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النتائج 131 - 140 من 367
Diet effect on activity of product ratios of uric acid, sodium urate, and ammonium in urine formed by healthy Beagles
Bartges, J.W. | Osborne, C.A. | Felice, L.J. | Allen, T.A. | Brown, C. | Unger, L.K. | Koehler, L.A. | Bird, K.A. | Chen, M.
Urine activity product ratios of uric acid, sodium urate, and ammonium urate and urinary excretion of metabolites were determined in 24-hour samples produced by 6 healthy Beagles during periods of consumption of a low-protein, casein-based diet (diet A) and a high-protein, meat-based diet(diet B). Comparison of effects of diet A with those of diet B revealed: significantly lower activity product ratios of uric acid (P = 0.025), sodium urate (P = 0.045), and ammonium urate (P = 0.0045); significantly lower 24-hour urinary excretion of uric acid (P = 0.002), ammonia (P = 0.0002), sodium (P = 0.01), calcium (P = 0.005), phosphorus (P = 0.0003), magnesium (P = 0.01), and oxalic acid (P = 0.004); significantly (P = 0.0001) higher 24-hour urine pH; and significantly (P = 0.01) lower endogenous creatinine clearance. These results suggest that consumption of diet A minimizes changes in urine that predispose dogs to uric acid, sodium urate, and ammonium urate urolithiasis.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Magnetic resonance arthrography of the scapulohumeral joint in dogs, using gadopentetate dimeglumine
Bree, H van | Ryssen, B. van | Degryse, H. | Ramon, F.
Six scapulohumeral joints (3 normal joints and 3 joints with radiographic evidence of osteochondrosis) underwent conventional magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and MR scapulohumeral arthrography to evaluate delineation of the articular cartilage. The MR arthrography was performed, using 5 ml of 500 micromolar gadopentetate dimeglumine (Gd-DTPA) as a contrast medium. Delineation of normal articular cartilage and cartilage defects was less accurate after intra-articular administration of Gd-DTPA. Therefore, it was concluded that MR arthrography with Gd-DTPA is unrewarding for evaluation of osteochondrosis lesions.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Cardiorespiratory effects of acepromazine maleate and buprenorphine hydrochloride in clinically normal dogs
Stepien, R.L. | Bonagura, J.D. | Bednarski, R.M. | Muir, W.W. III.
Cardiorespiratory effects of the combination of acepromazine maleate (ACP) and buprenorphine hydrochloride (BPN) were studied in 11 healthy, conscious dogs. Values for systemic and pulmonary artery blood pressure, cardiac output, arterial and venous pH and blood gas tensions, and invasive and noninvasive estimates of ventricular systolic function, preload, and afterload were obtained before sedation and after administration of each drug. Acepromazine maleate (0.1 mg/kg, IV) depressed cardiac function, compared with baseline values for unsedated dogs. Cardiac output decreased from a mean (+/- SD) value of 4.2 (+/- 1.5) L/min to 3.1 (+/- 0.8) L/min (P < 0.001), a change not attributed to heart rate. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure decreased from 8.3 (+/- 4.2) mm of Hg to 6.5 (+/- 4.3) mm of Hg (P < 0.01), but mean right atrial pressure did not change. Left ventricular measurement of the maximal positive rate of pressure change (dP/dtmax) decreased from 2,668 (+/- 356)/mm of Hg/s to 2,145 (+/- 463) mm of Hg/s (P < 0.001), and ventricular stroke volume decreased from 43.2 (+/- 15.2) ml/beat to 32.3 (/- 8.6) ml/beat. Noninvasive indices of left ventricular function, ventricular shortening fraction, peak aortic velocity, and aortic average acceleration were decreased after ACP administration, but were not statistically different from baseline values. Mean systemic arterial blood pressure decreased from 121 +/- 12 mm of Hg to 96 +/- 13 mm of Hg 15 minutes after ACP administration (P < 0.001). Total systemic vascular resistance was not significantly different from the baseline value. Sequential administration of cumulative doses of BPN (0.005, 0.01, and 0.1 mg/kg of body weight, IV), initiated 15 minutes after administration of ACP, did not cause statistically significant depression of hemodynamic variables, except for heart rate, which decreased after BPN, and left ventricular dP/dtmax, which decreased slightly at the highest dose of BPN. Small, clinically insignificant changes in blood pH, venous bicarbonate concentration, and PaCO2 were observed after administration of ACP and BPN. Respiratory rate decreased from 60 +/- 48 breaths/min to 24 +/- 12 breaths/min, and sedation level was significantly (P < 0.05) increased from baseline values by administration of ACP. Sedation level was further increased by administration of BPN at the lowest dose (P < 0.05). The combination of ACP and BPN resulted in good to excellent sedation, but depressed ventricular function; however, most of the hemodynamic effects could be attributed to administration of ACP and withdrawal of sympathetic activity.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Influence of two amounts of dietary casein on uric acid, sodium urate, and ammonium urate urinary activity product ratios of healthy Beagles
Casein has been used as a protein source in diets designed to dissolve canine ammonium urate uroliths and to prevent their recurrence, because it contains fewer purine precursors than do many other sources of protein. However, an important question is whether reduced quantities of dietary casein have any benefit in modifying saturation of urine with urates. To answer this question, activity product ratios of uric acid, sodium urate, and ammonium urate were determined in 24-hour urine samples produced by 6 healthy Beagles during periods of consumption of a 10.4% protein, casein-based (10.4% casein) diet and a 20.8% protein, casein-based (20.8% casein) diet. Significantly lower activity product ratios of uric acid, sodium urate, and ammonium urate were observed when dogs consumed the 10.4% casein diet. Significantly lower 24-hour urinary excretions of ammonia and phosphorus were observed when dogs consumed the 10.4% casein diet. Twenty-four-hour urinary excretions of magnesium and 24-hour urine pH values were significantly higher when dogs were fed the 10.4% casein diet. These results suggest that use of the 10.4% casein diet in protocols designed for dissolution and prevention of uric acid, sodium urate, and ammonium urate uroliths in dogs may be beneficial.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Fluid, electrolyte, and packed cell volume shifts in racing Greyhounds
Arterial blood samples were obtained at rest, just before, and 5 minutes after a 704-m race, to quantify changes in hematologic variables, plasma electrolyte and protein concentrations, osmolality, and acid/base variables. Changes in plasma volume were estimated from the change in plasma protein concentration. Immediately prior to the race, plasma volume decreased by 10% from rest and total circulating RBC volume increased by 60%, attributable to increased RBC number rather than size. Increases in blood volume (VB) by 24% and PCV by 29% also were detected before the race. Five minutes after the race, plasma volume was 21% below the resting value and total circulating RBC volume had increased 73% above the resting value, resulting in a 40% increase in PCV. Contraction of the spleen appeared responsible for increased PCV and VB before the race and maintenance of VB after the race. Plasma chloride concentration was the same before and after the race; the chloride content of the plasma decreased by the same fraction (22%) as did the plasma volume, indicating Cl- loss from the plasma. Plasma Na+ content decreased by a smaller fraction (13%), causing Na+ concentration to increase from 151 mEq/L at rest to 167 mEq/L after the race. Assuming that Na+ concentration was the same throughout the extracellular fluid, H20 likely moved into the intracellular compartment. As a consequence of these changes, the inorganic strong ion difference in plasma increased by about 16 mEq/L, tending to minimize the acid/base disturbance induced by the 33 mEq/L increase in lactate concentration. Results indicated that the physiologic changes taking effect during strenuous sprint exercise in Greyhounds enhance blood volume and aid in acid/base homeostasis, both of which are adaptive for this type of exercise.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Myocardial edema and comprimised left ventricular function attributable to dirofilariasis and cardiopulmonary bypass in dogs
We investigated the relation between left ventricular dysfunction and myocardial edema in dogs with heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) infection that were undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass. Dogs with and without D immitis were anesthetized by continuous thiopental infusion and were mechanically ventilated. Sonomicrometry crystals were placed on the long and short axes of the left ventricle, and a Millar pressure transducer was placed in the left ventricular chamber. Pressure-volume loops were digitized and continuously recorded. Dogs with and without D immitis were placed on standard hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass, with 1 hour of aortic cross-clamp. Wet-to-dry weight ratio corrected for residual blood volume was used to quantitate the volume of myocardial edema. Preload recruitable stroke work was used as a preload-independent index of systolic function. Tau, the isovolumic relaxation time constant, was determined to assess diastolic relaxation. Dogs with D immitis had increased baseline myocardial wet-to-dry weight ratio. After cardiopulmonary bypass, myocardial edema increased in all dogs. Acute edema attributable to cardiopulmonary bypass decreased preload recruitable stroke work in all dogs of both groups, and dogs with D immitis could not be weaned from cardiopulmonary bypass. Myocardial edema increased diastolic relaxation times in dogs with and without D immitis. We conclude that cardiopulmonary bypass and heartworm infection induce myocardial edema. This edema compromises left ventricular systolic and diastolic function making D immitis an important confounding factor in weaning dogs from cardiopulmonary bypass.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Morphologic observation of neutrophil diapedesis across bovine mammary gland epithelium in vitro
Neutrophils are present in milk of cows as a means of suppressing invading pathogens during mastitis. However, the manner by which neutrophils traverse the secretory epithelia is still not clear: do they diapedese between epithelial cells or do they kill epithelial cells to gain entry into milk? We investigated the process of bovine neutrophil diapedesis across bovine mammary gland epithelium in vitro. The bovine mammary epithelial cell line MAC-T, grown on collagen-coated filters, formed a confluent monolayer with characteristic tight junctions, basal-apical polarity, and functional barriers to the dye trypan blue. Neutrophils added on the apical surface of the monolayer were stimulated to diapedese across the epithelium by the addition of Staphylococcus aureus (10(7) colony-forming units/ml) to the basal compartment. Light and transmission electron microscopy revealed the series of events for neutrophil transmigration: accumulation of neutrophils on the surface of epithelial monolayer; projection of pseudopods into intercellular junctions and movement of neutrophils between adjacent epithelial cells; and reapproximation of the lateral epithelial cell membranes and reformation of the apical tight junctions after neutrophils crossed the epithelium. Morphologically, epithelial cell damage caused by neutrophil diapedesis was not evident. This in vitro model provides a two-dimensional epithelial sheet by which neutrophil diapedesis can be qualitatively studied under defined conditions. Results of the study suggest a major mode by which bovine neutrophils diapedese across the alveolar epithelia into milk during mastitis.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Development of methods for analyzing plasma lipoprotein concentrations and associated enzyme activities and their use to measure the effects of pregnancy and lactation in cats
Methods available for measurement of plasma lipoprotein-cholesterol concentrations and activities of lipoprotein lipase, hepatic lipase, lecithin:cholesterol acyl transferase (LCAT), and cholesteryl ester transfer protein were adapted for use in cats. A combined ultracentrifugation/precipitation procedure was used to isolate very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), then to separate low-density lipoproteins (LDL) from high-density lipoproteins (HDL). The reagent used, 92 mM heparin-manganese chloride, provided complete precipitation of LDL with only trace and insignificant contamination by HDL. Efforts to selectively measure lipoprotein lipase activity in plasma, collected after IV injection of heparin, by inhibiting hepatic lipase with sodium dodecyl sulfate were unsuccessful, and the activity of this enzyme was calculated as the difference between total and hepatic lipase activities. The latter was measured in the presence of high salt concentration to inhibit lipoprotein lipase. Cholesterol esterifying activity was identified in feline plasma and was typical of LCAT, in that it was dependent on apolipoprotein A-I as a cofactor. The intra-assay and interassay coefficients of variation for measurement of lipoprotein lipase, hepatic lipase, and LCAT activities were 18.4, 4.6, and 7.2%, and 20.4, 10.7, and 5.3%, respectively. Appreciable cholesteryl ester transfer protein activity was not detected in either undiluted or diluted plasma. These methods were subsequently used to investigate the effects of pregnancy and lactation on lipoprotein metabolism in a group of 10 queens. Plasma concentrations of cholesterol and triglycerides were unaltered during pregnancy, but the concentrations of VLDL-cholesterol increased and those of HDL-cholesterol decreased. During lactation, the concentrations of cholesterol and triglycerides decreased owing to reductions in VLDL-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol concentrations and continued suppression of HDL-cholesterol. These changes were associated with alterations in the activities of lipoprotein lipase, which increased after parturition, and hepatic lipase, which increased during pregnancy and lactation, that may help explain their metabolic origins. The activity of LCAT remained unchanged.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Age-related changes in ocular distances in normal eyes of Samoyeds
Ocular biometry, using A-scan ultrasonography and ultrasonographic pachymetry, was performed in 52 Samoyeds, 2 months to 13 years old, without intraocular or systemic diseases. Furthermore, the relative depth of the opening of the ciliary cleft was estimated from goniophotographs. The values were analyzed, and statistical models of changes in ocular distances with increasing age were identified. It was found that the changes in corneal thickness, axial anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, relative lens position, length of the vitreous body, and axial length could best be described by 1 of the 2 nonlinear models (...). The course began with a period of rapid increase, after which the ocular distance either increased at a progressively slower rate toward infinity (corneal and lens thickness) or to a finite limit (relative lens position and axial length), or ceased to grow and finally started to decrease toward minus infinity (axial anterior chamber depth and length of the vitreous body). However, suitable model for determining relative depth of the opening of the ciliary cleft could not be established. Results indicated that age-related changes, mainly in lens thickness, cause a shallow anterior chamber, and it was suggested that this may be of importance for development of a relative pupillary block and, thus, primary angle-closure glaucoma, at least in preconditioned eyes of Samoyeds.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Efficacy of a variety of disinfectants against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 1
Gutierrez, C.B. | Rodriguez Barbosa, J.I. | Suarez, J. | Gonzalez, O.R. | Tascon, R.I. | Rodriguez Ferri, E.F.
The efficacy of 23 disinfectants (including the most commonly used chemical groups) and 6 quaternary ammonium compound based commercial formulations against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 1 (ATCC 4074) was studied. The organisms were tested in suspension and carrier tests with serum as the organic matter. Chloramine-T, hydrogen peroxide, glutaraldehyde, and mercurochrome alone, and a quatemary ammonium compound formulation containing 10% benzalkonium chloride, 2.5% glutaraldehyde, 6.8% glyoxal, and 6% formaldehyde were effective in all tests, regardless of the presence or absence of organic load. All but 2 of the nonformulated disinfectants (sodium hypochlorite and an iodophor) caused at least a 3-log10 reduction in colony-forming units in the suspension test. However, most of the disinfectants were not as effective in the carrier test as in the suspension test; this difference ranged from a 1- to 5-log10 reduction in colony-forming units. In addition, the presence of serum considerably reduced the disinfectant capacities of most of the compounds tested, particularly in the carrier test. These results indicate the importance of selecting suitable disinfectants for routine use on surfaces contaminated with this organism, especially in the presence of organic matter. Chloramine-T and the aforementioned commercial formulation were also tested directly under field conditions in pig nurseries, confirming their high effectiveness.
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