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In vitro evaluation of negative pressure generated during application of negative suction volumes by use of various syringes with and without thoracostomy tubes
Mezzles, Marguerite J. | Murray, Rebecca L. | Heiser, Brian P.
OBJECTIVE To determine the amount of negative pressure generated by syringes of various sizes with and without an attached thoracostomy tube and whether composition of thoracostomy tubes altered the negative pressure generated. SAMPLE Syringes ranging from 1 to 60 mL and 4 thoracostomy tubes of various compositions (1 red rubber catheter, 1 polyvinyl tube, and 2 silicone tubes). PROCEDURES A syringe or syringe with attached thoracostomy tube was connected to a pneumatic transducer. Each syringe was used to aspirate a volume of air 10 times. Negative pressure generated was measured and compared among the various syringe sizes and various thoracostomy tubes. RESULTS The negative pressure generated decreased as size of the syringe increased for a fixed volume across syringes. Addition of a thoracostomy tube further decreased the amount of negative pressure. The red rubber catheter resulted in the least amount of negative pressure, followed by the polyvinyl tube and then the silicone tubes. There was no significant difference in negative pressure between the 2 silicone tubes. The smallest amount of negative pressure generated was −74 to −83 mm Hg. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Limited data are available on the negative pressure generated during intermittent evacuation of the thoracic cavity. For the present study, use of a syringe of ≥ 20 mL and application of 1 mL of negative suction volume resulted in in vitro pressures much more negative than the currently recommended pressure of −14.71 mm Hg for continuous suction. Additional in vitro or cadaveric studies are needed.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Refractive state following retinal reattachment and silicone oil tamponade in dogs
Hoffman, Allison | Wolfer, Joe | Occelli, Laurence | Lehenbauer, Terry W. | Sapienza, John | Novak, Jenny M. | Combs, Kelli L. | Konrade, Kricket A.
Objective: To evaluate the refractive error induced by intraocular administration of silicone oil (SiO) in dogs. Animals: 47 client-owned dogs evaluated for blindness secondary to retinal detachment. Procedures: 3-port pars plana vitrectomy with perfluoro-octane and SiO exchange (1,000- or 5,000-centistoke SiO) was performed in 1 or both eyes for all dogs (n = 63 eyes), depending on which eye or eyes were affected. Dogs were normotensive, had complete oil filling of the eyes, and were examined in a standing position for retinoscopic examination of both eyes (including healthy eyes). Results: The mean refractive error for SiO-filled phakic and pseudophakic eyes was 2.67 and 3.24 D, respectively. The mean refractive error for SiO-filled aphakic eyes was 6.50 D. Dogs in which 5,000-centistoke SiO was used had consistently greater positive refractive errors (mean, 3.45 D), compared with dogs in which 1,000-centistoke SiO was used (mean, 2.10 D); however, the difference was nonsignificant. There was no significant linear relationship between refractive error and the number of days between surgery and retinoscopy. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Hyperopia was observed in all dogs that underwent SiO tamponade, regardless of lens status (phakic, pseudophakic, or aphakic). Aphakic eyes underwent a myopic shift when filled with SiO. Pseudophakic eyes appeared to be more hyperopic than phakic eyes when filled with SiO; however, additional investigation is needed to confirm the study findings.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Clinicopathologic findings after experimental implantation of synthetic intraocular lenses in dogs
Gilger, B.C. | Whitley, R.D. | McLaughlin, S.A. | Wright, J.C. | Boosinger, T.R.
Clinical findings indicate that canine eyes tolerate implantation of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) intraocular lenses (IOL) well, although inflammation and ocular damage attributable to the implants is not known. The use of silicone or polyhydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) IOL has not been reported in dogs. In this study, 15 conditioned, mixed-breed dogs were allotted to 3 groups: 5 received PMMA IOL; 5 received silicone IOL; and 5 received HEMA IOL. The IOL optic was inserted into the anterior chamber of the right eye and anchored to the cornea. An identical surgical procedure was done on the left eye, except that no lens optic was inserted. Clinical examination and measurement of corneal thickness were done immediately prior to and after surgery. Aqueous humor samples were collected at the time of surgery and 28 days after surgery. Only mild and transient inflammation was observed in IOL-implanted eyes. On several postoperative days, it was found that PMMA IOL induced significantly greater corneal thickness, aqueous flare, anterior uveal irritation, and corneal edema than did other IOL. Significantly more anterior uveal irritation and increased aqueous humor protein concentration was observed with HEMA IOL than with PMMA or silicone IOL. Silicone IOL induced significantly less fibrin deposition than did PMMA or HEMA IOL.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]In vitro development and evaluation of a polyacrylic acid–silicone device intended for gradual occlusion of portosystemic shunts in dogs and cats
Wallace, Mandy L. | Ellison, Gary W. | Batich, Christopher | Case, Brad | Kim, Stanley E.
OBJECTIVE To develop a device intended for gradual venous occlusion over 4 to 6 weeks. SAMPLE Silicone tubing filled with various inorganic salt and polyacrylic acid (PAA) formulations and mounted within a polypropylene or polyether ether ketone (PEEK) outer ring. PROCEDURES 15 polypropylene prototype rings were initially filled with 1 of 5 formulations and placed in PBSS. In a second test, 10 polypropylene and 7 PEEK prototype rings were filled with 1 formulation and placed in PBSS. In a third test, 2 formulations were loaded into 6 PEEK rings each, placed in physiologic solution, and incubated. In all tests, ring luminal diameter, outer diameter, and luminal area were measured over 6 weeks. RESULTS In the first test, 2 formulations had the greatest changes in luminal area and diameter, and 1 of those had a greater linear swell rate than the other had. In the second test, 6 of 7 PEEK rings and 6 of 10 polypropylene rings closed to a luminal diamater < 1 mm within 6 weeks. Polypropylene rings had a greater increase in outer diameter than did PEEK rings between 4.5 and 6 weeks. In the third test, 11 of 12 PEEK rings gradually closed to a luminal diameter < 1 mm within 6 weeks. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE A PAA and inorganic salt formulation in a prototype silicone and polymer ring resulted in gradual occlusion over 4 to 6 weeks in vitro. Prototype PEEK rings provided more reliable closure than did polypropylene rings.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Use of multi-site quantitative ultrasonography for noninvasive assessment of bone in horses
Carstanjen, Bianca | Lepage, Olivier M. | Detilleux, Johann | Duboeuf, François | Amory, Hélène
Objective-To evaluate the usefulness of multisite quantitative ultrasonography for noninvasive assessment of bone in horses. Sample Population-12 healthy horses and both forelimbs from 8 clinically normal horses. Procedure-For in vivo measurements, various regions of interest (ROI) were examined on the third metacarpal bone, radius, and tibia. Precision error for speed of sound (SOS) measurements was obtained by measuring each ROI of 4 horses 10 times with probe repositioning. Additionally, 3 operators measured each aspect of the third metacarpal bone of 6 horses 5 times each. For ex vivo measurements, third metacarpal bones were examined at 9 ROI, and SOS measurements were performed before and after soft tissue removal. One ROI of a single forelimb was subjected to 96 ex vivo measurements with 3 different contact media. Results-The lateral aspect of the third metacarpal bone had significantly higher SOS values than the dorsal and medial aspect of the third metacarpal bone. No difference was obtained between SOS values of the lateral and medial aspect of the radius. The tibia had significantly higher SOS values than the lateral aspect of the radius and the dorsal and medial aspect of the third metacarpal bone. Intraoperator coefficients of variation ranged from 0.62 to 3.15%, and interoperator coefficients of variation ranged from 0.78 to 2.70%. Values of SOS were highest when silicone oil was used as the contact medium. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Speed of sound measurements obtained by quantitative ultrasonography in axial transmission mode can be used to precisely measure superficial cortical bone properties of third metacarpal bone, radius, and tibia in horses.
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