خيارات البحث
النتائج 381 - 390 من 462
Clinical findings of bovine mesotheliosis
Jeong, S.W. | Stober, M. (Tierarztliche Hochschule, Hannover (Germany). Klinik fur Rinderkrankheiten)
The use of plasma progesterone profiles to determine the puberty in Korean native heifers
Kang, B.K. | Choi, H.S. | Shon, C.H. (Chonnam National University, Kwangju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Suh, K.H. (National Animal Breeding Institute, Sunghwan (Korea Republic))
The cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay as a biological dosimeter in irradiated lymphocyte : comparison of the response of mouse and human
Kim, S.H. | Kim, T.H. | Rue, S.Y. | Koh, J.H. (Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Seoul (Korea Republic). Laboratory of Radiation Medicine) | Cho, C.K. | Koh, K.H. | Yoon, H.K. (Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Seoul (Korea Republic). Department of Therapeutic Radiology) | Choi, S.Y. (Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Seoul (Korea Republic). Laboratory of Epidemiology)
Immunohistochemical study on the gastro-entero-pancreatic(GEP) endocrine cells of the blue fox, Alopex lagopus
Lee, J.H. (Kyungpook National University, Taegu (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Lee, H.S. (Kyungsan University, Kyungsan (Korea Republic). Department of Biology)
The responsiveness to amitraz in isolated porcine myometrial strips
Shin, D.H. (Chonnam National University, Kwangju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
A study for a construction of Theileria sergenti DNA probe
Kim, M.C. | Lee, J.M. | Kwon, O.D. | Chae, J.S. | Kim, H.S. (Chonbuk National University, Chonju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Production of cloning animals by fresh and frozen-thawed nuclear transfer embryos 2
Hwang, W.S. | Cho, C.H. | Lee, C.W. | Lee, B.C. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Experimental colonization of Culicoides arakawae in laboratory
Choi, S.H. | Joo, H.D. | Wee, S.H. | Kim, K.S. | Park, K.S. (Rural Development Administration, Anyang (Korea Republic). Veterinary Research Institute)
Stomach arteries in Nelore bovines | Artérias dos estômagos de fetos de bovinos da raça Nelore
Maria Angélica Miglino | João Afonso Liberato Didio
<p>The distribution of the arteries in the gastric chambers of 30 fetuses of Nelore bovines was studied, after the injection of Neoprene latex. The latex was injected through the aorta, the specimens were then fixed with 10% formaldehyde solution and dissected. The rumen was supplied by branches (ruminal aa.) given off by the splenic a. the latter supplied also the reticulum (reticular a.) by means of a collateral originated from the left ruminal a. The omasum was supplied by the left gastric a., wich provided one or more branches to the cranial sacs of the rumen and, in addition, in the curvature of the abomasum, originated the left gastro-omental a. Anastomoses were found between the right and left gastric aa. and the right and left gastro-omental aa. in ihe lesser and greater curvature of the abomasum.</p> | <p>Foi pesquisado o comportamento dos ramos arteriais destinados aos estômagos de fetos de bovinos da raça Nelore. Foram utilizados 30 fetos, os quais tiveram suas artérias injetadas a partir da aorta com látex Neoprene e dissecadas. De acordo com as observações realizadas, o rúmem recebia ramos arteriais (artérias ruminais) derivados da artéria esplênica, a qual supria também o retículo (artéria reticular) através de colateral originado a partir da artéria ruminal esquerda. O omaso recebia irrigação sanguínea a partir da artéria gástrica esquerda, a qual emitia um ou mais ramos para os sacos craniais do rúmem, e na curvatura do abomaso dava origem a artéria gastroepiplóica esquerda. As artérias gástricas direita e esquerda e as artérias gastroepiplóicas direita e esquerda anastomosavam-se entre si, respectivamente na pequena e grande curvaturas do abomaso.</p>
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Canine cutaneous leishmaniosis: soroepidemiological inquiry in urban and rural area of Uberlândia - Minas Gerais - Brazil | Leishmaniose tegumentar canina: inquérito soroepidemiológico em áreas rural e urbana no município de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais
Paula Guardenho Maywald | Maria Inês Machado | Julia Maria Costa Cruz | Marli Geralda de Oliveira | Maria do Rosário de Fátima Gonçalves Pires
<p>Starting from an outbreak of a human cutaneous leishmaniasis, we proposed to investigate the natural dog infection, in rural and urban area of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The dog were submitted to clinical, hemoparasitological and sorological diagnosis (indirect fluorescent antibody reaction): from 429 domestic dogs examined, 100 from the rural area and 329 from the urban area. The indirect fluorescent antibody reaction showed that 1% of the dogs from the rural area and 10,6% of dogs from the urban area were reagent for Leishmania. These findings seem to indicate that the dog represents an important role as reservatory of the infection, contributing with dissemination and formation of new foci of the endemic disease in the urban area.</p> | A partir de um surto de Leishmaniose Tegumentar (LT) humana no Triângulo Mineiro e Alto Paranaíba, propusemos-nos investigar a infecção natural em cães em áreas rural e urbana do município de Uberlândia - Minas Gerais. Os cães foram submetidos a exames clínico, hemoparasitológico e sorológico (reação de imunofluorescência indireta). Foram examinados 429 cães sendo 100 da área rural e 329 da área urbana. A RIF1 demonstrou que 1% dos animais da zona rural e 10,6% dos animais da área urbana foram reagentes para Leishmania. Este achado parece indicar que a infecção canina na região de estudo é ativa e que o cão poderá representar um importante papel como reservatório da infecção, podendo participar na disseminação e formação de novos focos da endemia também em área urbana.
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