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النتائج 1 - 10 من 10
Influence of estrogen on antibacterial and immunoglobulin secretory activities of uterine fluids from ovariectomized mares.
Johnson J.U. | Oxender W.D. | Berkhoff H.A.
Effect of estrogen (E2) and progesterone (P4) on uterine antibacterial activity and immunoglobulin concentrations in mares was studied. In 2 in vitro experiments, 6 mixed-breed mares were ovariectomized, and uterine fluid and blood serum were analyzed. Antibacterial assay methods were used to determine inhibitory effects on Streptococcus zooepidemicus of uterine fluid samples collected on days 3, 5, and 8, and serum obtained on day 8 of treatment. Single radial immunodiffusion methods were used to quantify amounts of IgA and IgG in uterine fluid and serum on days 3, 5, 8, and 14 of treatment. Neither E2 nor P4 increased activity of serum and uterine fluid against S zooepidemicus. Numbers of colony-forming units per milliliter of bacteria were significantly (P < 0.01) lower in control Hanks' balanced salt solution with 1.0% gelatin (HBSSG) than in uterine fluids. Bacterial numbers were significantly (50%) greater in uterine fluids and serum than in HBSSG controls for both treatments. Both fluids, especially serum, supported significantly (P < 0.01) more growth of S zooepidemicus than did HBSSG when incubated for 0, 2, and 4 hours. These findings are in contrast to previous reports of antibacterial activity in the uterus of sexually intact mares undergoing an estrous cycle: great reduction of bacterial count in uterine fluid from mares in diestrus, and significant increases in bacterial numbers in uterine fluid or serum from mares in estrus. Treatment comparisons between serum and uterine fluid IgA and IgG concentrations were not significantly different, although overall IgA concentration in the uterus was higher than concentration in serum. The IgG concentration in uterine fluid was higher in P4- than E2-treated mares. However, IgG concentration was significantly (P < 0.01) higher in uterine fluid on day 8 in P4-treated mares than on day 3 or 5. Results of this study indicate that neither immunoglobulin concentration nor hormone treatment has a direct effec.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of deficient and adequate dietary magnesium concentrations on body magnesium concentrations in wethers.
Fisher D.D. | Wilson L.L. | Leach R.M. | Scholz R.W.
Detection of Toxoplasma gondii in feline and canine biological samples by use of the polymerase chain reaction.
Stiles J. | Prade R. | Greene C.
Effect of topically applied 2% pilocarpine and 0.25% demecarium bromide on blood-aqueous barrier permeability in dogs.
Krohne S.G.
The effect of topically applied 2% pilocarpine and 0.25% demecarium bromide on aqueous humor flare was evaluated while treating normal eyes of dogs 3 times daily for 8 days. Fifteen clinically normal Beagles were allotted to 2 drug treatment groups, and flare was measured, using laser flaremetry. Pilocarpine caused an increase of flare to 167 photon counts (pc)/ms at 7 hours, compared with the nontreated control eye mean value 3.7 pc/ms. By 31 hours, flare had decreased to 70 pc/ms with 3 daily topical treatments. By 55 hours, the flare measurement was in the normal range. Intraocular pressure (IOP) decreased in the treated eyes, compared with the nontreated eyes, and maximal decrease in IOP was observed at the same time as maximal flare. Demecarium induced a similar increase in flare and decrease in IOP, with peak effect seen at 31 hours. At that time, the flaremetry result was 28 pc/ms, compared with 3.4 pc/ms in the nontreated control eyes. After 8 days of 3 times daily treatment, flare values had returned to normal in eyes of dogs in both treatment groups. The transient increase in aqueous humor protein concentration did not result in ocular or visual damage, and long-term changes were not seen. The amount of flare increase attributable to topical application of pilocarpine was greater than the increase in human eyes when measured by use of laser flaremetry.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Pulmonary histopathologic findings, acid-base status, and absorption of colostral immunoglobulins in newborn calves.
Lopez A. | Lofstedt J. | Bildfell R. | Horney B. | Burton S.
A study was conducted to investigate whether aspiration of amniotic fluid is associated with a deleterious effect on absorption of colostral immunoglobulins or on blood gas and acid-base values of healthy newborn calves. Fourteen calves purchased from commercial sources were transported to a research facility immediately after birth and fed colostrum with known concentrations of immunoglobulins. Blood samples for gas analyses were collected within 5 hours of birth, 24 hours later, and prior to euthanasia. Between 3 and 5 days of age, calves were euthanatized by an overdose of barbiturates. Eleven calves had evidence of bronchoaspiration of amniotic fluid, as determined by presence of meconium, squamous epithelium, or keratin in histologic sections of fixed lung or by cytologic analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Blood gas tensions and pH were within reference ranges in 11 of 14 calves. Aspiration of amniotic fluid could not be linked to any specific changes in blood gas tensions, acid-base status, or absorption of colostral immunoglobulins. Presence of keratin and meconium in the lungs often was accompanied by mild exudative alveolitis and focal atelectasis. It was concluded that aspiration of small amounts of amniotic fluid with or without meconium is common in calves and is not associated with hypoxemia, respiratory acidosis, or failure of passive transfer.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Comparison of peritoneal fluid analysis before and after exploratory celiotomy and omentopexy in cattle.
Anderson D.E. | Cornwell D. | St Jean G. | Desrochers A. | Anderson L.S.
The effect of right paralumbar fossa exploratory celiotomy and omentopexy on peritoneal fluid constituents was studied in 22 adult dairy cows. Six cows were eliminated on the basis of physical examination findings (n = 2), surgical findings (n = 2), or inability to obtain a sufficient volume of peritoneal fluid (n = 2). Sixteen cattle had normal results of Csc and serum biochemical analysis, and a minimum of 1 ml of peritoneal fluid was obtained by abdominocentesis. Abdominocentesis was repeated on days 1, 2, and 6 after surgery. Statistical analysis for repeated measures was performed, using a significance level of P < 0.05. Stage of gestation was evaluated for interaction with time. Mean total nucleated cell count was 3,200 cells/1 before surgery, was significantly increased 2 days after surgery (16,336 cells/microliter), and continued to increase through day 6 (20,542 cells/microliter). Mean polymorphonuclear cell count was 1,312 cells/microliter before surgery and was significantly higher at 2 (11,043 cells/microliter) and 6 (10,619 cells/microliter) days after surgery. Mean lymphocyte count was 254 cells/microliter before surgery and was significantly increased 2 days (1,911 cells/microliter) after surgery. By day 6, lymphocyte numbers were similar to preoperative values. Mean mononuclear cell count was 770 cells/microliter before surgery and was significantly increased on days 1 (3,084 cells/microliter), 2 (3,285 cells/microliter and 6 (2,349 cells/microliter) after surgery. Mean eosinophil numbers were 1,388 cells/microliter before surgery and were significantly increased on day 6 (6,347 cells/microliter) only. Interaction between time and stage of gestation was found only for specific gravity and total protein concentration. In general, specific gravity and total protein concentration increased after surgery (mean before surgery, 1.016 and 3.6 g/dl; mean after surgery, 1.021 and 5.6 g/dl).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Diagnosis of nitrate toxicosis in cattle, using biological fluids and a rapid ion chromatographic method.
Boermans H.J.
An ion chromatographic method was used to simultaneously determine nitrate and nitrite ions in biological samples. Ultrafiltration was used to produce a protein-free filtrate. Chloride interferences were eliminated by precipitation as the silver salt. Detection limits and average recoveries were 0.5 mg/L and 102% for nitrate and 0.2 mg/L and 78% for nitrite, respectively. Nitrate concentration was 2.1 +/- 1.8 mg/L and 4.9 +/- 0.8 mg/L in serum and ocular fluid of healthy cattle, respectively; nitrite was not detected. A severe case of nitrate poisoning in cattle was described and used to study the concentrations of nitrate and nitrite in samples obtained under natural conditions. Nitrate concentration of acutely poisoned cattle was 35% lower in ocular fluid at 158.1 +/- 51.4 mg/L, than in serum at 256.3 +/- 113.4 mg/L. Nitrite was not detected, because of the long processing time (> 3 hours) required for samples obtained in the field. A gradual decrease in ocular fluid nitrate of 29.4% at 24 hours, 25.9% at 36 hours, 51.6% at 48 hours, and 73.2% at 60 hours was observed; however, concentrations remained diagnostically significant (73.2 mg/L) 60 hours after death. Twenty-four hours after poisoning, the serum nitrate concentration of severely ill (52.7 +/- 51.9 mg/L) and moderately affected (12.4 +/- 5.7 mg/L) cattle that survived was indicative of the severity of clinical signs previously observed. Nitrate in serum and ocular fluid was stable in samples stored for 24 hours at 23 C, 1 week at 4 C, and 1 month at -20 C.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Detection of foot-and-mouth disease viral sequences in various fluids and tissues during persistence of the virus in cattle.
Bergmann I.E. | Malirat V. | Auge de Mello P. | Gomes I.
Evaluation of intraocular penetration of topically administered tissue plasminogen activator in dogs.
Gerding P.A. Jr. | Eurell T.E.
Topically administered tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) was evaluated for its penetration into aqueous humor of clinically normal dogs. Two concentrations of tPA (5 mg/ml and 10 mg/ml) were evaluated in a single-dose study, and a concentration of 5 mg of tPA/ml was used for a multiple-dose study. The contralateral eye served as a nontreated control. Enzyme substrate analysis of aqueous humor was used to determine tPA activity. The activity of tPA in aqueous humor was significantly (P < 0.05) greater in treated eyes of all dogs, compared with that in control eyes. Significant differences in activity of tPA were not detected at different doses in treated eyes.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Heavy metals in fluids and tissues of fetal calves and in young calves of nursing cows exposed or not exposed to anaerobically digested wastewater sludge.
Fitzgerald P.R. | Peterson J. | Lue Hing C.