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Demonstration of tank effect on growth indices of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during an ad libitum feeding trial.
Speare D.J. | MacNair N. | Hammell K.L.
Growth indices were examined in 24 identically managed tanks, each containing 120 diploid juvenile rainbow trout (initial mean body weight, 9.3 g), during a 12-week study to examine tank effects associated with tank location in a multi-user research facility. Growth indices included mean body weight, feed intake, feed conversion index, and specific growth rate. The null hypothesis that tank effect had no effect on growth over the 12-week period was rejected (P = 0.038), and mean weight in individual tanks differed by as much as 18.7%. During the study, it was determined that the proximity of tanks to common-use walkways in the facility could affect growth indices. This was indicated by significant differences in the mean fish weights among blocks of tanks served by different header tanks after 4 (P = 0.001) and 8 (P = 0.024) weeks. The block containing tanks of fish with the highest mean weight was nearest to the 2 common-use walkways in the facility. Fish in this block of tanks, compared with those in other blocks, had significantly greater feed intake but no significant differences in conversion efficiency. Compensatory growth, a well known growth attribute in fishes, diminished the difference in mean weight between these blocks of tanks by the end of the study. Comparison of paired tanks within header tank blocks indicated that fish in those located nearest to walkways had higher feeding rates over the 12-week period (P = 0.048), but less efficient teed conversion (P = 0.040) than did fish in matched tanks located farthest from walkways. However, there were no differences in mean weight of fish. Results of this trial document the risks involved in identifying fish in a tank as the experimental unit when treatments are administered to the tank of fish, the latter being the true experimental unit.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Efficacy of antibacteriocidal yeast that producing bacteriocin OR-7 in pig
Cho, D.I., Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea | Kang, S.M., Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea | Lee, J.H., Silla University, Busan, Republic of Korea | Lee, S.H., Silla University, Busan, Republic of Korea | Jang, M.K., Silla University, Busan, Republic of Korea | Kim, K.S., Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding probiotics (gene modified yeast) on the growth performances in pigs. In pigs, this study investigated the effects of dietary probiotics which contained antibacterial probiotics (OR-7, bacteriocin, gene modified yeast) on growth performances and feed efficiency in pig farm. A total of 150 pigs were studied. The treatments are probiotics yeast (PY) 0.3% (basal diet + 0.3% plasmid modified probiotics), PY 0.5% (basal diet + 0.5% plasmid modified probiotics), yeast (Y) 0.3% (basal diet + 0.3% probiotics), Y 0.5% (basal diet + 0.5% probiotics) and control (basal diet). Weight gain, feed intake and feed efficiency were periodically recorded for 90 days. The treatment group trended higher weight gain, feed intake and feed efficiency than control. And, the PY group trended higher weight gain, feed intake and feed efficiency than Y group.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Pig growth performance data using the Loudong Bio-Fermentation waste treatment technology in closed house system
Khor, S. K. | Khoo, C. K. | Lim, Y. S. | Syed Hussein S. A. | Helen, M. | Chui, I. | Yeoh, N. N. | Abu Hassan M. A.
A trial and pig performance data collection was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of Luodong Bio- Fermentation Treatment Technology with zero discharge effect in a pig close house system at Tanjung Sepat, Selangor. This trial was done to gather and monitor the pig growth performance and the pig acceptance of using the Loudong Bio-fermentation Waste Treatment Technology in close house enviroment. Growth performance of the pigs were monitored by an average daily gain, feed conversion ratio, behaviour and veterinary observations. Close house temperature, moisture measurement and
bedding sampling were also conducted.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Growth performance of different varieties of desi generation-I chickens maintained under deep litter system
Sahota, A.W. | Bhatti, B.M. (Poultry Research Inst., Rawalpindi (Pakistan))
This study was conducted to examine growth performance of black, dark brown and light brown varieties of Desi Generation-1 chickens obtained from selected Desi parents (originally procured from rural areas of Mianwali and Bhakkar districts) maintained at Poultry Research Institute, Rawalpindi. A total number of 900 day-old Desi chicks 300 each of black, dark brown and light brown varieties were divided into 3 separate groups and further sub-divided into 3 equal replicates. The experimental chicks were maintained on littered floor in 9 separate pens under optimal managemental conditions for a period of 12 weeks. They were fed ad libitum a balanced chick starter ration (from day- old to 8 weeks) and a grower mash (from 9 to 12 weeks). The birds had free access to clean and fresh drinking water. The results showed non- significant difference in growth rate, feed intake and feed conversion efficiency (feed/kg gain), whereas, significantly (P less than 0.05) lower mortality rate was recorded in Desi light brown chicks in comparison to other two varieties. The better growth performance in different varieties of Desi chicks observed during the present study than reported in earlier findings could be due to effect of genetic improvement through selection breeding carried out in the parent Desi flock.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Productive performance of desi field chickens as affected under deep litter system
Sahota, A.W. | Bhatti, B.M. (Poultry Research Inst., Rawalpindi (Pakistan))
This study was conducted to examine the present productive potentials of field Desi chickens housed under deep litter system. For this purpose a detailed survey was conducted in rural areas of Punjab Province (Pakistan) to know availability of true specimens of Desi birds. After the survey a total number of 1329 adult Desi birds were selected from different villages of Mianwali and Bhakkar districts. The birds were housed at Govt. Poultry Farm, Mianwali for initial acclimatization for 6 to 8 weeks and subjected then to prophylactic vaccination and then they were shifted to Breeding and Incubation Division of Poultry Research Institute, Rawalpindi. A total number of 450 Desi birds (150 each of black, dark brown and light brown varieties) were randomly selected and were sub-divided into 3 groups of equal size. They were maintained on littered floor in 9 separate pens under optimal managemental conditions for a period of 42 weeks. The results indicated that black, dark brown and light brown groups of Desi chickens produced 1.93, 1.96 and 2.17 dozen eggs (0.0459, 0.0467 and 0.0516 dozen eggs per week) with intake of 29.75, 29.29 and 29.64 kg feed, respectively. The results showed similar performance in egg production and feed intake of different groups of Desi chickens. A similar pattern in egg weight, egg mass and FCR (feed/kg eggs) was observed, however, FCR in light brown Desi (13.68) was found to be significantly (P less than 0.01) better than that of Desi black (15.42) birds. The results further showed depression in production potential of field Desi chickens in comparison to previous production data recorded in the earlier period.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of Spirulina supplementation on growth performance of broilers
Kharde, S.D. | Shirbhate, R.N. | Bahiram, K.B. | Nipane, S.F.
The experimental trial of six weeks was undertaken on 90 broiler chicks divided into three groups. Control (To) group was fed standard broiler diet and T1 and T2 groups were provided same broiler diet supplemented with 300 and 500 mg of Spirulina per kg feed, respectively. Mean live body weight of six weeks of the experiment and live weight at the end of experiment were found to be significantly (P0.05) higher in Spirulina supplemented T1 and T2 groups of broilers than that of control (To) group. Comparatively better mean weekly weight gain and feed efficiency were also observed in Spirulina supplemented groups (T1 and T2)with decreased feed consumption as compared to control (To) group of broilers.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Comparative productive performance of different varieties of desi chickens
Sahota, A.W. | Bhatti, B.M. | Akhtar, L.A. | Bhatti, S.U. (Poultry Research Inst., Rawalpindi (Pakistan))
This study was conducted to examine comparative productive performance of different varieties of Desi chickens identified from group of Desi flock procured from rural field conditions of Mianwali and Bhakkar districts of Punjab province (Pakistan). A total of five varieties of Desi chickens viz., dark brown, medium brown, light brown, black and mixed colour were identified on the basis of their plumage colour and uniformity of body characters. Four hundred and eighty birds (96 of each variety) were selected for further study. The birds of each variety were randomly divided into 3 equal replicates. They were maintained in 15 separate pens on deep litter system under optimal managemental conditions and were fed a balanced layers ration ad-libitum. The birds were provided 16 hours light per day. The experiment was conducted for 8 weeks. The results indicated that varieties differed significantly in egg production, feed conversion efficiency and egg mass, whereas, no difference was observed in feed intake and egg weight between them. Based on the findings of this study, it appeared that different varieties of Desi chickens identified and selected during the course of this study on phenotypic basis differed in their productive potential on the basis of better productive potentials in terms of egg yield, FCR and egg mass, dark brown, and black varieties of Desi chickens could be used to carry out further selective breeding work to study possibility of improving their productive potentials.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A study on efficacy and safety of bio-gammamix by oral administration to cultured fish
Heo, G.J. (Chungbuk National University, Cheongju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Kim, B.G. | Yeh, J.G. | Kim, J.H. (Bayer Vetchem, Ltd., Anyang (Korea Republic). Bayer Veterinary Medical Research Institute)
Effects of dietary energy and protein levels on nutrient intake, digestibility, and body weight change in Hararghe highland and Afar sheep breeds of Ethiopia
Gadissa Sileshi | Eshetu Mitiku | Urge Mengistu | Tolera Adugna | Feyissa Fekede
Objectives: The experiment was conducted to determine the effect of dietary energy and protein level growth performances of selected indigenous Ethiopian sheep breeds. Materials and Methods: Fifty intact ram lambs, 25 from each breed with 12 months of age and a mean initial body weight (IBW) of 19.31 ± 1.7 kg, were employed for this experiment. Animals were distributed randomly into five dietary treatments, i.e., minimum Energy and Protein (mEmP), medium energy and protein (MEMP), medium Energy and high Protein (MEHP), high energy and medium protein (HEMP), and high Energy and high Protein (HEHP) diets in randomized complete block design with 2 * 5 factorial arrangements. The minimum, medium, and high energy diets were 2.388, 2.866, and 3.344 Mcal/kg dry matter (DM) with the corresponding 10%, 16%, and 20% crude protein (CP) diets, respectively. The diets were formulated in a total mixed ration from wheat bran (WB), maize grain, peanut cake, and pasture hay feed ingredients. Diet offer was at the rate of 3% of lambs live weight and revised biweekly as per the attained body weight changes. Digestibility trial was conducted for 7 days of actual fecal data collection, followed by 90 days of feeding trial. Results: The animals fed on the MEHP diet had a maximum DM and nutrient intakes (CP and organic matter) and the best final body weight (FBW), total gain, gain rate, average daily gains, and feed conversion efficiency (31.3, 12.9 kg, 41.2%, 143.3 gm, and 23.13, respectively), followed by HEMP, HEHP, MEMP, and mEmP diets. Digestibility of DM and nutrients linearly followed similar trends (p < 0.01). Hararghe sheep was heavier (p < 0.01) by 4.3 and 3.1 kg in its FBW and total gain and more efficient in nutrients utilization (22.57 vs. 18.18) as compared to Afar sheep (AS). Conclusion: It is concluded that MEHP and MEMP are superior and optimum diets for sheep breeds, and Hararghe sheep is carried out better than AS in most growth performance parameters. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2021; 8(2.000): 185-194]
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Влияние карнитина на переваримость и использование питательных веществ корма молодняком свиней
Golushko, V.M. | Furs, N.L., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Determination of influence of combined feed with carnitine and 3% lipids on digestibility of nutrients in ration of fattening stores was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus by an example of 8 castrated male pigs of Belarusian meaty breed with body weight of 60-65 kg. Piglets were divided into 2 groups in accordance with analogue pair principle. Selected animals were kept in single cages specially equipped for fecal and urina gathering. Both groups of animals were given the same combined feed SK-26 which included 3% lipids. Experimental piglets were fed with combined feed with carnitine in dose of 50 g/t of mixed fodder. The mixed fodder contained the following ingredients: wheat; triticale; grain mixture; sunflower oil cakes; liprot SG; tricalcium phosphate; calcium carbonate; salt; premix KS-4; vegetable oil. Research results showed that enriching of combined feed carnitine rendered positive influence on digestibility and absorbency of nutrients. It made it possible to increase the digestibility of dry matter on 2,1%, organic matter on 2,0%, crude protein on 3,1%, crude fat on 7,4%, crude fiber on 8,6%, free-nitrogen extract on 1,1%, as well as to increase nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus absorbency. Quantity of saved nitrogen in the experimental group (with carnitine additive) was on 21,1% than in control one. Quantity of saved nitrogen and absorbed with feed was on 9,8% and 5,6% respectively higher than the same indexes for the control group; calcium - on 15,5% and 2,6%, phosphorus - on 23,3% and 3,7%, respectively
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