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النتائج 1 - 4 من 4
Congenital malformations in sheep resulting from in utero inoculation of Cache Valley virus
Chung, S.I. | Livingston, C.W. Jr | Edwards, J.F. | Gauer, B.B. | Collisson, E.W.
Serologic evidence indicated that an episode of congenital abnormalities in sheep was caused by Cache Valley virus (CVV), a bunyavirus indigenous to the United States. To determine the teratogenic potential of CVV in sheep, fetuses were infected in utero between 27 and 54 days of gestation with an isolate (CK-102) obtained in 1987 from a sentinel sheep in San Angelo, Texas. The dams of these fetuses were euthanatized between 28 and 75 days after inoculation, and the fetuses were examined for malformations. Twenty-eight of 34 fetuses had congenital abnormalities, including arthrogryposis, hydranencephaly, mummification, reabsorption, and oligohydroamnion. Virus was isolated from the allantoic fluid of 11 of 17 fetuses euthanatized at less than 70 days of gestation. The virus-positive fetuses, which were all negative for CVV-neutralizing antibody, had lesions ranging from none to severe arthrogryposis and hydranencephaly. Virus was not recovered from the allantoic fluid of fetuses after 76 days' gestation when CVV-specific antibody could be detected in 5 of 8 fetuses examined. The 2 fetuses infected on days 50 and 54 of gestation appeared normal and 1 had antibody to CVV.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of concurrent exposure to 3-methylcholanthrene and vitamin A on fetal development in rats
Khlood, El.B.M. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan)) | Miyoshi, H. | Iwata, H. | Kazusaka, A. | Kon, Y. | Hadid, A.H.A. | Moustafe, El.K. | Ghonim, M.H. | Fujita, S.
To investigate the effect of the environmental pollutants, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), on retinoic acid-induced teratogenesis, all-trans-retinoic acid (RA) dissolved in corn oil (120 mg/kg) was administered orally to pregnant rats at the 11th day of gestation with and without the prior intraperitoneal treatment with 10 mg/kg 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) for 3 days. Dams were killed on the 20th day of pregnancy. The examinations of fetuses revealed that 3-MC barely enough to cause induction of P-450 in pregnant dams had profound embryo-toxic effects: the fetal resorption amounted to - 60% of total number of implantations. The fetuses survived weighed less than the control fetuses. All of RA-treated mothers had fetuses with abnormalities, and the main malformations were absence of tail (100%), caudal and sacral malformations (100%), and cleft palate (42%). Pregnant dams received both 3-MC and RA had a reduced severeness of tail anomaly (33%), while the rest, 67%, had short vestigial tail. Caudal and sacral malformations were detected but at a milder degree. We did not observe cleft palate in this group. The concurrent treatment of dams with 3-MC and RA led to an increased inducibility of cytochrome P-450 and subsequently, CYP1A1 dependent enzyme activity higher than those observed after the injection of 3-MC alone. UDP-glucuronyltransferase activity was also markedly induced in concurrent 3-MC and RA group higher than that in 3-MC alone. We suggest that the induction of P-450 and alteration of metabolic enzyme activities may play an important role in reducing the teratogenic potency of RA. However, RA-treatment did not retard the embryo-toxic effect of 3-MC but rather potentiated
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Teratogenicity of phenytoin in ICR mouse and antiteratogenic effect of dimethyl sulfoxide
Lee, J.K. | Lee, C.E. | Lee, M.H. | Ryu, P.D. | Cho, M.H. | Sung, H.J. | Park, J.B. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Administration of ethylenethiourea during organogenesis periods in pregnant rats., 1; Effects on teratogenic effects, amino acids and protein concentrations in amniotic fluids
Kim, S.H. (Korea Research Inst. of Chemical Technology, Seoul (Korea Republic)) | Huh, R.S. (Kyungpook National Univ., Taegu (Korea Republic). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)