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النتائج 211 - 220 من 504
Effects of heparin, venous strangulation obstruction of the small intestine, and reperfusion of the small intestine on plasma diamine oxidase activity in horses
Laws, E.G. | Odoh, Bethrand Toochukwu
Diamine oxidase (DAO), an enzyme of small intestinal origin, is released from mucosal storage sites by IV administration of heparin, to yield the plasma postheparin DAO (PHD) curve. The PHD curve is diminished when mucosal surface area is lost, and baseline (without heparin) plasma DAO activity increases when mucosal storage sites are damaged. Plasma DAO activity was measured after 2 doses of heparin were administered Iv in healthy, conscious horses. In anesthetized horses, the PHD curve was studied: during sham small intestinal surgery, and during venous strangulation obstruction (VSO) of the distal 50% of the small intestine. In a third group of anesthetized horses, baseline plasma DAO activity (without heparin) was measured during vso of the distal 50% of the small intestine for 90 minutes, followed by reperfusion for 90 minutes. Postheparin plasma DAO curves in conscious horses were similar to those reported in other species Horses with VSO had a similar PHD curve as did sham-operated controls at all times, except at 15 minutes, when plasma DAO activity was significantly (P < 0.05) greater in the vso group. Horses with VSO and reperfusion had no change in baseline plasma DAO activity throughout the study. Peritoneal fluid DAO activity remained low throughout the study, but increased slightly in horses with VSO that received heparin, possibly because of DAO from extravasated blood in the peritoneal fluid. Results indicated that the plasma DAO response to IV administered heparin in horses is similar to that in other mammals, but, unlike other species, baseline and postheparin DAO activities did not change as expected after small intestinal vascular obstruction and mucosal injury. There may be additional sources of DAO in horses, the type of injury induced was not of sufficient magnitude to affect storage sites of DAO, or the circulatory changes induced by vso might have altered tissue delivery of heparin.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Experimentally induced infection with bluetongue virus serotype 11 in cows
Parsonson, I.M. | Thompson, L.H. | Walton, T.E.
The consequences of inoculation of bluetongue virus (BTV) serotype 11 into 16 susceptible cows either at the time of breeding or at specified stages of pregnancy were studied. The cows were free of BTV or epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus, and none had antibodies to BTV before virus inoculation. A group of 4 cows was mated naturally to a bull reported to shed BTV (CO75B300 strain) in the semen. The bull was suspected of infecting cows at mating with BTV-11, which subsequently transplacentally infected the developing fetuses and induced persistently infected and congenitally malformed progeny. Two groups of 4 pregnant cows were inoculated with an insect-derived strain of BTV-11 (CO75B300), one group by direct deposit into the uterus at estrus, the other, by intradermal and sc administrations. A 90-day fetus was inoculated in utero with virus from the same pool. Four pregnant cows were inoculated with sheep blood-passaged virus of the same BTV-11 strain (CO75B300) by intradermal and sc routes. Three cows were inoculated with BTV-free suspending fluids and ovine erythrocytes by the intrauterine and intradermal-sc routes and were used as in-contact controls.Infection with insect-derived BTV-11 was confirmed in 3 cows of 1 group by virus isolation and by detection of serum antibodies. The 4 cows inoculated with sheep blood suspension of BTV-11 developed viremia and produced antibodies to the virus. None of the cattle had clinical signs of bluetongue, other than 2 cows that had a slight rectal temperature increase on postinoculation day 4.All cows and fetuses that ranged in gestational age from 69 to 217 days appeared grossly normal at necropsy. Antibodies were not detected in fetal blood. Viral antigen was not detected in fetal tissues by inoculation into sheep or by immunofluoerscence, and viral RNA was not detected by use of the polymerase chain reaction. Developmental deformities were not seen in any fetus. The BTV-11 was not transmitted via the bull semen after natural mating. The BTV-11 strain CO75B300, isolated from this bull and passaged either as insect-derived or ovine erythrocyte suspensions, infected 8 cows. However, the virus was not transplacentally transmitted to their fetuses. It was concluded that there was no evidence for congenital BTV-11 infection in this study.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Host factors affecting seroprevalence of bluetongue virus infections of cattle
Ward, M.P. | Carpenter, T.E. | Osburn, B.I.
Results of testing of 19,731 samples from a serologic survey of cattle with bluetongue virus (BTV) infections in Australia were analyzed for association between age, species, or sex and test result. Bivariate analysis indicated that all 3 host factors were associated with test result. After adjusting for confounding caused by the location of each animal in the study (high, moderate, and low BTV prevalence regions), cattle greater than or equal to 4 years old had an odds ratio of 4.33 (95% confidence interval, 3.99, 4.71) for a positive test result, compared with that for cattle < 2 years old. Cattle 2 to 4 years had an odds ratio of 2.28 (2.14, 2.54), compared with cattle < 2 years old. Bos taurus cattle had an odds ratio of 1.76 (1.63, 2.05) of a positive test result, compared with crossbred cattle, and B indicus cattle had an odds ratio of 1.20 (1.09, 1.33), compared with crossbred cattle. Sexually intact (+) male cattle were found to have an odds ratio of 3.13 (2.66, 3.49) for a positive test result, compared with castrated male (-) cattle, and female cattle were found to have an odds ratio of 1.38 (1.29, 1.48), compared with male (-) cattle. Multivariate analysis of BTV testing results was performed, using stepwise logistic regression. The most parsimonious model selected included age, species, and sex factors, and first-order interaction terms between these factors. This model was only able to be fit to data from cattle restricted to the high (> 25%) BTV prevalence region. Odds ratios were found to increase with age for male (-) cattle of all species. Odds ratios were found to be greatest at 2 to 4 years of age for female cattle of all species and for B taurus and crossbred male (+) cattle.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Production of Salmonella serogroup D (O9)-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay antigen
Konrad, H. | Smith, B.P. | Dilling, G.W. | House, J.K.
Serologic testing to detect persistent IgG titer directed at Salmonella lipopolysaccharide (LPS) has proven useful in detecting Salmonella carrier cattle without clinical signs of disease and in seroepidemiologic studies. Although little cross-reactivity exists between most Salmonella serogroups, groups B (O1, 4 [5], 12) and D (O1, 9, 12) share somatic (LPS cell wall) antigens O1 and O12, which results in some cross-reactions. This may be unimportant in most instances, because group-B and group-D carriers need to be identified and culled. It may be desirable in some situations, such as when trying to control S dublin, to determine which serogroup is present in a given herd. For this reason, a procedure to produce a pure O9 group-D antigen was developed. Salmonella dublin (group D) was grown by use of standard procedures, and LPS was extracted by use of the phenol-water method. The LPS was then oxidized with sodium periodate, dialyzed, reduced with sodium borohydride, cleaved with hydrochloric acid, and again dialyzed. This procedure successfully cleaved the saccharides comprising O antigens 1 and 12, leaving a pure O9 ELISA antigen. Sera from cattle vaccinated or naturally infected with S typhimurium, S agona, and S schwarzengrund (all group B), S montevideo (group C1), and S dublin (group D) were tested by ELISA, using modified and unmodified antigens. When the ELISA antigen used was the chemically modified (pure O9) group-D antigen, elimination of cross-reactions confirmed the structural loss of cross-reacting O1 and O12 antigens.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of cryoprecipitate and plasma on plasma von Willebrand factor multimeters and bleeding time on Doberman Pinschers with type-I von Willebrand's disease
Ching, Y.N.L.H. | Meyers, K.M. | Brassard, J.A. | Wardrop, K.J.
We determined whether administration of cryoprecipitate or fresh-frozen plasma (FFP) would enhance glass bead platelet retention and shorten the bleeding time in von Willebrand factor (vWf)-deficient Doberman Pinschers. Plasma concentration of vWf was < 15% of the reference value in these dogs and, on the basis of multimeric analysis of vWf, these dogs had type-I von Willebrand's disease (vWd). Concentration of vwf in cryoprecipitate (prepared from FFP of clinically normal dogs) was enriched almost 20 times, and the preparation was a concentrate of the largest and most physiologically active multimers. Administration of a dose of cryoprecipitate calculated to increase plasma vWf concentration of recipient dogs to 50 U/dl increased plasma vWf concentration in recipient dogs to about 40 U/dl. Mean buccal mucosal bleeding time (BMBT) shortened from 6.7 minutes before treatment to 3.8 minutes at 2 hours after treatment. Cryoprecipitate from donor dogs treated with deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (1 microgram/kg of body weight) effectively shortened mean BMBT from 6.4 minutes to 3.1 minutes. Administration of cryoprecipitate from vWf-deficient dogs prolonged, rather than shortened, the BMBT. After FFP (450 ml) infusion, plasma vwf concentration increased in recipient dogs, but the BMBT did not shorten. Glass bead platelet retention did not change after administration of cryoprecipitate or FFP. Thus, cryoprecipitate, especially from deamino-8-d-arginine vasopressin-treated donor dogs, is a concentrate of the most hemostatically active multimers of vWf and decreases the BMBT in dogs with vWd.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of quantitative acid-base balance and determination of unidentified anions in swine
Frischmeryer, K.J. | Moon, P.F.
Arterial blood samples were collected from 19 anesthetized pigs before and after hemorrhage was induced. Blood gas tensions and concentrations of sodium, potassium, chloride, lactate, and total protein were measured. Results indicated that hydrogen ion (H+) concentration calculated from a specific formula was a biased and imprecise estimate of measured H+ concentration. The bias was 5.45 nEq/L, with limits of agreement from -7.92 to 18.83 nEq/L. Because albumin is the fraction of plasma protein most important in acid-base balance, the agreement between predicted and measured H+ concentration was reevaluated, using an albumin charge estimate and a reference swine albumin-to-globulin ratio. This improved the ability of the formula to predict H+ concentration; the bias decreased to 1.33 nEq/L with limits of agreement from -12.16 to 9.49 nEq/L. The formula and a simplified approach for clinical application were biased and unacceptably imprecise estimators of lactate (L-) concentration. The formula approach underestimated L- concentration by 2.8 (-12.4, 6.7) mEq/L, whereas the simplified method overestimated L- concentration by 5.0 (-3.8, 13.9) mEq/L.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of polymyxin B and Salmonella typhimurium antiserum on horses given endotoxin intravenously
Durando, M.M. | MacKay, R.J. | Linda, S. | Skelley, L.A.
Polymyxin B and an antiserum against an Re mutant Salmonella typhimurium were evaluated for protective effect in an equine model of endotoxemia. Six 3- to 5-month-old foals were given endotoxin (0.25 micrograms/kg of body weight) IV after no pretreatment, or pretreatment with polymyxin B (6,000 U/kg, IV) or S typhimurium antiserum (1.5 ml/kg, IV). When given without pretreatment, endotoxin caused transient recumbency and increases in rectal temperature, and heart and respiratory rates. In addition, leukopenia and increases in circulating tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) activities were detected. Compared with results obtained when endotoxin was given alone, pretreatment with polymyxin B resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) lower maximal plasma TNF and IL-6 activities, and significantly lower rectal temperature and respiratory rate. In contrast, compared with effects of endotoxin given without pretreatment, use of antiserum was associated with significantly (P < 0.05) higher respiratory rate, maximal plasma IL-6 activity, and total TNF response (as determined by areas under curves of plasma TNF vs time). These results indicate that polymyxin B may have potential as a treatment for equine endotoxemia. Salmonella typhimurium antiserum had no positive effect in this model, and, under certain conditions, may exacerbate the actions of endotoxin.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Cardiorespiratory effects of glycopyrrolate-butorphanol-xylazine combination, with and without nasal administration of oxygen in dogs
Jacobson, J.D. | McGrath, C.J. | Ko, C.H. | Smith, E.P.
Cardiopulmonary consequences of IV administered glycopyrrolate (0.01 mg/kg of body weight), followed in 11 +/- 2 minutes by butorphanol (0.2 mg/ kg) and xylazine (0.5 mg/kg), were evaluated in 6 dogs, with and without nasal administration of oxygen (100 ml/kg/min). Glycopyrrolate caused significant (P < 0.05) increases in heart rate and cardiac index and significant (P < 0.05) decreases in stroke index. Subsequent administration of butorphanol and xylazine was associated with significant (P < 0.05) increases in systemic vascular resistance, mean arterial blood pressure, mean pulmonary artery pressure, central venous pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, PaCO2, venous admixture, oxygen extraction ratio, and hemoglobin concentration. It caused significant (P < 0.05) decreases in cardiac index, stroke index, breathing rate, minute volume index, oxygen delivery, and oxygen consumption. Mean arterial blood pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance, tidal volume index, and minute volume index were significantly (P < 0.05) higher when dogs were breathing room air. The arterial and venous PO2, and PCO2, and venous oxygen content were significantly (P < 0.05) higher, and the arterial and venous pH, and oxygen consumption were significantly (P < 0.05) lower when oxygen was administered. Pulsus alternans and S-T segment depression were observed in dogs of both groups. Ventricular premature contractions were observed in 1 dog breathing room air. All dogs were intubated briefly 15 minutes after administration of butorphanol and xylazine. Time to first spontaneous movement was 45 minutes. All dogs remained in lateral recumbency without physical restraint for 60 minutes.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Relation between body temperature and dexmedetomidine-induced minimum alveolar concentration and respiratory changes in isoflurane-anesthetized miniature swine
Vainio, O.M. | Bloor, B.C.
Dexmedetomidine (Dex), an alpha 2-receptor agonist, is the pharmacologically active d-isomer of medetomidine, a compound used as a sedative in veterinary medicine. Isoflurane anesthetic requirement (minimum alveolar concentration; MAC), rectal temperature, and cardiorespiratory variables were studied in chronically instrumented Yucatan miniature swine during DEX (20 micrograms/kg of body weight)-induced changes in body temperature. All studies were performed at room temperature of 22 C. The DEX was given as a 2-minute infusion into the left atrium. Each pig was studied twice. For protocol 1, the core temperature of the pigs was maintained at (mean +/- SD) 38.2 +/- 0.5 C by use of a thermostatically controlled water blanket and a heating lamp. For protocol 2, the core temperature was not externally manipulated and it decreased from 38.2 +/- 0.4 C to 32.2 +/- 1.2 C during the more than 3 hours of the protocol. Control isoflurane MAC was 1.66 +/- 0.2% and was 1.74 +/- 0.3% for protocols 1 and 2, respectively; DEX decreased MAC by 34 and 44%, respectively. For protocol 1, reduction in MAC after DEX administration returned by 50 and 80% at 84 and 138 minutes, respectively. If rectal temperature was not maintained (eg, allowed to decrease), MAC was reduced by 57% at the same time as the return to 80% in the swine with maintained body temperature. Respiratory rate and minute ventilation were significantly higher in swine with maintained temperature. The PaCO2 was lower and, accordingly, pH was higher in these swine. Blood pressure and heart rate were not affected by temperature changes.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of sample handling on measurement of plasma glucose and blood lactate concentrations in horses before and after exercise
Ferrante, P.L. | Kronfeld, D.S.
Collection of a satisfactory blood sample requires special procedures to prevent changes in glucose and lactate content after the sample has been obtained. Changes in measured plasma glucose and blood lactate concentrations attributable to anticoagulants and storage procedures, respectively, were examined in blood samples obtained from horses at rest and after exercise. To evaluate the effect of anticoagulants on measured plasma glucose concentration, blood was preserved with either sodium fluoride/potassium oxalate or lithium heparin. Measured plasma glucose concentration in blood obtained at rest and after exercise was 6 and 10% lower (P = 0.0038), respectively, when blood was preserved with fluoride/oxalate, compared with heparin. The erythrocyte volume in the blood sample was 15% smaller (P = 0.0001) in samples preserved with fluoride/oxalate, indicating a movement of water out of erythrocytes in the blood sample mixed with that anticoagulant. To evaluate the effect of storage procedure on measured blood lactate concentration, part of the blood sample was immediately deproteinized for blood lactate analysis, and the remaining blood was maintained for 30 and 60 minutes at either 0 or 22 C before deproteinization. When blood samples were maintained at 0 C prior to deproteinization, there was no difference in blood lactate concentration, regardless of the incubation time, compared with that in samples immediately deproteinized. Blood lactate concentration was greater (P < 0.01) in samples maintained at 22 C, compared with that in samples immediately deproteinized, and with that in equivalent samples maintained at 0 C. Blood preserved with fluoride/oxalate had lower measured plasma glucose concentration, compared with blood preserved with heparin, which was probably attributable to shrinkage of erythrocytes and dilution of the plasma with intracellular water. Minimal changes in blood lactate concentration were observed in samples maintained at 0 C up to 60 minutes.
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