in feed beginning 13 DAI and 2 calves were given parasin on the same schedule plus dexamethasone on 13, 14, and 15 DAI. All calves, except 2 controls necropsied 14 DAI and 4 calves given decoquinate, discharged moderate-to-large numbers of oocysts in feces and had moderate-to-severe changes in fecal consistency. Histologic examintions revealed large numbers of endogenous stages in tissues of calves treated or not treated with dexamethasone. Few endogenous stages were observed in tissues from calves that were given decoquinate or decoquinate plus dexamethasone. Calves given narasin or narasin plus dexamethasone had moderate-to-large numbers of endogenous stages in the tissues.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Intradermal testing of swine to monitor changes in delayed hypersensitivity response.
Mann D. | Hargis J.W.
Pasteurella haemolytica leukotoxin induces histamine release from bovine pulmonary mast cells.
Adusu T.E. | Conlon P.D. | Shewen P.E. | Black W.D.
Determination of urinary cortisol:creatinine ratios by sequential thin layer chromatography and ELISA in dogs
Sohn, D.H. | Oh, T.H. | Han, H.R. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Na, K.J. (Chung National University, Cheongju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Lee, H.S. (National Veterinary Research & Quarantine Service, Anyang (Korea Republic).)
This study was conducted to evaluate the ELISA kit for measuring the level of cortisol in the urine. The CV of within-run variation and day to day variation were 0.4-2.8 and 1.8-5.7, respectively. the minimum limitation of measurement was 1ng/ml. the cross reaction was high (CR50(%)=11.4-43.2) in prednisolone, 11-deoxycortisol, 21-deoxycortisol and predinosone. There was low and no cross reaction in other steroid. To develop the ELISA kit we measured the cortisol level in diluted urine with PBS (procedure I), extracted urine with methylene chloride (procedure II) and extracted methylene chloride-extracted urine from thin-layer chromatography (procedure III). The CV value of procedure I, II, III was 9.4-28.3%, 7.2-8.9% and 2.5-5.7%, respectively. There was significant difference between procedure I with II, and pro-cedure I with III(p0.01), but no difference between procedure II with III significantly(p0.01). The mean UCCR of urine collected through am 8 to 10 ws 9.5+_7.6(0.14-28.0) in 12-month-old dog(n
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of repeated administration of tirilazad mesylate on healthy and endotoxemic calves: a pilot study
Semrad, S.D. | Dubielzig, R.