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النتائج 301 - 310 من 482
Relative effects of xylazine-atropine, xylazine-atropine-ketamine, and xylazine-atropine-pentobarbital combinations and time-course effects of the latter two combinations on brain stem auditory-evoked potentials in dogs
Tokuriki, M. | Matsunami, K. | Uzuka, Y.
Brain stem auditory-evoked potentials (BAEP) were recorded in 4 dogs to analyze the relationship between acoustic stimulus intensities and peak latencies of each wave, and to investigate the relative effects of xylazine-atropine-ketamine, and xylazine-atropine-pentobarbital combinations and the time-course effects of the latter 2 drug combinations on BAEP. Click stimulations fixed at a stimulus rate of 10/s and a frequency of 4 kHz were delivered at intensities ranging from 10- to 110-dB sound pressure level (SPL) in 10-dB steps for analyzing the relationship between the acoustic stimulus intensities and the peak latencies and at an intensity of 110-dB SPL for investigating the effects of the sedative and the anaesthetic drug combinations and their time-course effects on BAEP. Waves I and VI were identified with stimulus intensity of greater than or equal to 50-dB SPL. Wave VII was observed in some records, but was excluded from statistical analysis. As intensity was increased from 50- to 110-dB SPL, the latency decreased for all waves during xylazine-atropine-ketamine anesthesia. There were no statistically significant differences in the peak latencies of each wave in BAEP among xylazine-atropine, xylazine-atropine-ketamine, and xylazine-atropine-pentobarbital combinations 20 minutes after drug administration, except that the latency of wave VI during xylazine-atropine sedation was significantly (P < 0.01) shorter than that detected during xylazine-atropine-ketamine or xylazine-atropine-pentobarbital anesthesia. There were no significant changes in peak latencies of waves I, II, III, V, and VI for 90 minutes after administration of the xylazine-atropine-ketamine combination and for 120 minutes after administration of the xylazine-atropine-pentobarbital combination. It was concluded that BAEP did not change over time after xylazine-atropine-ketamine or xylazine-atropine pentobarbital administration.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Gastric cannulation of pregnant sows
Matzat, P.D. | Ames, N.K. | Hogberg, M.G.
The purpose of this project was to study the effect of superalimentation in lactating sows through permanent, surgically placed, gastric cannulas. A surgical technique was developed to install gastric cannulas into pregnant sows to allow superalimentation by introducing feed through the cannula. After induction of general anesthesia, a flexible, T-shaped cannula (22 mm outside diameter) was surgically placed in the dorsal portion of the greater curvature of the stomach and exteriorized through the tenth intercostal space approximately 30 cm left of the dorsal midline. Cannulas were installed on day 85 5 days of gestation. Anesthesia, surgical procedures, and the subsequent presence of the cannula did not affect the size ornumber of live pigs at birth. In addition, the prevalence of stillbirths and mummified fetuses was not significantly different than that of noncannulated sows. The gastric cannulas did not affect lactation performance, as litter size and weight were unaffected when compared with that in noncannulated controls. Postmortem examination of euthanatized sows revealed adhesions of the gastric wall to the abdominal wall, thus eliminating the possibility of leakage of the gastric contents into the peritoneum. Detrimental effects of the cannulas on gastric function or capacity were not detected, and cannulas could be maintained through multiple parities.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Use of ELISA for detection of immunoglobulins G and M that recognize Salmonella dublin lipopolysaccharide for prediction of carrier status in cattle
Spier, S.J. | Smith, B.P. | Tyler, J.W. | Cullor, J.S. | Dilling, G.W. | Pfaff, L.D.
Immunoglobulin reactions to Salmonella dublin in serum and milk from 4 groups of lactating cows were measured by an indirect ELISA. The groups consisted of (1) cows that were natural carriers of S dublin in the mammary gland, (2) experimentally infected cows that did not become carriers, (3) cows inoculated with a commercial S dublin bacterin, and (4) cows used as S dublin-negative controls. Milk and serum samples were obtained at monthly intervals. Models for predicting carrier status were developed by use of stepwise logistic regression. Independent variables consisted of serum and milk IgG and IgM titers to S dublin lipopolysaccharide and a ratio of IgG to IgM. The utility of a single sample vs multiple samples obtained at 1-month or 2-month intervals was tested by comparison of goodness-of-fit X2 P values for 8 models predicting carrier status. Immunoglobulin reactions specific to S dublin were a significant predictor of carrier status (P < 0.001). Serum IgG titers specific for S dublin were the most important variable for predicting carrier status. Two serum IgG titers to S dublin obtained 2 months apart was a better predictor of carrier status than measurement of the IgG:IgM ratio from a single serum sample. Immunoglobulin recognizing S dublin epitopes also were detected in milk samples. In milk, performing 2 ELISA 60 days apart to determine IgG and IgM reactions to S dublin appeared to be useful for the prediction of carrier status, but was not as accurate as models for serum immunoglobulin reactions.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Quantitative noninvasive assessment of liver size in clinically normal dogs
Godshalk, C.P. | Kneller, S.K. | Badertscher, R.R. II. | Essex-Sorlie, D.
Measurements of liver size were made from radiographs of 16 clinically normal anesthetized dogs. Two measurements were made from each of 3 views: right and left lateral and ventrodorsal. Each measurement was correlated with liver weight and volume. Liver weight and volume were also correlated with both measurements from the same radiograph multiplied together. All measurements, with the exception of ventrodorsal depth, correlated significantly (P < 0.05) with liver weight and volume. The multiplication of the 2 measurements made from the right lateral radiograph correlated most highly with liver weight. These data were then compared with those from similar studies involving liver measurements obtained from nuclear scintigraphic and ultrasonographic scans on the same dogs. The radiographic measurements made from the right lateral view had the highest correlation with liver weight, followed by the nuclear scintigraphic measurements made from the same position.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Immunodominant proteins of Sarcocystis cruzi bradyzoites isolated from cattle affected or nonaffected with eosinophilic myositis
Granstrom, D.E. | Ridley, R.K. | Baoan, Y. | Gershwin, L.J.
Sarcocystis cruzi sarcocysts were isolated from eosinophilic myositis (Em)-affected and nonaffected bovine hearts. Isolates were ruptured and used to prepare a bradyzoite antigen extract from each heart. The nonaffected heart from one newborn calf contained no apparent sarcocysts when examined histologically and was used to prepare Sarcocystis-negative control antigen. Blood samples were taken from the heart approximately 20 minutes after slaughter. Serum was obtained and evaluated, using a radioimmunoassay to measure Sarcocystis-specific IgG and IgE titers. Sarcocystis cruzi extract from a heart without EM lesions was used for antigen in the radioimmunoassay. Sarcocystis-specific IgG titer ranged between 1:1,280 and 1:2,560 in EM-affected cattle and was 1:640 in nonaffected cattle. Sarcocystis-specific IgE titer ranged between 1:640 and 1:1,280 in Em-affected and nonaffected cattle. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and protein (western) immunoblot analysis were used to compare antigen extracts and serum samples from EM-affected vs nonaffected cattle. Twenty protein bands, ranging from approximately 22 to 215 kD, were detected consistently on bradyzoite blots probed with anti-bovine IgG after incubation with serum samples. Seven of these bands, 37, 44, 53, 57, 94, 113, and 215 kD, were also detected consistently on bradyzoite blots probed with monoclonal anti-bovine IgE. One additional band, 61 kD, was detected consistently on bradyzoite blots probed for IgE, but was seldom recognized when probed for IgG. Sixteen protein bands were evident in silver-stained gels of S cruzi-negative, newborn calf antigen, but none were recognized by antisera on western blots. Consistent differences were not found among antigen extracts or among serum from EM-affected vs nonaffected cattle on silver-stained gels or western blots.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Reactivation of latent pseudorabies virus infection in vaccinated commercial sows
Cowen, P. | Li, S. | Guy, J.S. | Erickson, G.A. | Blanchard, D.
Pseudorabies virus (PRV) was isolated from 9 of 44 PRV-vaccinated seropositive sows on 5 of 11 farms. Although serum-neutralization antibody titers were 1:16 to 1:256, 28 virus isolates were obtained from tonsil, nasal, or buccal swab samples from 9 sows given 2 ml of dexamethasone/kg of body weight IM for 5 days. Pseudorabies virus was isolated from 6 of 20 sows (3 of 5 farms) given a killed-virus vaccination. Virus was obtained from 3 of 24 sows (2 of 6 farms) given modified-live virus and killed-virus vaccination. Evaluation of the 9 PRV with 5 restriction endonucleases revealed 4 PRV existing genotypes. The 9 isolated types of PRV appeared to be indistinguishable by Kpn I and BamHI restriction endonuclease analysis; however, when analyzed with Sal I, HinfI, and Pst I, isolates 7 (farm D), 8 (farm C), and 9 (farm B) had numerous differences. Isolates 1, 2, 3, and 4 (farm F) and 5 and 6 (farm G) appeared to be the same genotype when further analyzed with Pst I, HinfI, and Sal I.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Immune response to pulmonary injection of Pasteurella haemolytica-impregnated agar beads followed by transthoracic challenge exposure in goats
Purdy, C.W. | Straus, D.C. | Livingston, C.W. Jr | Foster, G.S.
A method of inducing Pasteurella haemolytica serotype 1 (Ph1) lung infection in goats, using low numbers of bacteria and without impairing host immunity, was developed. Two trials were conducted. Results of trial 1, using 10 principals (Ph1 agar beads) and 6 controls (agar beads alone), indicated that Ph1 organisms imbedded in agar beads could survive host lung defenses for 32 days. Results of trial 2 indicated that lung immunity in the inoculated goats (principals) was high and they were more protected than controls against a transthoracic challenge of Ph1 (1.18 X 10(7) colony-forming units) injected into lung of each goat on posttreatment day 35. When comparing challenge-exposed principals with controls, the controls developed rectal temperatures above normal for a longer time, duration of anorexia was longer, and sign of depression were seen. The controls developed large are of consolidated lung tissue, more Ph1 isolates were recovered from nasal turbinates and lung tissue, and higher Ph1 concentrations were found in the lungs. The serum Ph1 indirect hemagglutination antibody titers in the principals of both trials increased, compared with titer in controls. Principal goats in trial 2 had higher Ph1 indirect hemagglutination antibody titers after injection of Ph1-impregnated agar beads and less severe lung lesion after challenge exposure than did controls. The small pneumonic consolidated lesions in the principals, compared with extensive lesions in controls after Ph1 challenge exposure, indicated a high degree of immunity after exposure to Ph1 organisms imbedded in agar beads.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Pasteurella haemolytica lipopolysaccharide-induced arachidonic acid release from and neutrophil adherence to bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells
Paulsen, D.B. | Confer, A.W. | Clinkenbeard, K.D. | Mosier, D.A.
Bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells (BPAEC) were labeled with 3H-arachidonic acid. Exposure of the labeled BPAEC to Pasteurella haemolytica lipopolysaccharide (LPS) resulted in a time- and dose-dependent release of radioactivity. The release was inhibited by 5 mM indomethacin, but inhibition was not caused by less than or equal to 500 micromole indomethacin or hydrocortisone, which suggests that the release was caused primarily by a mechanism other than cyclooxygenase or phospholipase A2 metabolism of arachidonic acid. Pasteurella haemolytica LPS also caused increased adherence of bovine neutrophils to BPAEC through independent effects on both cell types. The increased adherence was inhibited by treatment of either cell type with cycloheximide or actinomycin D prior to LPS exposure, indicating that de novo protein synthesis was required in both cell types to promote the LPS-induced adherence. Lipopolysaccharide may be an important factor in neutrophil-mediated effects in pneumonic pasteurellosis by causing increased neutrophil adherence and, thus, the vascular sequestration of neutrophils. Together, these experiments provide additional evidence for the involvement of LPS in pneumonic pasteurellosis. Moreover, they provide evidence of LPS-induced endothelial activation, which could have broad ramifications in the inflammatory and immune responses of pneumonic pasteurellosis.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Changes in oscillatory potentials in the canine electroretinogram during dark adaptation
Sims, M.H. | Brooks, D.E.
Oscillatory potentials (OP) and electroretinograms (ERG) were recorded from clinically normal dogs after 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 minutes of dark adaptation. At the end of the adaptation period, OP were characterized by 5 distinct positive peaks, O1 through O5, with mean latencies of 14.46, 20.24, 27.38, 35.31, and 44.85 ms, respectively, and with mean amplitudes ranging from 7.20 to 34.84 microvolt. After 60 minutes of dark adaptation, the ERG had a mean a-wave latency of 12.03 ms and a mean b-wave amplitude of 109.29 microvolt. Peaks O3 and O4, which partially mask the summit of the b-wave, had mean latencies of 28.66 and 36.83 ms, respectively. The mean amplitude of the b-wave measured to the peak of O3 was 240.06 microvolt and 230.73 microvolt when measured to peak O4. Changes in the OP during dark adaptation consisted of significant (P less than 0.05) increases in the latencies of O1, O2, and O3, and significant increases in the amplitudes of O1, O3, O4, and O5. Concurrent ERG changes consisted of significant increases in the amplitudes of the a-wave and b-wave measured from O3 and O4, and significant increases in the latencies of peaks O3 and O4 on the b-wave.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Endogenous prostanoids control ion transport across neonatal porcine ileum in vitro
Argenzio, R.A. | Liacos, J.A.
In contrast to the net absorption of Na and Cl ions observed in vivo, porcine small intestine had a net secretion of these ions in vitro. These discrepancies between in vivo and in vitro results have led to difficulties in interpretation of studies investigating mechanisms of intestinal secretion and diarrhea in this species. To examine the influence of endogenous prostanoids on ion transport in neonatal porcine ileum in vitro, tissues were prepared and studied in indomethacin. Net absorption of Na, reversal of net Cl secretion to net absorption, and decreased short circuit current were observed. Conversely, addition of prostaglandins to indomethacin-treated tissues reversed these effects and reestablished conditions similar to those observed in control tissues. Control tissue was essentially refractory to the effects of exogenous prostaglandins. Results indicate that under in vitro conditions, ion transport in neonatal porcine ileum is tightly regulated by endogenous prostanoids that abolish the neutral NaCl absorptive mechanism and elicit electrogenic Cl secretion. However, concentrations of these prostanoids may have been artificially high as a result of tissue preparation for in vitro study.
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