أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

[ نُشرت في: Journal of Veterinary Research ]
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النتائج 331 - 340 من 545

Biomechanical and wearability testing of novel legwear for variably limiting extension of the metacarpophalangeal joint of horses


Pugliese, Brenna R. | Brisbois, Abby L. | Size, Kristin J. | St. George, Lindsay B. | Hobbs, Sarah J. | Kirker-Head, Carl A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Comparison of the efficacy and duration of desensitization of oral structures following injection of a lidocaine-bupivacaine mixture via lateral percutaneous and modified infraorbital approaches in dogs


Chohan, Amandeep S. | Pascoe, Peter J.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Assessment of the effect of horseshoes with and without traction adaptations on the gait kinetics of nonlame horses during a trot on a concrete runway


Wang, Pengju | Takawira, Catherine | Taguchi, Takashi | Niu, Xiao | Nazzal, Munir D. | Lopez, Mandi J.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Long-term in-vitro glucocorticoid treatment induces glucocorticoid resistance in canine mast cell tumors


Matsuda, Akira

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Investigation of the effects of orally administered trazodone on intraocular pressure, pupil diameter, physical examination variables, and sedation level in healthy equids


Moss, Alexandra L. | Hritz, Rachel L. | Hector, Rachel C. | Wotman, Kathryn L.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Conventional versus high-flow oxygen therapy in dogs with lower airway injury


Ramesh, Meera | Thomovsky, Elizabeth | Johnson, Paula

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Antimicrobial resistance and recovery of Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Escherichia coli from chicken egg layer flocks in Canadian sentinel surveillance sites using 2 types of sample matrices


Agunos, Agnes | Gow, Sheryl P. | Leger, David F. | Flockhart, Logan | Daignault, Danielle | Desruisseau, Andrea | Zabek, Erin | Pollari, Frank | Reid-Smith, Richard J.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Description of the bacterial microbiota of anal sacs in healthy dogs


Bergeron, Camylle C. | Costa, Marcio C. | Souza, Lucilene B de | Sauve, Frederic

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Evaluation of metallothionein and Ki-67 expression in chronic cholangiohepatitis in cats


Jose, Divya | Allen, Andrew L. | Blakley, Barry | Al-Dissi, Ahmad

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Time required to achieve maximum amikacin concentration in the synovial fluid of the tarsocrural joint following administration of the drug by intravenous regional limb perfusion in horses


National Agricultural Library - United States of America