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Species characterization of animal by muscle composition analysis III. The contents of minerals in muscle from various species
Lee, M.H. | Kim, S.K. (Chungnam Natinoal University, Taejon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
We analyzed the conentes of 12 types of minerals such as calcium in muscle from various species. Thereafter we ovserved changes of the concetrations according to age, part and sex in major domestic animals. The concentraions of calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium and zinc were high respectively whilst the content of cobalt, chromium, copper, manganese, molybdenum and nickel were low respectively in the muscle. The concentration of calcium was high in duck and dog but low in pig and horse. Also high level of sodium content was detected in dog and the content of potassium, iron showed high level in horse compared with the content in other animals. In 6 types of microminerals as cobalt, the level of muscle wer no more than 1 ppm showing very low content in all animal, but 2.99+_0.85ppm of copper in duck was an exceptional case. According to the age some species showed small range of variation centering on macrominerals and there was no remarkable change in microminerals. Distribution of minerals was different according to the part and the variation was very diverse compared with other factors such as age and sex. Additionally, the content of mnerals in muscle was higher in female than in male chicken and duck. In conclusion, the difference of the content of minerals according to the species was mainly focused on macrominerals.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Species Characterization of animal by muscle composition analysis II. The composition of major fatty acids in muscle from various species
Lee, M.H. | Kim, S.K. (Chungnam National University, Taejon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Jung, G.S. | Kim, J.M. | Park, J.M. (Ministry of Agriculture Forestry, Anyang (Korea Republic). National Veterinary Research & Quarantine Service)
The fatty acid composition of muscle were investigated to compare muscle composition among the 9 domestic animals including cattle. In major domestic animals, analyzed the effects of age, part and sex of the animal on their fatty acid composition. The content of 4 types of major fatty acids of muscle was determined and calculated their ratio. Myristic acid and palmitic acid levels were high in chicken and sheep. Besides dog muscle contained a lot of stearic acid. Linoleic acid content showed evident difference in the content depending on the animal species. The ratios of linoleic acid/palmitic acid (L/P ratio) and linoleic acid/stearic acid(L/S ratio) were characteristically high in horse and pig, whereas the ratio of palmitic acid/stearic acid(P/S ratio) was 0.7+_0.17, showing very low level in dog. As for the content of steric acid, in cattle and chicken it was higher in young animal than adults. In duck, the contents of all fatty acids and ratio were increased by the age. As for the content of fatty acids according to the part of chicken, high level was shown in thigh than in breast and wing, while there was no remarkable variation by the part in other animal. The differences in the content of myristic acid, palmitic acid and linoleic acid among some animal could be verified in muscle lipid composition. The L/P ratio which maintained certain level regardless of age, part, sex shown distinctive pattern between the species.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Species characterization of animal by muscle composition analysis I. The contents of histidine dipeptides in muscle from various species
Lee, M.H. | Kim, S.K. (Chungnam National University, Taejon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Jung, G.S. | Park, J.M. (National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service, Anyang (Korea Republic).)
The contents of histidine dipeptides, a metabolic products of muscle protein, were investigated to compare muscle composition among the 9 domestic animals including cattle. In major domestic animal, analyzed the effects of age, part and sex of the animals on their muscle composition. Large amounts of carnosine(68.63+_17.41 micro mol/g) were detected in cattle and it was higher than other animals. Wheres the content of anserine showed high level in order of turkey, chickens and duck. The ratio of carnosine and anserine(C/A ratio) was different depending on the animal species. Statistical data indicated that difference among species was significant(p0.05). The contents of histidine dipeptides in hearted muscle by boiling for 40 minutes at 110 degrees centigrade was similar to those of raw muscle. C/A ration in heated muscle was not different from that of raw muscle, indicating that no change has been made after heating process. The contents of camosine and anserine were different according to the parts of their muscle. Especially chuck of the mammalian showed extremely low level of histidine dipeptides compared with other parts, while C/A ratio maintained certain level regardless of age, part, sex. Therefore, based on the content of histidine depeptides, could be found the difference of muscle composition among the species. Also C/A ratio of horse, pig, cattle, duck, sheep nd turkey were characteristic respectively.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Остаточные количества фенбендазола, ветеринарно-санитарная оценка мяса крупного рогатого скота при применении болюсов пролонгированного действия
Yatusevich, I.A. | Zhukovskaya, N.I., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Results on determination of residual quantities of fenbendazole and its metabolites in cattle meat, organs and tissues after administration of preparation Febolvet in dose of one bolus per one animal realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus were presented. Animals were killed in 35 and 80 days after administration of preparation. There were no strangulates in animals organs. Pieces of nephros, liver, cordis, fat and muscle tissue were chosen for residual quantity of fenbendazole and its metabolites evaluation. The level of carcasses bleeding was good at application of boluses of infested activity with fenbendazole. In 24-48 hours of keeping in refrigerator the drying crust was well-defined, muscle tissue in cut had firm texture and from light red to red color, cut areas were wet. Tendon was form and elastic. Soup was clear, flavored and without extraneous odors. Study of physical-chemical indexes estimated peroxidase activity, pH, presence of products of primary breaking of protein in 24 and 72 hours after killing. Biological value decreased slightly (on 1,04%). Veterinary-sanitary evaluation of cattle meat was conducted in the investigation. Research results showed no residual quantities of fenbendazole in the analyzed samples after application of long lasting boluses. Application of the analyzed boluses in case of cattle strongylatosis did not lower the veterinary and sanitary indexes of meat and did not render substantial effect on its quality
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Перспективы использования уток немецких линий для повышения мясной продуктивности утят отечественного кросса Темп
Petrukovich, T.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Possibility of increasing of meat productivity of ducklings of Temp cross after application of duck parental forms of German selection was studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of study there was revealed the dynamics of changes of live weight and feed expenses for live weight gain of linear and hybrid ducklings; as well as their meat qualities were determined. In course of studied there were used linear and hybrid ducklings obtained after crossbreeding of parental forms of Belarusian and German crosses of Peking breeds. There were formed 8 groups of one-day old ducklings. In the father's line the first (control) group was presented by pure bred line T1 of Temp cross; in the second group – by hybrid NT1 x T1, obtained after the direct crossing of male ducks of NT1 with female ducks of T1 lines; in the third group – by hybrid T1 x NT1, obtained after the backcrossing of male ducks of T1 with female ducks of NT1 lines; in the fourth group the combination NT1 was obtained by NT1 x NT1. In fifth group the maternal line was presented by pure line of T2 Temp cross (control); the sixth group was presented by hybrid T2N x T2 obtained after direct crossing of male ducks of T2N line with maternal ducks of T2 line; in the eighth group the combination T2N was obtained by T2N x T2N. Research results showed that application of Germal ducks in schemes of crossbreeding rendered the positive influence on live weight increasing of ducklings of father's line. In the carcasses of hybrid ducklings of all studied crossbreeds there was stated the decreasing number of skin with adipose layer and increasing number muscles including the pectoralis
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