خيارات البحث
النتائج 1 - 8 من 8
Evaluation of erythrocyte sedimentation rate in racehorse measured by westergren method
Kim, B.J. (Korea Horse Affairs Association, Seoul (Korea Republic)) | Lee, B.W. | Lee, C.Y. (Chonnam National University, Kwangju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Использование винной кислоты для санациии воздуха птичников и повышения сохранности цыплят-бройлеров
Gotovskij, D.G. | Karpenko, E.A. | Ivanykova, K.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the efficiency of bactericidal action of tartaric acid aerosol for air sanitation of poultry buildings and increasing of broiler chickens viability. The bactericidal action was analyzed by the example of Staphylococcus aureus, Eschericia coli and Proteus vulgaris. In course of study there were analyzed biochemical indexes of blood and blood serum, lymphoid tubercle in proper mucous plate of trachea of broiler chickens after 6-time treatment with tartaric acid and Ekotsid C preparation. Research results showed that the analysed preparations did not render negative influence on metabolic indexes of broiler chickens and increase poultry viability. Application of tartaric acid did not cause pathomorphologic changes in tissues and organs of birds, stimulated the active proliferation of leucocytes in immune system organs (thymus gland; spleen; and lymphoid tissue).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Остаточные количества фенбендазола, ветеринарно-санитарная оценка мяса крупного рогатого скота при применении болюсов пролонгированного действия
Yatusevich, I.A. | Zhukovskaya, N.I., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Results on determination of residual quantities of fenbendazole and its metabolites in cattle meat, organs and tissues after administration of preparation Febolvet in dose of one bolus per one animal realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus were presented. Animals were killed in 35 and 80 days after administration of preparation. There were no strangulates in animals organs. Pieces of nephros, liver, cordis, fat and muscle tissue were chosen for residual quantity of fenbendazole and its metabolites evaluation. The level of carcasses bleeding was good at application of boluses of infested activity with fenbendazole. In 24-48 hours of keeping in refrigerator the drying crust was well-defined, muscle tissue in cut had firm texture and from light red to red color, cut areas were wet. Tendon was form and elastic. Soup was clear, flavored and without extraneous odors. Study of physical-chemical indexes estimated peroxidase activity, pH, presence of products of primary breaking of protein in 24 and 72 hours after killing. Biological value decreased slightly (on 1,04%). Veterinary-sanitary evaluation of cattle meat was conducted in the investigation. Research results showed no residual quantities of fenbendazole in the analyzed samples after application of long lasting boluses. Application of the analyzed boluses in case of cattle strongylatosis did not lower the veterinary and sanitary indexes of meat and did not render substantial effect on its quality
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Сабельник болотный (Comarum palustre) и применение его в ветеринарной практике
Titovich, L.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the propagation, botanical characteristic, chemical composition and pharmacological properties of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre) and its application in the veterinary practice against strongylatosis (Strongylata) of gastrointestinal system of cattle young stock. Reserch results showed that the perennial herbage plant marsh cinquefoil from Rosales (Rosaceae) family possessed different therapeutic properties: antipyretic agent; styptic agent; diuretic agent; bonding agent; wound healing substance; tonic agent; promotoring agent. Research results showed that the preparative forms (broth; liqueur; liquid juice; powder) of marsh cinquefoil possessed an active agent proanthocyanidin, a condensed tanning substance which were included into composition of a polyphenolic complex and proved to be efficient for treatment of cattle young stock strongylatosis.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Использование экологически безопасных препаратов для дезинфекции птичников и повышения сохранности цыплят-бройлеров
Gotovskij, D.G., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The modern technology applied on poultry enterprises of the Republic of Belarus made provision for high concentration of poultry population density at the comparatively small housing areas of integrated poultry farms which caused the deterioration of sanitary conditions in poultry houses, especially by the end of the growing period. Broiler chickens grown under such conditions were constantly experiencing the microbe stress which eventually caused the heightened culling and poultry losses caused by different diseases caused both by pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. For the current disinfection in presence of poultry it was proposed to use sprayings with malic and succinic acids, which made it possible to realize not only the air sanation in poultry houses, but also increase broiler chicken viability. The highest bactericidal activity of apple acid aerosol against air microflora was stated within 3 hours after carrying out indoors treatment. After disinfection the general microbic air contamination decreased in 2-10 times, quantity of microorganisms of colimorphic groups and staphilococcus in 1,4-1,75 and 2-10 times, respectively, in comparison with the original air values realized before air treatment in poultry houses. In the following, there was stated the gradual increase of a level of microbic air contamination within 24 hours. The best effect of the preparation was stated against Staphylococcus. Thus, the quantity of Staphylococcus in air decreased in 10 times in comparison with initial data
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Ветеринарно-санитарные показатели мяса птицы при включении в рацион нанобиокорректора Витолад
Glaskovich, M.A. | Pakhomov, P.I. | Kapitonova, E.A. | Bondar, T.V. | Babakhina, N.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the veterinary and sanitary quality and safety of poultry slaughter products after application of a natural biological corrector VitoLAD produced in Belarus on the basis of cultivation of nonpathogenic strain of fungi Fusarium sambuninum MKF-2001-3 used for restoration of dysfunction disorders. As a result of the realized bacteriological research there were marked no pathogenic and opportunistic organisms in all experimental samples of meat and internal organs. Indices of biological value of meat of three experimental and control group had no authentic differences. Displays of toxicity for infusorians were not marked. Poultry meat of investigated samples in control, and all three experimental groups (doses of 0,25 ml/head - the second experimental group, a dose of 0,5 ml/head - the third experimental group and a dose of 1 ml/head - the fourth experimental group) in diets of which there was added the natural biological corrector VitoLAD, proved to be good-quality and harmless. In accordance with organoleptic, physical and chemical, bacteriological indexes, as well as biological value and harmlessness did not concede to meat of the control group. The complex veterinary and sanitary estimation of bird carcasses of three experimental and control groups did not show any deviations from existing standards that made it possible to organize production realization without restriction.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Коррозийное действие отечественных дезинфекционных препаратов
Vysotskij, A.Eh., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus). The S.N. Vyshelesskij Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Medicine
Disinfection of cattle-breeding farms and their equipment is an action directed towards eradication of causative agents of infectious diseases in environment, towards the liquidation of the infection focal points as one of epizootic chains by means of application of various chemical substances. Study of the corrosive activity of developed in Belarus disinfectants and their comparison with the foreign analogues was realized. Cattle-breeding premises possess considerable metal consumption. Traditional disinfectants possess the expressed corrosive action and cause the substantial deterioration and damage of metal structures of premises. In recent years there were developed and recommended for application in veterinary science some new nontoxical, ecologically safe disinfectants, developed with the assistance of scientists of the S.N. Vyshelesskij Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine of Belarus, such as: Virkotsid (technical specifications BY 190245337.001-2007), Sandim-D (technical specifications BY 100917107.001-2007), combined disinfectant of surfaces, Valisan (technical specifications BY 101385752.001-2006), Belopag (technical specifications BY 100162869.059-2005), Belsteril (technical specifications BY 500027013.001-001-2003) and Vitmol (technical specifications BY 300047997.001-2003). Research results showed that the analysed disinfectants possessed less corrosive activity to metals in comparison with the foreign analogues (Glutex, Dezavid, Virkon C, etc.). The least severity of corrosion was stated in the disinfectants representing the compositions of the bactericide agents (Sandim-D, KDP, Belopag, Vitmol, Virkotsid, Valisan, etc)
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Ветеринарно-санитарная оценка продуктов убоя овец при применении различных форм препаратов цинка
Kurdeko, A.P. | Kovalenok, Yu.K. | Matsinovich, A.A. | Golub', A.A. | Nikolaenko, S.A. | Pakhomov, P.I. | Bondar, T.V. | Bogomoltsev, A.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
There were studied the veterinary-sanitary indicators of sheep slaughter products in the conditions of application of microcelements in various forms. Studying of the influence chelate forms of microelements on quality of cattle-breeding production is spent in comparison with preparations in which microelements are in a kind of salts. As a model preparation, for studying of chelate influence on quality of cattle-breeding production used of the chelate zinc form - Tsinkovet. Results of research show, that use of chelate and inorganic forms of zinc does not reduce high quality of received production. Meat of sheep of trial groups on organoleptic, bacteriological and physical and chemical indicators, and also biological value and harmlessness is characterized as good-quality and corresponds to veterinary-sanitary requirements. In tables results of physical and chemical researchs of meat, its biological value and harmlessness are presented. | Целью исследований явилось изучение ветеринарно-санитарных показателей продуктов убоя овец при назначении им микроэлементов в различных формах. Изучение влияния хелатных форм микроэлементов на качество животноводческой продукции проведено в сравнении с препаратами, в которых микроэлементы находятся в виде солей. В качестве модельного препарата, для изучения влияния хелатов на качество животноводческой продукции использовали хелатную форму цинка - Цинковет. Результаты исследований показывают, что использование хелатных и неорганических форм цинка не снижает доброкачественности получаемой продукции. Мясо овец опытных групп по органолептическим, бактериологическим и физико-химическим показателям, а также биологической ценности и безвредности характеризуется как доброкачественное и соответствует ветеринарно-санитарным требованиям. В таблицах представлены результаты физико-химических исследований мяса, его биологическая ценность и безвредность.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]