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Reliability of single urine and serum samples for estimation of 24-hour urinary uric acid excretion in six healthy Beagles
Bartges, J.W. | Osborne, C.A. | Felice, L.J. | Unger, L.K. | Bird, K.A. | Koehler, L.A. | Chen, M.
Urine uric acid-to-urine creatinine ratios (UUA:UC), urine uric acid concentrations, urine uric acid concentrations corrected for glomerular filtration rate, and urinary uric acid fractional excretions were compared with 24-hour urinary uric acid excretions measured in 6 healthy adult female Beagles. Comparisons, using correlation analysis, were made when dogs consumed a 10.4% protein (dry weight), casein-based diet and a 31.4% protein (dry weight), meat-based diet. The UUA:UC, urine uric acid concentrations corrected for glomerular filtration rate, and urinary uric acid fractional excretions were not reliable estimates of 24-hour urinary uric acid excretions during consumption of either diet. Urine uric acid concentrations in samples collected 2, 4, 6, and 24 hours after initiation of collection correlated with 24-hour urinary uric acid excretions when dogs consumed the casein-based diet; correlation was not found at any time interval when dogs consumed the meat-based diet. Therefore, determination of 24-hour urinary uric acid excretion is recommended because UUA:UC are unreliable.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Comparison of measured and calculated values for colloid osmotic pressure in hospitalized animals
Brown, S.A. | Dusza, K. | Boehmer, J.
A relation exists between colloid osmotic pressure and serum total protein concentration; equations describing this relation have been used to determine a calculated value for colloid osmotic pressure. However, the relation between total protein concentration and colloid osmotic pressure is altered by the method used to measure protein and by changes in the ratio of concentrations of albumin (A) to globulin (G). We developed nomograms for estimating colloid osmotic pressure from A and G concentrations, using samples obtained from clinically normal animals and compared the accuracy of these nomograms with that of previously described equations relating colloid osmotic pressure to total protein concentration. For comparison, serum samples from canine (n = 106), equine (n = 79), feline (n = 24), and bovine (n = 27) patients admitted to the University of Georgia Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital were used. Results indicated that nomograms based on protein concentration estimated by a refractometer generally were the least reliable. Although predictive nomograms, using total protein concentration determined by the biuret method, provided better results for serum samples, there was considerable variation between measured and calculated values for colloid osmotic pressure in all species studied. Calculated values for colloid osmotic pressure derived from A and G concentrations were most closely related to measured values for colloid osmotic pressure in dogs, horses, and cats. However, calculated values for colloid osmotic pressure differed from measured values by as much as 5 mm of Hg for some samples by each of the methods of estimation. These results indicate that, although calculated values for colloid osmotic pressure may be most accurate when variations in the A-to-G ratio are accounted for in the nomogram, none of the calculation methods provided a consistently accurate estimate of colloid osmotic pressure. For clinical patients, colloid osmotic pressure based on these nomograms cannot replace direct measurement.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Pharmacokinetic variables and bioavailability from muscle of creatine kinase in cattle
Lefebvre, H.P. | Toutain, P.L. | Serthelon, J.P. | Lassourd, V. | Gardey, L. | Braun, J.P.
Pharmacokinetic variables of skeletal muscle creatine kinase (CK) activity after IV administration of a muscle extract; CK bioavailability after IM administration of the muscle extract; and effect of IM administration of saline solution, to appreciate the possible release of CK consecutive to muscle puncture, were determined in 6 cows. A general equation for the quantitative estimation of skeletal muscle damage also was derived. Administration of saline solution IM had no effect on plasma CK activity (ANOVA, P > 0.05) in any of the cows. After IV administration of the muscle extract (150 U/kg of body weight), mean volume of the central compartment, plasma half-life, and plasma clearance of CK were 0.027 +/- 0.007 L/kg, 520 +/- 109 minutes, and 6.43 +/- 2.29 ml/kg/h, respectively. After IM administration (150 U/kg), mean bioavailability of CK was 51 +/- 17% and maximal plasma CK activity (500 +/- 97 U/L) was observed at 454 +/- 131 minutes. The rate of CK activity entry into plasma was determined by use of deconvolution analysis. Two peaks were observed; the first appeared before the 30th minute after IM administration, and the second appeared at 3.3 +/- 1.1 hours. Amplitudes were 6.31 +/- 4.45 and 6.57 +/- 3.08 U/kg/h, for the first and the second peaks, respectively. The quantity of CK liberated from control muscle was 0.69 +/- 0.12 U/kg/h, corresponding to a normal daily catabolism of 5.8 +/- 1.0 mg of muscle/kg. From these results, the following equation can be proposed to determine the corresponding mean equivalent of destroyed muscle (Qmuscle, test article) after IM administration of a test article: Qmuscle, test article (g/kg) = 4.41 X 10(-6) AUC (U/h/L), with AUC being the CK plasma activity area under the curve.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Comparison of four methods of estimating glomerular filtration rate in cats
Rogers, K.S. | Komkov, A. | Brown, S.A. | Lees, G.E. | Hightower, D. | Russo, E.A.
Four methods of evaluating renal function were performed in 6 cats anesthetized with halothane in oxygen. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was measured simultaneously in each cat by exogenous creatinine clearance (ECC), bolus inulin clearance, and 99mTc(Sn)-diethylene-triaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) clearance determined by 2 different methods. In the first DTPA clearancemethod (DTPA-1), we measured radioactivity in serial blood specimens to construct plasma disappearance curves for calculation of GFR. In the second DTPA clearance method (DTPA-2), we used serial external head counts of radioactivity and a single blood specimen to construct plasma disappearance curves for calculation of GFR. Bolus inulin clearance was calculated from plasma disappearance curves using a 1-compartment open pharmacokinetic model (IN-1) and a 2-compartment open pharmacokinetic model (IN-2). Glomerular filtration rates were measured over 3 hours, for creatinine and DTPA methods, and over 4 hours for the inulin methods. The GFR obtained with the reference method (ECC) was 2.56 +/- 0.61 ml/min/kg of body weight (mean +/- SD). Values for GFR determined by ECC and DTPA-1 were significantly correlated (r = 0.852; P less than or equal to 0.05). Correlationbetween ECC and DTPA 2 was not as good (r = 0.783; P less than or equal to 0.10), but the 2 DTPA methods significantly correlated with one another (r = 0.897; P less than or equal to 0.05). Regardless of the method of calculation, bolus inulin clearance was poorly correlated with ECC (IN-1: r = 0.538, P greater than or equal to 0.10; IN-2: r = 0.430, P greater than or equal to 0.10) and DTPA-1 IN-1: r = 0.601, P greater than or equal to 0.10; IN-2: r = 0.625, P greater than or equal to 0.10). The 2 methods of calculating inulin clearance were highly correlated (r = 0.927; P less than or equal to 0.01). The DTPA clearance calculated from directly measured plasma disappearance curves (DTPA-1) comparedfavorably with ECC as an estimate of GFR and appears to be a safe, reliable, and less invasive method of determining GFR incats.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Intraocular pressure measurement through two types of plano therapeutic soft contact lenses in dogs
Miller, P.E. | Murphy, C.J.
Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured by use of Mackay-Marg applanation tonometry in 8 normal, manometrically controlled, enucleated, canine eyes with and without 1 of 2 piano therapeutic soft contact lenses (1 and 2) covering the cornea. Differences were not significant between measurements made without a contact lens and those made through either lens at manometer IOP < 30 mm of Hg. At manometer IOP greater than or equal to 30 mm of Hg, use of a contact lens tended to result in a statistically greater (P < 0.05) estimate of IOP than when a lens was not used. This difference, however, achieved only a maximum of 2.6 mm of Hg at the 80 mm of Hg value, and was not regarded as clinically important. Measurements obtained through lens 1 were not significantly different from those obtained through lens 2. The IOP can be accurately estimated in dogs; using the Mackay-Marg tonometer, without removing either type of bandage soft contact lens, thereby avoiding potential disruption of an already compromised cornea.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Comparison of methods for estimation of Toxoplasma gondii-specific antibody production in the aqueous humor of cats
Hill, S.L. | Lappin, M.R. | Carman, J.
Intraocular production of Toxoplasma gondii-specific antibody in cats has been estimated by comparing the ratio of T gondii-specific antibody in aqueous humor and serum with the ratio of total immunoglobulins in serum and aqueous humor (Goldmann-Witmer coefficient; aqueous antibody coefficient; C value). It has been proposed that in human beings, comparison of the ratio of T gondii-specific antibody in aqueous humor and serum with the ratio of antibodies against a nonocular pathogen in serum and aqueous humor is more accurate than methods using total immunoglobulin quantification. We developed an ELISA for detection of calicivirus-specific antibodies in the serum and aqueous humor of cats. By evaluating calicivirus-specific antibody concentrations in the aqueous humor of healthy and diseased cats, calicivirus was assessed as a nonintraocular pathogen. The ratio of T gondii-specific antibodies in the aqueous humor and serum and the ratio of calicivirus-specific antibodies in serum and aqueous humor were evaluated as a means of estimating intraocular T gondii-specific antibody production. A field strain of feline calicivirus was isolated, cultured, and purified. A calicivirus-specific IgG ELISA was developed for detection of feline calicivirus-specific IgG in serum and aqueous humor. Calicivirus-specific IgG was measured in the serum and aqueous humor from 3 groups of control cats. Results suggested that calicivirus is a nonintraocular pathogen in cats and that calicivirus IgG detected in aqueous humor is attributable to leakage across a damaged blood-ocular barrier. Intraocular production of T gondii-specific antibodies was estimated, using 2 formulas. The C value was calculated by multiplying the ratio of T gondii-specific IgM or IgG in aqueous humor and serum by the ratio of total immunoglobulins (using the corresponding IgM or IgG class) in serum and aqueous humor. The Ctc value (Toxoplasma-calicivirus Goldmann-Witmer coefficient) was calculated by multiplying the ratio of T gondii-specific IgM or IgG in aqueous humor and serum by the ratio of calicivirus-specific IgG in serum and aqueous humor. Serum and aqueous humor samples were obtained from 41 client-owned cats with uveitis, and T gondii-specific C values and Ctc values were calculated. Toxoplasma gondii-specific IgM or IgG C values of 10 or greater or T gondii-specific IgM or IgG Ctc values of 1 or greater were considered to be suggestive of intraocular T gondii-specific antibody production. Of the 41 cats, 20 (48.7%) had evidence of intraocular production of T gondii-specific antibody on the basis of either an IgM or IgG C value of 10 or greater. A Ctc value could not be calculated in 3 cats because calicivirus-specific IgG was not present in aqueous humor. Of the 38 cats for which Ctc values could be calculated, 25 (65.8%) had evidence of intraocular production of T gondii-specific antibody on the basis of either an IgM or IgG Ctc value of 1 or greater. The C values and Ctc values were in agreement for 75.9% of IgM containing samples and 75% of IgG containing samples. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive value of a positive test result, and predictive value of a negative test result for an IgM or IgG C value, when compared with the corresponding IgM or IgG Ctc value were determined. The results indicate that use of the C value for estimation of intraocular T gondii-specific antibody production will result in 28.6 (IgM) to 50% IgG) false-negative results and 12.5% (IgM and IgG) false-positive results, when compared with the Ctc value.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Estimation of glomerular filtration rate and evaluation of renal function in ferrets (Mustela putorius furo)
Esteves, M.I. | Marini, R.P. | Ryden, E.B. | Murphy, J.C. | Fox, J.G.
Three methods of determining glomerular filtration rate (GFR) were performed in adult ferrets, 9 months to 7 years old. Endogenous creatinine clearance was determined, using serum and urine creatinine values obtained during 24- and 48-hour collection periods from 27 ferrets housed in metabolic cages. Creatinine and radiolabeled inulin were administered to 12 female ferrets by constant IV infusion during isoflurane-induced anesthesia. Serial 20-minute urine collections, together with serum samples obtained at the midpoint of urine collection, provided measures for clearance calculations of these substances. Mean +/- SD endogenous creatinine clearance in ferrets for metabolic cage collections was 2.50 +/- 0.93 ml/min/ kg of body weight. There were no significant differences between the 24- and 48-hour clearance rates. Mean inulin clearance was 3.02 +/- 1.78, and mean exogenous creatinine clearance was 3.32 +/- 2.16 ml/ min/kg. Analysis of variance, using least-squared means adjustment, did not yield any significant differences between inulin and exogenous creatinine clearance rates. Exogenous creatinine clearance-to-inulin clearance ratio was 0.99 +/- 0.46, and there was significant correlation between the 2 methods (r = 0.82, P = 0.0001). Significant body temperature effects on inulin or exogenous creatinine clearance were not found. Infused inulin clearance, the generally preferred method for GFR calculation in mammalian species, was significantly (P = 0.0069) higher in younger (3.65 ml/min/kg) vs older ferrets (2.29 ml/min/kg). Results of this study indicate that inulin clearance is an adequate measure of GFR in ferrets as it is in other species. Compared with inulin clearance, exogenous creatinine clearance also provides a reliable estimate of GFR in ferrets.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Thermodilution estimation of cardiac output at high flows in anesthetized horses
Dunlop, C.I. | Hodgson, D.S. | Chapman, P.L. | Grandy, J.L. | Waldron, R.D.
The purpose of this study was to compare the thermodilution technique for estimation of cardiac output with the indocyanine green dye dilution technique at flows between 10 and 39 L/min in halothane-anesthetized horses. The estimation of area of dye dilution cardiac output curves was made by using the fore-'n-aft (FA) triangle method. This shorthand technique was compared with logarithmic exponential extrapolation and summation (extrapolated area), using 64 cardiac output curves. Then, 256 simultaneous thermodilution measurements were compared with dye dilution measurements calculated by use of the FA technique. Forty milliliters of iced 0.9% NaCl solution containing 15 mg of indocyanine green dye was used as the indicator. This was delivered in < 1 second to the right atrium, using a power injector. A thermistor positioned in the pulmonary artery detected the thermal indicator. Blood was withdrawn from the carotid artery through a densitometer cuvette to measure the dye concentration. The FA estimations of area were higher than those determined by use of extrapolated area. A multiplicative adjustment of 0.837 was estimated. On average, thermodilution estimates of cardiac output exceeded the adjusted FA determinations. Using a weighted linear regression, we determined the following calibration adjustment: thermal dilution cardiac output/1.048 = indocyanine green dye dilution cardiac output.
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