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النتائج 1 - 10 من 29
Effect of Pasteurella multocida toxin on physeal growth in young pigs.
Ackermann M.R. | Register K.B. | Stabel J.R. | Gwaltney S.M. | Howe T.S. | Rimler R.B.
Diaphyseal structural properties of equine long bones.
Hanson P.D. | Markel M.D. | Vanderby R. Jr.
We evaluated the single-cycle structural properties for axial compression, torsion, and 4-point bending with a central load applied to the caudal or lateral surface of a diaphyseal segment from the normal adult equine humerus, radius, third metacarpal bone, femur, tibia, and third metatarsal bone. Stiffness values were determined from load-deformation curves for each bone and test mode. Compressive stiffness ranged from a low of 2,690 N/mm for the humerus to a high of 5,670 N/mm for the femur. Torsional stiffness ranged from 558 N.m/rad for the third metacarpal bone to 2,080 N.m/rad for the femur. Nondestructive 4-point bending stiffness ranged from 3,540 N.m/rad for the radius to 11,500 N.m/rad for the third metatarsal bone. For the humerus, radius, and tibia, there was no significant difference in stiffness between having the central load applied to the caudal or lateral surface. For the third metacarpal and metatarsal bones, stiffness was significantly (P < 0.05) greater with the central load applied to the lateral surface than the palmar or plantar surface. For the femur, bones were significantly (P < 0.05) stiffer with the central load applied to the caudal surface than the lateral surface. Four-point bending to failure load-deformation curves had a bilinear pattern in some instances, consisting of a linear region at lower bending moments that corresponded to stiffness values from the nondestructive tests and a second linear region at higher bending moments that had greater stiffness values. Stiffness values from the second linear region ranged from 4,420 N.m/rad for the humerus to 13,000 N.m/rad for the third metatarsal bone. Differences in stiffness between nondestructive tests and the second linear region of destructive tests were significant (P < 0.05) for the radius, third metacarpal bone, and third metatarsal bone. Difference between stiffness values of paired left and right bones was not detected for any test.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Keratan sulfate as a marker of articular cartilage catabolism and joint treatment in ponies.
Todhunter R.J. | Yeager A.E. | Freeman K.P. | Parente E.J. | Lust G.
Keratan sulfate (KS) is a glycosaminoglycan, distribution of which is confined mostly to hyaline cartilage. As such, it is a putative marker of hyaline cartilage catabolism. In experiment 1, a focal osteochondral defect was made arthroscopically in 1 radial carpal bone of 2 ponies, and in 2 other ponies, chymopapain was injected into the radiocarpal joint to induce cartilage catabolism. Sequential and concurrent plasma and synovial fluid concentrations of KS were measured, up to 13 months after induction of cartilage injury, to determine whether changes in KS concentrations reflected cartilage catabolism. In experiment 2, a large, bilateral osteochondral defect was made in the radial carpal bones of 18 ponies, which were subsequently given postoperative exercise and/or injected intra-articularly with 250 mg of polysulfated glycosaminoglycan (PSGAG). Medication was given at surgery, then weekly for 4 weeks. Blood samples were collected and synovial fluid was aspirated before surgery, when medication was given, and at postmortem examination (postoperative week 17). The KS concentration was measured in these fluids to determine whether changes in KS concentration indicated an effect of joint treatment. In experiment 1, the concentration of KS in synovial fluid was highest 1 day after joint injury, and the concentration in plasma peaked 2 days after joint injury. For ponies receiving chymopapain intra-articularly (generalized cartilage catabolism), a fivefold increase over baseline was observed in the concentration of KS in plasma (peak mean, 1.2 microgram/ml), and a tenfold increase over baseline in synovial fluid (peak mean, 2.0 mg/ml) was observed. On average, these maxima were threefold higher than values in fluids of ponies with osteochondral defects (focal cartilage disease). In experiment 2, nonexercised ponies had lower KS concentration (as a percentage of the preoperative concentration) in synovial fluid than did exercised ponies at all postoperative times, and.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Sonographic brightness of the flexor tendons and ligaments in the metacarpal region of horses.
Wood A.K.W. | Sehgal C.M. | Polansky M.
Sonographic observations were made of the image mean gray scale (MGS) of the flexor tendons and ligaments in the left and right metacarpal regions of each of 10 clinically normal horses. In images made in the dorsal and sagittal planes, the MGS was measured at multiple sites in the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT), deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT), accessory ligament (AL), and suspensory ligament (SL), and at single sites in the medial and lateral limbs of the SL, and the palmar ligament. Relative sonographic brightness of each tendon and ligament was calculated by dividing the value of its MGS by the mean value for the MGS of images of 3 soft tissue equivalent phantoms. When a multivariate repeated-measures of ANOVA of the relative brightness values was statistically significant (P < 0.05), Tukey's method of multiple comparisons was used to determine which values were significantly different from each other. In the dorsal plane, the SL was significantly brighter than the DDFT, SDFT, and AL; relative brightnesses of the DDFT and SDFT were similar, as were those of the SDFT and AL. In the sagittal plane, the SL again was the significantly brightest structure, followed by the Al, and similar brightnesses of the DDFT and SDFT. In dorsal images made 25 cm distal to the accessory carpal bone, relative brightnesses of the SDFT, DDFT, and the medial and lateral limbs of the SL were similar. In images made 30 cm distal to the accessory carpal bone, relative brightness of the palmar ligament was significantly (P < 0.05) less than that of the SDFT and DDFT in the dorsal plane, but not in the sagittal plane, where it was significantly greater. Relative brightness values represented a unique sonographic characteristic of each structure and, in the future, may provide further insights into tendon and ligament structure and function.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Use of orthopedic markers for quantitative determination of proximal radial and ulnar growth in foals.
Smith B.L. | Auer J.A. | Taylor S. | Hulse D.S. | Longnecker M.T.
Cortical bone screws were implanted into the proximal portion of the right and left radius and ulna of 6 newborn Quarter Horse foals as radiographic markers for measurement of growth. Distance between markers on a lateral radiographic view was measured. Radiographs were taken at 2-week intervals until the horses were 8 weeks old, at 4-week intervals until they were 48 weeks old, and at 12-week intervals until they were 72 weeks old. The proximal radius and ulna grew at similar rates during the 72-week period of evaluation, and growth continued throughout 72 weeks. The proximal radius grew 3.5 cm, and the ulna grew 3.4 cm. Although the rates of growth were similar, growth from the ulnar physis contributed only to the length of the olecranon; growth was not transmitted to the ulnar diaphysis distal to the cubital joint. The proximal radius slid distally in relation to the ulna as growth occurred at the proximal radial physis. These findings suggest that transfixing the ulna to the radius while growth is occurring at the proximal radial physis impedes the natural shifting process, and subluxation of the elbow can result. Severity of subluxation would be inversely related to the age of the horse at the time of transfixation.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of clustered drill holes on the breaking strength of the equine third metacarpal bone.
Specht T.E. | Miller G.J. | Colahan P.T.
The breaking strength (stress at failure) of equine third metacarpal bones, with and without clustered drill holes, was determined in vitro. Paired ossa metacarpalia II-IV of 39 horses (n = 39) between 2 and 7 years old were tested in palmarodorsal 3-point bending. Four treatments were compared. Clustered 2.7- or 3.5-mm drill holes, in a 4- or 7-hole pattern, were made in the dorsal cortex of the distal diaphysis of the left third metacarpal bone. Undrilled right third metacarpi were used as controls. Bones with clustered drill holes failed by an oblique fracture through 1 or more drill holes, whereas undrilled bones failed with a middiaphyseal transverse fracture. Clustered drill holes acted as a stress concentrator and significantly (P < 0.05) decreased the stress required for failure. However, differences in breaking strength between treatment groups were not significant (P > 0.05).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Somatosensory-evoked and spinal cord-evoked potentials in response to pudendal and tibial stimulation in cats.
Sims M.H. | Selcer R.R.
Somatosensory-evoked potentials (SEP) and spinal cord-evoked potentials (SCEP) were recorded in clinically normal adult cats in response to electrical stimulation of pudendal and tibial nerves to provide normative data that can be used in a clinical evaluation of pudendal nerve function in cats after sacral or sacrococcygeal luxations or fractures. Responses to tibial nerve stimulation were included in the study as an internal control because it is usually not involved in these types of injuries and because its SEP and SCEP are easily recorded. Evoked potentials were characterized by the latencies (ms) of positive (P or p) and negative (N or n) peaks. The SEP resulting from percutaneous pudendal nerve stimulation consisted of a prominent P-N-P potential in the 30- to 80-ms range. The pudendal SCEP was not successfully recorded because of large muscle artifacts evoked from the sacral area. The tibial SEP was similar to the pudendal SEP, except that the prominent P-N-P series in the 35- to 81-ms range was preceded by a smaller p-n-p-n sequence in the 7- to 23-ms range. The tibial SCEP consisted of a P-N-P series in the 2- to 4-ms range.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]In vitro characterization of porcine juvenile articular cartilage.
Lamar C.H. | Eller L.L. | Turek J.J.
Mechanical symmetry of rabbit bones studied by bending and indentation testing.
An Y.H. | Kang Q. | Friedman R.J.
Effects of temperature and storage time on pin pull-out testing in harvested canine femurs.
Huss B.T. | Anderson M.A. | Wagner Mann C.C. | Payne J.T.
Effects of temperature and storage time on canine bone-transfixation pin specimens were tested by comparing pin pull-out forces. A total of 16 femurs from 8 mature dogs were tested. Five nonthreaded Steinmann pins were placed through both cortices in the diaphysis of each femur. The femurs were then sectioned transversely between each pin, with a bonepin specimen placed evenly into each of 5 groups prior to biomechanical testing. Four bone-pin specimen groups were stored at -20 or -70 C for 14 or 28 days, while 1 specimen group was immediately tested. Pull-out forces for frozen groups were compared with pull-out forces for the fresh group. Using two-way ANOVA, there was no statistical difference in mean axial-extraction forces among bonepin specimen in any of the tested groups. It is concluded that acute pin pull-out forces are not significantly affected by freezing temperature or time. However, specimens stored at -20 C for as few as 14 days had a trend for increased pull-out forces, compared with freshly harvested specimens. Therefore, the authors recommend storage of bone-pin specimens at -70 C when possible.
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