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النتائج 1 - 10 من 16
Preparation and transfusion of canine platelet concentrates.
Abrams Ogg A.C.G. | Kruth S.A. | Carter R.F. | Valli V.E. | Kamel Reid S. | Dube I.D.
A protocol was developed for preparation of platelet concentrates (PC) to support thrombocytopenic dogs. Four clinically normal dogs with platelet counts that ranged from 200 to 330 X 10(9) platelets/L were used as donors. One unit (450 ml) of blood was collected by venipuncture into a double blood bag. Whole blood (WB) was centrifuged for 4 minutes at 1,000 X g (braking time = 2 minutes, 30 seconds) to prepare platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The PRP was expressed into the satellite bag and was centrifuged for 10 minutes at 2,000 X g (braking time = 2 minutes, 36 seconds). The platelet-poor plasma was expressed, leaving 40 to 70 ml of plasma and the pelleted platelets in the satellite bag. The resulting PC was left undisturbed for 60 minutes to promote disaggregation, and the platelets were then resuspended by gentle manual agitation. Forty-eight PC were prepared. Mean (+/- SD) platelet yield from WB to PRP was 78 +/- 13)% (range, 35 to 97%); yield from PRP to PC was 94 (+/- 6) % (range, 75 to 100%); and overall yield (PC from WB) was 74 (+/- 13) % (range, 36 to 91%). Mean PC platelet count was 8.0 (+/- 3.0) X 10(10) platelets/PC (range, 2.3 to 13.4 X 10(10) platelets/PC). The WBC content was 0.1 to 2.3 X 10(9) platelets/PC, representing 3 to 74% of WBC in the WB. Hematocrit was 0.1 to 26.2%. Results of bacterial and fungal culturing were negative.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Cardiovascular, hormonal, and metabolic responses to severe prolonged hemorrhage in adult sheep.
Wintour E.M. | Moritz K.M. | Potocnik S.J.
Over a 54-hour period, blood was removed from 8 adult sheep (body weight, 38.1 +/- 0.5 kg mean +/- SEM) in 9 episodes, 5 on day 1, 3 on day 2, and 1 on day 3. Cumulative blood loss was 1,630 +/- 63, 2,380 +/- 71, and 2,693 +/- 69 ml on days 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Blood samples (20 ml) were collected from 5 control ewes (33.8 +/- 2.8 kg) at equivalent times. Over the first day, mean arterial blood pressure decreased in the hemorrhaged sheep from 101 +/- 2 mm of Hg to 76 +/- 5 mm of Hg, but returned to control values by the beginning of the second day and, thereafter, was not different from control values. Heart rate was increased after the first hemorrhage episode and remained high throughout the entire protocol. Over the entire period, there were statistically significant decreases in hematocrit, plasma osmolality, sodium, total calcium (P < 0.001), potassium, and chloride values (P < 0.05). There was no change in plasma phosphate, bicarbonate, creatinine, or magnesium concentrations and an increase in plasma urea nitrogen (P < 0.001) concentrations. Plasma arginine vasopressin concentration was increased significantly (P < 0.001) over the entire period. Plasma ACTH concentration was significantly (P < 0.05) increased over time, but only some values on day 1 were significantly outside the normal range of the control group data. Because of wide variation between sheep, the group data for aldosterone were not significantly different from control values. Blood volume was restored on day 1 with fluid of osmolality, Na, and Cl composition equivalent to that of plasma. The effects of arginine vasopressin were apparent by day 2, when the major decrease in osmolality and Na and Cl concentrations were observed The sheep has good capacity to withstand severe, prolonged hemorrhage, most likely because of a large reserve of RBC in the spleen; hematocrit remained at 31% of control values when an estimated 100% of initial circulating blood volume had been removed.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Pulmonary artery wedge pressure increases with high-intensity exercise in horses.
Manohar M.
Using catheter mounted microtip manometers, right atrial, pulmonary artery, and pulmonary artery wedge pressures were studied in 8 horses while they were standing quietly (rest), and during galloping at treadmill speeds of 8, 10, and 13 m/s. At rest, mean (+/- SEM) heart rate, mean right atrial pressure, mean pulmonary artery pressure, and mean pulmonary artery wedge pressure were 37 (+/- 2) beats/min, 8 (+/- 2) mm of Hg, 31 (+/- 2) mm of Hg, and 18 (+/- 2) mm of Hg, respectively. Exercise at treadmill belt speed of 8 m/s resulted in significant (P < 0.05) increments in heart rate, right atrial pressure, pulmonary artery systolic, mean, diastolic and pulse pressures, and pulmonary artery wedge pressure. All these variables registered further significant (P < 0.05) increments as work intensity increased to 10 m/s, and then to 13 m/s. Pulmonary artery diastolic pressure was, however, not different among the 3 work intensities. During exercise at belt speed of 13 m/s, heart rate, mean right atrial pressure, mean pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary artery pulse pressure, and mean pulmonary artery wedge pressure were 213 (+/- 5) beats/min, 44 (+/- 4) mm of Hg, 89 (+/- 5) mm of Hg, 69 (+/- 4) mm of Hg, and 56 (+/- 4) mm of Hg, respectively. Assuming mean intravascular pulmonary capillary pressure to be halfway between the mean pulmonary arterial and venous pressures, its value during exercise at 13 m/s may have approached 72.5 mm of Hg. Transmural pressure (intravascular minus alveolar pressure) across pulmonary capillaries may be even higher because of the large negative pleural pressure swings in galloping horses. High transmural pressures may cause stress failure of pulmonary capillaries, resulting in exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of hemorheologic variables as implications for exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage in racing Thoroughbreds.
McClay C.B. | Weiss D.J. | Smith C.M. II | Gordon B.
Hematologic and rheologic changes were examined in 49 Thoroughbreds before and after competitive racing. Mean postrace values for RBC count, hemoglobin concentration, and PCV increased by 58 to 61%, whereas blood viscosity increased 2 to 3 times. Postrace echinocyte numbers were 162% greater than prerace values. Smaller, but statistically significant, changes were found for mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, red cell distribution width, plasma total protein concentration, total WBC count, neutrophil count, and lymphocyte count. Variables measured did not predict whether a horse was a bleeder not treated with furosemide, a bleeder treated with furosemide, or a nonbleeder.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Pathogenicity, hemagglutinability and the effect of physicochemical agents on virus of rabbit hemorrhagic disease.
Yoon I.J. | Jeon Y.S.
Sudden death caused by trichlorfon poisoning in Korean native cattle
Kim, J.H., Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, Gimcheon, Republic of Korea | Lee, K., Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, Gimcheon, Republic of Korea | Jung, J.Y., Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, Gimcheon, Republic of Korea | Yi, H., Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, Gimcheon, Republic of Korea | Sohn, J.H., Gyeongbuk Veterinary Service Laboratory, Andong, Republic of Korea | So, B.J., Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, Gimcheon, Republic of Korea | Choi, E.J., Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, Gimcheon, Republic of Korea
Two 12-month-old cattle with anthelmintics containing trichlorfon the day before death presented to the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency for diagnosis. In necropsy, they revealed enlargement of the spleens, redness of mucosa and serosa in stomachs and intestines, and friable kidneys. Histopathologically, hemorrhages in the spleens, omasums, abomasums, and intestines as well as renal tubular necrosis were observed. Trichlorfon was detected at above the lethal dose in the ruminal contents. Based on these findings, we diagnosed this case as death caused by trichlorfon poisoning.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of antibody against hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome virus in sera from experimentally infected rats
Maeda, T. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) | Arikawa, J. | Takashima, I. | Hashimoto, N.
Immunoreactivity of sera of calves vaccinated with Haemorrhagic septicaemia vaccine to outer membrane proteins of Pasteurella multocida (B:2) strain P52.
Mishra, Anil Kumar | Rawat, Mayank | Verma, Rishendra | Abhishek
Outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of Pasteurella multocida strain P52 were purified by immunoaffinity chromatography (IAC) using pre-challenge serum from HS vaccinated cattle-calves. IgG antibody titers of pre-challenge sera from HS vaccinated calves surviving and succumbing to direct challenge with virulent culture were determined against formalized P52 cells, P52 crude cell lysate, and OMPs of P52 purified by IAC. It was observed that OMP antigens were involved with protective response in calves and indirect ELISA test using lAC purified antigens can be developed for in vitro potency determination of Haemorrhagic septicemia (HS) vaccines.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Genetic and antigenic analyses of a Puumala virus isolate as a potential vaccine strain
Daud, N.H.A.(Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan)) | Kariwa, H. | Tkachenko, E. | Dzagurnova. T. | Medvedkina, O. | Tkachenko, P. | Ishizuka, M. | Seto, T. | Miyashita, D. | Sanada, T. | Nakauchi, M. | Yoshii, K. | Maeda, A. | Yoshimatsu, K. | Arikawa, J. | Takashima, I.
Puumala virus (PUUV), a causative agent of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), is prevalent in Europe and European Russia. No vaccine has been developed for PUUV-associated HFRS, primarily because of the low viral yield in cultured cells. A PUUV strain known as DTK/Ufa-97 was isolated in Russia and adapted for growth in Vero E6 cells maintained in serum-free medium. The DTK/Ufa-97 strain produced a higher viral titer in serum-free medium, suggesting that it may prove useful in the development of an HFRS vaccine. When PUUV-infected Vero E6 cells were grown in serum-free medium, the DTK/Ufa-97 strain yielded more copies of intracellular viral RNA and a higher viral titer in the culture fluid than did the Sotkamo strain. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that PUUVs can be classified into multiple lineages according to geographical origin, and that the DTK/Ufa-97 strain is a member of the Bashkiria-Saratov lineage. The deduced amino acid sequences of the small, medium, and large segments of the DTK/Ufa-97 strain were 99.2% to 100%, 99.3% to 99.8%, and 99.8% identical, respectively, to those of the Bashkirian PUUV strains and 96.9%, 92.6%, and 97.4% identical, respectively, to those of the Sotkamo strain, indicating that the PUUVs are genetically diverse. However, DTK/Ufa-97 and other strains of PUUV exhibited similar patterns of binding to a panel of monoclonal antibodies against Hantaan virus. In addition, diluted antisera (i.e., ranging from 1:160 to 1:640) specific to three strains of PUUV neutralized both homologous and heterologous viruses. These results suggest that the DTK/Ufa-97 strain is capable of extensive growth and is antigenically similar to genetically distant strains of PUUV.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A pathological observation on the experimental rabbit viral hepatitis
Jyeong, J.S. (Kyungpook Animal Health Experimental Inst., Taegu (Korea Republic). ) | Kwon, Y.R. | Lee, C.S. (Kyungpook Nat'l Univ., Taegu (Korea Republic). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine) | Shin, T.K. (Cheju Nat'l Univ., Cheju (Korea Republic). Dept. of Veterinary Medicine)