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Caecal microflora composition in broilers fed sorghum based diets containing feed enzymes
Asad, S. | Bryden, W. L. | Maguire, A. | Faizah H. M. S. | Klive, A. V. | Li, X.
This study was conducted to investigate whether dietary enzymes alter the caecal microbial profile of broilers fed sorghum-based diets. Four sorghum-based diets (918 g sorghum/kg diet) were prepared. One was the control diet and three had enzymes (xylanase, phytase andprotease) added. Broilers, 35-day-old, were reared (8 birds/cage) in an environmentally controlled shed and randomly allocated to replicated (n=4) assay diets and free access to feed and water all time. On day-42, birds were euthanized and caecal contents collected, pooled on a per/pen basis and frozen (-20 °C). The DNA was extracted from caecal samples using a bead-beating protocol and the V2V3 regionof the bacterial 16S rRNA gene amplified by PCR. Amplicons were separated on sequence difference using Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) and microbial profiles generated and compared.The DGGE profiles, when analysed, indicated that there was approximately 80% similarity between caecal microflora in all types of the diet treatments. This suggests that there was no overalldifference between any of the profiles and therefore the addition of different types of feed enzymes in a sorghum-based diet had no impact on the overall composition of the broiler caecal microflora.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The feasibility of Sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) fodder as poultry feed ingredients seen from growth performance, nutrient content and fiber profile of Sorghum fodder
Cahya Setya Utama | Bambang Sulistiyanto | Muhammad Fikri Haidar
Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess the feasibility of fodder Sorghum as poultry feed in terms of growth performance (plant height and fresh weight), nutritional quality (moisture, ash, crude protein, extract ether, crude fiber, extract material without nitrogen, and metabolic energy), and scanning electron microscopy energy dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX). Materials and Methods: The study used a completely randomized design with six treatments and three replications. The treatments consisted of planting times of 24, 48, 72, 120, and 240 h and a control (0 h). Results: The results showed that there was a significant effect (p ≤ 0.05) when planting Sorghum fodder (SGF) on growth performance and moisture, but it had no significant effect on fresh weight, ash, crude protein, extract ether, crude fiber, nitrogen-free extract, energy metabolic aspects, and SEM-EDX. Conclusion: SGF is suitable as a feed ingredient for poultry in terms of nutrition and contains ZrO2, which functions as an antifungal. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2023; 10(2.000): 222-227]
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Засухоустойчивые культуры в условиях Беларуси
Istranin, Yu.V. | Zinovenko, A.L. | Gurinovich, Zh.A. | Shibko, D.V., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Results of determination of yielding capacity, chemical composition of initial weight and silage quality of forages prepared from the binary mixtures of Japanese millet (Panicum curs-galli var. frumentaceum), millet (Panicum) and saccharine sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum) realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus were presented. Research results showed that the binary mixture of saccharine sorghum with blue lupine (Lupinus angustifolius) in ratio of 70% + 30%, respectively made it possible to obtain the highest efficiency (62,4 t/ha of green material, 15,1 t/ha of dry matter, 13,1 t/ha of fodder units). Mixed sowing of millet, Japanese millet and saccharine sorghum with blue lupine surpassed in productivity the single-crop sowing on 15,5-32,6%. It was established, that the silage produced from the mixture of sorghum and Japanese millet with lupine had higher energy and protein nutritive value: 0,86 and 0,98 fodder unit, respectively; 9,77 and 9,92 mJ of exchange energy per 1 kg of dry matter, respectively; 103, 3 and 108,4 grams of digestible protein per 1 fodder unit. High nutritive value and the best palatability of trial silos promoted the increasing of milk yield on 4,4-5,4% in comparison with the control tests. Haylage which was produced from drought resistant crops had high energy nutritive value: per 1 kg of dry matter there was noted 9,40-9,48 mJ of available energy, 0,89-0,94 fodder units with fodder unit provision with 102-114 grams of digestible protein
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Продуктивность и кормовые достоинства просо-сорговых культур
Zenkova, N.N. | Shloma, T.M., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the yielding capacity and quality composition of nontraditional high-energy crops (sorghum and Sudan grass hybrid; millet (Panicum); white panicum (Japanese millet)) as well as there was developed a technology fodder conservation. In course of the study there was analyzed accumulation of nutrients in accordance with crop development phases and their quality composition; also there was determined a method of application of grass stands of the studied crops for their production use. It is established, that the most suitable for conditions of Vitebsk region from high-quality cultures is sorgho-sudan-grass hybrid which reaches phases of seed formation and provides productivity of dry matter more than 9 t/ha with humidity of green mass of 69% that is optimum for preparation of tinned forage. Sugar sorgho and grain is reached by phases of ear formation and have provided productivity of green mass of 25,9-25,7 t/ha, dry matter - 3,5 t/ha. To use double-cut sorgho-sudan-grass hybrid on a silo less effectively as the received green mass has high humidity (92%), and the general gathering of dry matter twice more low, than at single-cut use. At single-cut use the culture reaches phases of grain formation in which contains about 31% of dry matter that is favorable for conservation. Double-cut use of sorgho-sudan-grass hybrid is comprehensible at its cultivation in the green conveyor to use as green top dressing during the pasturable period. Japanese millet is better to use double-cut as it has provided the maximum productivity of green mass of high quality (63,9 t/ha) and dry matter (9,1 t/ha), it is in 2,3 and 1,6% of time above, than at single-cut use. Single-cut crops of sorgho-sudan-grass hybrid are expedient for using as a component at siloing of galega orientalis. In an early phase of development (7-8 leaves) the new-mown green mass of sorgho-sudan-grass hybrid possesses toxicity on the bottom border of average degree, but in 2 hours after mowing the forage becomes not toxic. In later phase of development there is an accumulation of sugars, and new-mown mass of sorgho is nontoxical. Sorghum cultures contain high percent of non-decomposed protein - 58,3-84,6% that is very important in feeding of highly productive cows.
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