أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

[ نُشرت في: Journal of Veterinary Research ]
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الكلمات المفتاحية الخاصة بالمكنز الزراعي (أجروفوك)

النتائج 1 - 2 من 2

Comparison between tuberculin test results and ELISA for diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis


F. R. El-Seedy | Sohair S. Elyas | W.H. Hassan | E. A. Nasr

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Clinical features and surgical treatment of inflammatory colorectal polyps in miniature dachshunds: 40 cases (2002-2015)


Horikirizono, H. (Nihon University, Fujisawa, Kanagawa (Japan). College of Bioresource Sciences, Laboratory of Veterinary Surgery) | Ishigaki, K. | Amaha, T. | Iizuka, K. | Nagumo, T. | Tamura, K. | Seki, M. | Edamura, K. | Watari, T. | Asano, K.

The Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Information Technology Center - Japan