خيارات البحث
النتائج 101 - 110 من 545
Acute and sub-chronic toxicity study of recombinant bovine interferon alpha in rodents
Yu Hai-Yang | Gao Dong-Mei | Zhou Wei | Xia Bing-Bing | He Zhi-Yuan | Wu Bo | Jiang Min-Zhi | Wang Ming-Li | Zhao Jun
Recombinant bovine interferon alpha (rBoIFN-α) has been demonstrated to have antiviral activity. However, no conduct of acute or chronic toxicity tests has been reported.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Expression, purification, and bioactivity of a soluble recombinant ovine interferon-tau in Escherichia coli
Yu Hai-Yang | Gao Dong-Mei | Zhou Wei | Xia Bing-Bing | He Zhi-Yuan | Wu Bo | Jiang Min-Zhi | Wang Ming-Li | Zhao Jun
Ovine interferon-tau (oIFN-τ) is a newly discovered type I interferon. This study used biochemical techniques to transform the oIFN-τ gene into Escherichia coli to obtain the mass and soluble expression of the recombinant protein.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The impact of selected risk factors on the occurrence of highly pathogenic avian influenza in commercial poultry flocks in Poland
Gierak Anna | Śmietanka Krzysztof
Introduction of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) into a country and its further spread may have a devastating impact on the poultry industry and lead to serious economic consequences. Various risk factors may increase the probability of HPAI outbreak occurrence but their relative influence is often difficult to determine. The study evaluates how the densities of selected poultry species and proximity to the areas inhabited by wild birds impacted HPAI outbreak occurrence during the recently reported epidemics in Poland.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Glibenclamide ameliorates the expression of neurotrophic factors in sevoflurane anaesthesia-induced oxidative stress and cognitive impairment in hippocampal neurons of old rats
Several antidiabetic medications have been proposed as prospective treatments for cognitive impairments in type 2 diabetes patients, glibenclamide (GBC) among them. Our research aimed to evaluate the impact of GBC on hippocampal learning memory and inflammation due to enhanced neurotrophic signals induced by inhalation of sevoflurane. Rats (Sprague Dawley, both sexes) were assigned to four groups: a control (vehicle, p.o.), GBC (10 mg/kg b.w.; p.o.), low-dose sevoflurane and low-dose sevoflurane + GBC (10 mg/kg b.w.; p.o.) for 23 days. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labelling (TUNEL) staining was performed to analyse the count of apoptotic cells and ELISA was conducted to assess the protein signals. A Western blot, a Y-maze test, and a Morris maze test were performed, and the results analysed. Blood and tissues were collected, and isolation of RNA was performed with qRT-PCR. The Morris maze test results revealed an improvement in the length of the escape latency on days 1 (P < 0.05), 2 (P < 0.01), 3, and 4 in the low-dose Sevo group. Time spent in the quadrant and crossing axis and the percentage of spontaneous alterations showed a substantial decrease in the low-dose Sevo group which received GBC at 10 mg/kg b.w. Significant increases were shown in IL-6 and TNF-α levels in the low-dose Sevo group, whereas a decrease was evident in the GBC group. Our results indicate that glibenclamide may be a novel drug to prevent sevoflurane inhalation-induced impaired learning and reduce brain-derived neurotrophic factor release, which may be a vital target for the development of potential therapies for cognitive deficits and neurodegeneration.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Clinical use of the parasympathetic tone activity index as a measurement of postoperative analgaesia in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy
While the current tools to assess canine postoperative pain using physiological and behavioural parameters are reliable, an objective method such as the parasympathetic tone activity (PTA) index could improve postoperative care. The aim of the study was to determine the utility of the PTA index in assessing postoperative analgaesia. Thirty healthy bitches of different breeds were randomly allocated into three groups for analgaesic treatment: the paracetamol group (GPARAC, n = 10) received 15 mg/kg b.w., the carprofen group (GCARP, n = 10) 4 mg/kg b.w., and the meloxicam group (GMELOX, n = 10) 0.2 mg/kg b.w. for 48 h after surgery. GPARAC was medicated orally every 8 h, while GCARP and GMELOX were medicated intravenously every 24 h. The PTA index was used to measure the analgaesia–nociception balance 1 h before surgery (baseline), and at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, and 48 h after, at which times evaluation on the University of Melbourne Pain Scale (UMPS) was made. The baseline PTA index was 65 ± 8 for GPARAC, 65 ± 7 for GCARP, and 62 ± 5 for GMELOX. Postoperatively, it was 65 ± 9 for GPARAC, 63 ± 8 for GCARP, and 65 ± 8 for GMELOX. No statistically significant difference existed between baseline values or between values directly after treatments (P = 0.99 and P = 0.97, respectively). The PTA index showed a sensitivity of 40%, specificity of 98.46% and a negative predictive value of 99.07%. Our findings suggest that the PTA index measures comfort and postoperative analgaesia objectively, since it showed a clinical relationship with the UMPS.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]New insights into the prevalence and phylogenetic diversity of Cysticercus ovis isolates in sheep from Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
Although ovine cysticercosis is not a zoonotic problem, it results in substantial economic losses due to the condemnation of infected tissues or entire carcasses. This study aimed to record preliminary data on the prevalence, and phylogenetic diversity of Cysticercus ovis isolates from slaughtered sheep in the province of Sulaymaniyah, Iraq. From January to September 2020, 6, 411 slaughtered sheep were examined for C. ovis by routine meat inspection. The amplification and sequence analysis of the COX1 gene for up to 35 specimens of C. ovis was performed using conventional PCR. The overall prevalence rate was 1.3%, and the prevalence was significantly higher in older sheep (>1 year) than younger ones (<1 year) (P< 0.05). The cardiac muscle showed a higher tendency to carry C. ovis infection compared to other examined muscles. Sequence analysis of the COX1 gene revealed six haplotypes, and the level of pairwise nucleotide diversity between individual haplotypes was 1–2%. Five out of six of the Taenia ovis haplotypes recovered could have been recorded for the first time globally. Phylogenetic interpretation indicated that all the T. ovis haplotypes clustered in a single clade, and it also indicated an extremely close similarity to Iranian and New Zealand isolates. Globally, this report adds new data on C. ovis genetic diversity, which provide an extremely useful molecular background with regard to future preventive as well as control strategies.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Canine leishmaniasis prevalence in the Slovenian dog population
Kotnik, Tina | Moreno Lázaro, Javier | Šoba, Barbara | Krt, Brane | Skvarč, Miha | Vergles Rataj, Aleksandra | Gorišek Bajc, Maja | Ravnik Verbič, Urša
Leishmaniasis is a life-threatening zoonosis of which dogs are the major reservoir and sandflies are the vectors. Until now, the prevalence of canine leishmaniasis (CanL) in the Slovenian dog population was unknown. Epidemiological data, eye swabs and blood samples were taken from 465 dogs born in Slovenia and older than one year. Commercial ELISA kits and real-time PCR were used. For ELISA-positive samples, an immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT) was performed. Descriptive statistics were used to characterise the samples. The one-sample nonparametric chi-square test was used to test whether the categories of a variable were equally distributed. A 59.9% proportion of the recruited dogs had travelled to endemic regions and 62.1% of them had not been protected by insect repellents. Skin symptoms that might be CanL-related were described in 109 of the dogs’ histories (23.4%), inappetence and/or weight loss in 25 (5.4%), and anaemia, intermittent fever, and/or lymphadenopathy in 19 (4.1%). At the time of recruitment, all dogs were asymptomatic. All samples were PCR negative, nine (1.9%) were ELISA positive, but none were IFAT positive. Five of the nine ELISA-positive dogs were non-travellers. We conclude that the seroprevalence of canine leishmaniasis of 1.9 % in the autochthonous Slovenian dog population may pose a risk of endemic spread of the disease.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in retail fresh meat products from free-range chickens in Spain
Salinas, María Jesús Gracia | Campos, Cristina Escolano | Peris, María Paz Peris | Kassab, Nabil Halaihel
Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most prevalent zoonotic protozoan parasites worldwide and affects the vast majority of warm-blooded animal species, including humans. Postnatal infection in humans occurs through the ingestion of sporulated T. gondii oocysts or via the oral intake of parasite tissue cysts during the consumption of raw or undercooked meat. In this regard, given their high exposure to oocysts, chickens (Gallus domesticus) raised on the ground constitute a potential source of T. gondii. For the first time in Spain, a survey was undertaken in commercial retail free-range poultry. A total of 50 thighs from different animals were analysed. The samples were homogenised and an acid pepsin digestion procedure was applied prior to molecular analysis. Toxoplasma gondii DNA was isolated from meat by qPCR. Two sets of primers were used for DNA amplification targeting the specific sequence of a 529 bp repeat element and another set of primers was utilised for the surface antigen protein-1 gene. DNA extracted from 5 out of 50 tissue samples was positive for both genes by qPCR amplification. The 10% prevalence of Toxoplasma infection found in commercial free-range chickens raises public health issues.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Molecular identification and antifungal susceptibility patterns of dermatophytes isolated from companion animals with clinical symptoms of dermatophytosis
Katiraee, Farzad | Kouchak Kosari, Yasaman | Soltani, Minoo | Shokri, Hojjatollah | Hassan Minooieanhaghighi, Mohammad
Dermatophytosis is a common skin disease in cats and dogs caused by Microsporum and Trichophyton fungi. Species identification and knowledge of their antifungal susceptibility are therapeutically and epidemiologically important. This study assessed the prevalence of feline and canine dermatophytosis in Iran, identified the aetiological agents molecularly and tested their antifungal susceptibility. A total of 308 companion animals (134 dogs and 174 cats) with skin lesions were examined from March 2015 to March 2018. Hair and skin samples were examined by microscopy with 20% KOH and cultured on Sabouraud dextrose agar with cycloheximide and chloramphenicol. Fungal isolates were confirmed by sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) r-DNA region. The antifungal susceptibility of dermatophytes was tested by broth microdilution assay using standard drugs. Dermatophytes were found in 130 (42.2%) samples, 62 of them feline and 68 canine. Based on sequencing of all strains, M. canis (78.5%, P<0.05), M. gypseum (10.7%), and T. mentagrophytes (10.7%) were the dermatophytes isolated. The non-dermatophyte species Nannizziopsis vriesii was also isolated from two feline dermatomycosis cases. Dogs and cats younger than one year (61.5%) showed a statistically significantly higher prevalence of infection (P<0.05). Caspofungin produced the lowest geometric mean MIC at 0.0018 μg/mL, followed by ketoconazole, terbinafine, itraconazole, miconazole, griseofulvin, clotrimazole and fluconazole, in a 0.038–1.53 μg/mL range. This is the first molecular study to identify the causes of pet dermatophytosis in north-western Iran. ITS-PCR was shown to be a useful and reliable method for the identification of closely related species of dermatophytes in clinical and epidemiological settings. The lowest MIC of caspofungin indicated that this drug was the most potent in vitro.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Occurrence of marine biotoxins in bivalve molluscs available in Poland in 2014–2018
Madejska, Anna | Osek, Jacek
Marine biotoxins are toxic substances that may cause illness and death in marine organisms and humans. This article disseminates the results of a 4-year study on the occurrence of marine biotoxins in raw bivalve molluscs purchased from Polish suppliers. A total of 256 samples of 8 different molluscs species were analysed for the presence of biotoxins using the ELISA method for paralytic shellfish poison, diarrhoetic shellfish poison, and amnaesic shellfish poison. The permitted limits of marine biotoxin content were not exceeded in any of the analysed samples and the majority of them were free from these compounds. The results of the study indicate that the tested raw bivalve molluscs available in Poland were safe for consumers.
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