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النتائج 1 - 5 من 5
Controlled wound repair in guinea pigs, using antimicrobials that alter fibroplasia.
Kenyon A.J. | Hamilton S.G. | Douglas D.M.
Modulation of arachidonic acid metabolism by bovine alveolar macrophages exposed to interferons and lipopolysaccharide.
O'Sullivan M.G. | Fleisher L.N. | Olson N.C. | MacLachlan N.J.
Stimulation of bovine alveolar macrophages with calcium ionophore A23187 resulted in marked production of leukotriene (LT)B4 and a lesser increase in thromboxane (TX)B2, whereas opsonized zymosan (OPZ) resulted in production of TXB2 and relatively small increases in LTB4 and prostaglandin (PG)F2 alpha. Alveolar macrophages incubated with recombinant bovine interferon-gamma or lipopolysaccharide, and subsequently stimulated with A23187 or OPZ, had altered arachidonic acid metabolism, producing markedly increased amounts of TXB2 and PGF2 alpha, and slightly increased LTB4. Incubation of alveolar macrophages with lipopolysaccharide had a more profound effect on the increased amounts of TXB2 and PGF2 alpha, observed in response to stimulation with A23187 or OPZ, than did incubation with interferon-gamma. Alveolar macrophages incubated with recombinant bovine interferon-alpha 1-1 also produced slightly increased amounts of LTB4 when stimulated with A23187 or OPZ. Altered arachidonic acid metabolism by alveolar macrophages exposed to interferons and lipopolysaccharide may contribute to the development of pulmonary inflammation, such as in the early stages of bacterial pneumonia following viral infections that induce interferon production.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Mortality in swine herds endemically infected with Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae: effect of immunization with cross-reacting lipopolysaccharide core antigens of Escherichia coli.
Fenwick B.W. | Osburn B.I. | Cullor J.S. | Henry S.C. | Olander H.I.
Effects of Pasteurella haemolytica lipopolysaccharide on selected functions of bovine leukocytes.
Confer A.W. | Simons K.R.
Комплексообразующая активность фитолектинов с углеводными детерминантами эритроцитов крупного рогатого скота и альфа 1-4 D-глюканом
Kubarev, V.S., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus) | Dobrovolskij, S.A. | Shishlov, M.P., National Academy of Sciences (Belarus). Scientific and Practical Center for Arable Farming | Kurdeko, A.P. | Kovalenok, Yu.K., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Studying of interaction of phytolectins with carbohydrate epitopes of cattle erythrocytes and alpha 1-4 D-glukan was realize in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus was realized by the example of seeds of soy (Glycine max) of Viliya variety, common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) of Olga variety, spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) of VM-MGF variety, and wheat (Triticum aestivum) of Akogomugi varity. Lectins studies of pathological conditions (infringement of a cellular metabolism, transformation and cell destruction, etc.) were closely connected with research of structure and functions of cellular membranes that was important for carrying out of various biotechnological works. As a result of the realized research there was given the comparative characteristic of hemagglutinin activity of phytolectins of some bean and grain crops in relation to erythrocytes of cattle and precipitating with and 1-4 D-glukan. Intensive precipitation of alpha 1-4 D-glukan was observed in the conditions of its interaction with lectins of soya and wheat and less expressed in the conditions of interaction with lectins of bean and barley. It was established, that glucose monomers and its derivatives proved to be the basic structural element of glycocalyx of erythrocytes which detected the phytolectins of soya, beans, wheat and barley
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