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النتائج 1 - 2 من 2
A qualitative investigation of animal-to-human brucellosis knowledge among health workers in Kajiado North Sub-County, Kenya
Maina, A. G. | Gatongi, P. M. | Nguhiu, P. N.
Animal-to-human brucellosis transmission methods in Kajiado NorthSub - Count y, Kenya are inadequately documented. The Sub- County’s main livelihood is livestock-keeping, putting it at risk to brucellosis infections. Objective of this study was to determine the knowledge of brucellosis among animal and humanhealth workers. These workers were stationed in Kajiado North Sub-County and were the key informants of this study from whom qualitative data was collected. The data was analysed based on emerging themes, e.g. brucellosis significance in the community, livestock birthing and milk hygiene. Results revealed that brucellosis a significant disease in the community, informants were knowledgeable on the need for pre-purchase livestock examination, the need for proper disposal of livestock abortive material and on good milk hygiene measures. However, it was found that not all had adequate knowledge about brucellosis transmission through livestock birthing. The results indicated that measures to control and prevent brucellosis transmission to man, and between animals were inadequate as health workers were unable to adequately advise the community. It is recommendedthat health workers should be trained on all methods of brucellosis transmission, especially transmission during livestock births.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Immunohistochemical analysis of matrix metalloproteinase-1, -3, and -13 in naturally occurring cartilaginous tumors of dogs
Kuroki, Keiichi | Kreeger, John M. | Cook, James L. | Tomlinson, James L. | Johnson, Gayle C. | Pace, Lanny W. | Turnquist, Susan E. | Turk, James R. | Ramos, Jose A. | Miller, Margaret A.
Objective-To determine immunoreactivity of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1, -3, and -13 in cartilaginous tumors of dogs, correlate expression of MMP with histologic grade of tumors and clinical outcome of dogs, and compare MMP immunoreactivity between chondrosarcomas and chondromas. Sample Population-Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues obtained from samples of naturally occurring chondrosarcomas (n = 31) and chondromas (8) of dogs that were submitted to our veterinary medical diagnostic laboratory. Procedure-Histologic sections from each sample were stained with H&E and monoclonal antibody to MMP-1, -3, and -13 by use of an avidin-peroxidase immunohistochemical technique. For each section, histologic grade (I, II, or III) and immunohistochemical expression (0, 1, 2, or 3) were evaluated. Clinical outcome was obtained from medical records or interviews with referring veterinarians and scored as a good outcome, moderate outcome, or poor outcome. Correlations among variables and differences between chondrosarcomas and chondromas were analyzed. Results-Samples from chondrosarcomas had significantly higher immunoreactivity of MMP-1 and -13, compared with immunoreactivity in samples from chondromas. In chondrosarcomas, a significant positive correlation (r, 0.386) was found between MMP-1 and -13 immunoreactivities, and a significant negative correlation (r, -0.390) was detected between MMP-3 and -13 immunoreactivities. Conclusion and Clinical Relevance-A significant increase in expression of collagenases (MMP-1 and - 13) in chondrosarcomas, compared with expression in chondromas, suggests that collagenases may play an important role in tumor progression, and possibly metastasis, in chondrosarcomas of dogs.
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