أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

[ نُشرت في: Journal of Veterinary Research ]
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النتائج 21 - 30 من 397

Effect of chokeberry pomace as a feed additive for high-producing dairy goats on oxidative stress parameters and quality of milk


Szymańska-Czerwińska Monika | Matin Maima | Niemczuk Krzysztof | Strzałkowska Nina | Osiński Zbigniew | Horbańczuk Karina | Wierzbicka Agnieszka | Horbańczuk Jarosław Olav | Atanasov Atanas Georgiev | Jóźwik Artur

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

How does adulteration of wax foundation affect phenoloxidase and lysozyme activities as selected parameters of immunity in Apis mellifera?


Strachecka Aneta | Chęć Magdalena | Olszewski Krzysztof | Staniszewska Patrycja | Dziechciarz Piotr | Gagoś Mariusz

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Effect of the addition of different forms of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) on the quality of vacuum-packed minced pork


Śmiecińska Katarzyna | Daszkiewicz Tomasz | Krajewska Agnieszka | Kubiak Dorota

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

The herd-level prevalence of Fasciola hepatica infection in the goat population of Poland


Mickiewicz Marcin | Nowek Zofia | Czopowicz Michał | Moroz-Fik Agata | Biernacka Kinga | Potărniche Adrian-Valentin | Szaluś-Jordanow Olga | Górski Paweł | Nalbert Tomasz | Buczek Krzysztof | Mālniece Aija | Markowska-Daniel Iwona | Kaba Jarosław

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

The perfusion index as a method of assessing epidural anaesthesia efficacy in healthy dogs


Itoh Harumichi | Inoue Hajime | Itamoto Takuya | Tani Kenji | Sunahara Hiroshi | Nemoto Yuki | Nakaichi Munekazu | Iseri Toshie | Itamoto Kazuhito

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Prevalence of chlamydiae in dairy cattle herds and factors contributing to the spread of infections


Szymańska-Czerwińska Mońika | Jodełko Agnieszka | Osiński Zbigniew | Zaręba-Marchewka Kinga | Niemczuk Krzysztof

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Prevalence, molecular identification and genotyping of the crayfish plague pathogen, Aphanomyces astaci in major narrow-clawed crayfish (Pontastacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823) populations from Türkiye


Akhan Süleyman | Çağatay İfakat Tülay | Berber Selçuk | Taştan Büşra | Taştan Yiğit | Dalar Tuba

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

The effect of prenatal fumonisin B exposure on bone innervation in newborn Wistar rats


Tomaszewska Ewa | Dobrowolski Piotr | Dajnowska Aleksandra | Arbatowska Liwia | Puzio Iwona | Rudyk Halyna | Brezvyn Oksana | Kotsyumbas Ihor | Donaldson Janine | Śliwa Jadwiga | Arciszewski Marcin B. | Muszyński Siemowit

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Serological evidence of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae antibodies in wild boars (Sus scrofa) in Poland


Czyżewska-Dors Ewelina Barbara | Augustyniak Agata | Piekutowska-Nóżka Ewa | Jężak Joanna | Kowalczyk Ewelina | Jabłoński Artur

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Whole genome sequencing and analysis of a goose-derived Mycoplasma gallisepticum in Guangdong Province, China


Zhou Yuanyuan | Song Shuti | Li Weihuo | Jia Yixin | Li Yangshuo | Liang Jingyi | Yao Zhaofeng | Zhang Nan

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden