خيارات البحث
النتائج 421 - 430 من 20,190
Evaluation of National Anthrax Strategy in Livestock in Iran
esmaeili, hossein | Moradigravand, Morad | قریب ممبینی, منوچهر | hamedi, mona
Background: Anthrax is a widespread disease in Iran and its importance is not only restricted to the economic losses in livestock but also is significant in terms of public health. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the anthrax combating program in livestock since 1989 to 2014. Methods: In this study, national strategy of anthrax disease in livestock was evaluated from the beginning to 2014. Data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficients. Results: Vaccination against anthrax began from 1929. From1989 to 2014, vaccination had been done for 78621001 cattle and 1357680466 small ruminants. In these years, there were 452 and 761 epidemics of disease in cattle and small ruminants respectively. In addition, 666 cattle and 5775 small ruminants were dead due to anthrax. There was no statistically significant relationship between the number of epidemics and vaccination, as well as between the rate of mortality and vaccination in livestock population.Conclusion: Without planning based on epidemiological principles, vaccination alone will not actually be able to decrease the incidence of the disease, so vaccination should be targeted along with control and surveillance.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of infectious bursal disease virus on response of turkeys to infection by avian influenza virus (H9N2)
Hashemzade, Farhad | Mayahi, Mansouir | Shoshtary, Abdol Hamid | Seyfi Abad Shapouri, Masoud Reza | Gourbanpoor, Masoud
BACKGROUND: Infection by infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) in turkeys may lead to immunosuppression effects and therefore turkeys could not resist against pathogenic or less pathogenic agents. OBJECTIVE: The aim of present study was to examine the effects of IBDV on response of turkey’s poults to avian influenza virus (AIV).METHODS: A total of 100 day-old poults were divided randomly into 4 equal groups. Groups 1 and 2 were infected with 104CID50 of IBDV by oral route at 1 day of age; groups 1 and 3 were infected with 106 EID50 of AIV (H9N2) by the oculo-nasal route at day 30. Poults of group 4 were kept as uninfected control group. All groups were vaccinated with Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccine. Blood samples via wing web were collected at days 0, 30, 37, 44, 51 and 58 and anti- NDV and anti-AIV serum titers were measured by HI test. At days 33 and 41 three poults of each group were euthanized and their splenic lymphocytes proliferation repose to phytohaemagglutinin was assessed. RESULTS: Influenza clinical signs were prolonged and more intensive in group 1 than group 3. The mean HI titers to NDV were significantly lower in group 1 than group 3, in all sampling times, but anti-AIV titers were significantly lower in group 1 compared to group 3 from days 14 AIV (H9N2) post infection. The lymphocyte proliferation assay with PHA did not show any differences between groups 1 and 3. CONCLUSIONS: IBDV suppresses immune response in turkey and causes prolonged and more intensive clinical signs after challenge with AIV.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Study of Nitrate content and the effective factors on it in the cucumbers of Jiroft area
doomary, hossein | kamkar, abolfazl | sharifi, hamid
AbstractAbstractBACKGROUND: The vegetables with high amount of Nitrate have a lot of detrimental effects on the human and animal health. The high amount of Nitrate results in some diseases such as Stomach cancer, Leukemia, cancer of the lymphatic nodes or NHL (Non-Hodgkin lymphoma), blue body syndrome, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal diseases in human. Since 80% of Nitrate enters the human body by vegetables the measurement of Nitrate and the investigation of affecting factors on its accumulation in vegetables are of crucial importance especially at areas with high consumption of vegetables. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the present study were monitoring the Nitrate amount in green cucumber and the most effective factors on it. METHODS: Overally, 210 samples were collected and analyzed from different farmlands of Jiroft city during one sowing season. The Nitrate content of the samples was measured by Salicylic acid and spectrophotometry method. RESULTS: The results showed that the average of Nitrate content in the collected samples is 112.12 mg/wet kg and 29 samples (13% out of 210 samples) have Nitrate concentration higher than standard level. Moreover, it was revealed that the factors such as type of planting, irrigation, soil, fertilizer, harvest season, age of sample, temperature, weather, sampling location in the farm, distance between bushes, weeds and farmer financial status have direct influence on the Nitrate content of the green cucumber in Jiroft area. CONCLUSIONS: It can be concluded that different factors are affecting on the Nitrate accumulation in the cucumber and a healthy product with standard Nitrate content can be produced by considering the studied factors in this work.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of latex agglutination (LAT) and indirect haemagglutination (IHA) techniques to detect sheep dicrocoeliosis
Razi Jalali, Mohammad Hosein | Ghorbanpour, Masoud | Jahangiri Nasr, Fourozan
Dicrocoeliasis caused by the small liver fluke Dicrocoelium dendriticum which live in the bile ducts and gall bladder of wild and domesticated mammals, particularly ruminant. Immunodiagnostic methods are useful for early diagnosis. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was evaluation of agglutination latex (LAT) and indirect haemagglutination (IHA) tests for diagnosis of Dicrocoelium dendriticum infection in sheep. Methods: Adult worms were collected from infected livers of sheep at a local abattoir. The excretory-secretory and somatic antigens were prepared through homogenization and sonication. Infected sheep with Dicrocoelium dendriticum and non-infected lambs were bleeded to providing positive and negative serum. Somatic and excretory-secretory antigens were added and blended to latex particles. All samples of positive and negative serum were added to latex and considered according to agglutination reaction. In IHA, the sensitive RBC and somatic and ES antigens were added and blended and haemagglutination was evaluated . Results: The sensitivity and specificity of LAT by excretory secretory antigen were 84% and 97/6% and by somatic antigen were 96% and 97/6%, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of IHA by excretory secretory antigen were 60% and 92/9%, and bysomatic antigen were 92% and 66/7%, respectively. Conclusions: According to present study, the LAT test by excretory secretory antigen and somatic has high sensitivity and specificity, and it is a quick test and without need to special tools for diagnosis of dicrocoeliosis.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A survey on prevalence and molecular characteristics of Linguatula serrata isolated from slaughtered sheep and goat in Yazd slaughterhouse
Eslami, Gilda | Khalatbari-limaki, Sepideh | Oryan, Ahmad | Zohortabar, Amin | Amiri, Asieh | Hajimohammadi, Bahador
Background: Linguatula serrata is a zoonotic parasite causing Halazoun syndrome in humans. Consumption of raw or semi-cooked infected edible offal induces the infection in human. Objectives: The main objective of this study was to investigate the outbreak and molecular characterization of Linguatula serrata in sheep and goat of Yazd slaughterhouse. Methods: To determine the prevalence and severity of Linguatula serrata, mesenteric lymph nodes of 200 slaughtered sheep and 200 slaughtered goats in the Yazd industrial slaughterhouse were examined. DNA extraction was performed using commercially DNA extraction kit as manufacturers’ protocol. In order to genetic evaluation, the partially 18srRNA gene as a target was amplified using the specific primer pair which was designed by Primer3 software.The PCR product sent for sequencing and the sequence was BLAST. Data were then analyzed using SPSS version 16.0 and by the Pearson correlation test and χ2 at a significance level of 0.01.Results: In the present study, prevalence of the infection of slaughtered goats and sheep was 25.5% and 22.5%, respectively. No statistically significant difference was observed between the prevalence of this parasite in different ages and sexes groups (goats and sheep). The results of genetic evaluation showed no variation between this isolate in comparison with the ones in GenBank. Conclusions: This study was the first report of molecular identification of Linguatula serrate in Iran. Considering high prevalence of infection in domestic animal and lack of knowledge and hygienic practice of the people about consumption of animal offal infection of the people to Linguatula serrata is probable. Therefore, in this context, using appropriate and reliable diagnostic methods for detection of infection in abattoirs as well as educating people on the proper use of animal offal is effective steps to prevent this disease.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The effects of rosemary on growth performance, carcass characteristics and blood parameters of broilers under heat stress
soflaei, mohammad | Shivazad, mahmood | moraveg, hoseain | Karimi Torshizi, mohammad amir
BACKGROUND: The application of medicinal herbs with high anti-oxidant properties could reduce the detrimental effects of oxidative stress and free radicals under heat stress and improve the performance of broilers. OBJECTIVES: The effects of rosemary powder and extract on growth performance, carcass characteristics and blood parameters of broilers were evaluated under heat stress. METHODS: For studying the effect of experimental treatments including control, different levels of rosemary powder (5, 10 and 15 g/kg), rosemary extract (3.5,7 and 10.5 g/kg) and Vit-Asp (1 g/L) on growth performance (feed intake, body weight and feed conversion ratio), carcass characteristics and blood parameters (cholesterol, triglyceride, hematocrit, glucose and heterophil to lymphocyte ratio), 160 one-day old chicks (Ross male-308) were used applying a randomized complete block design with 8 treatments, 4 replicates and 5 chicks per replicate during a 42-day period. Heat stress schedule was 32±2ºC as cyclic from 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM. RESULTS: Rosemary had significant effects on feed intake and final live weight of chicks (p<0.05) but not on feed conversion ratio (p>0.05). Significant effects from rosemary on glucose and heterophil to lymphocyte ratio were found (p<0.05). The effects of rosemary on carcass characteristics, cholesterol, triglyceride and hematocrit were not significant (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In general, inclusion of rosemary in broilers diet under heat stress improved the performance because of anti-oxidant effects.Keyword: Rosemary, performance, blood parameters, heat stress, broilers
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Morphological and morphometical study of the ovine kidneys during the fetal period
Nourinezhad, Jamal | Mazaheri, Yazdan | Hooshmandi, Kianoosh | Tabari, Teimor | Bamohabat, Saleh
BACKGROUND: The study of animal development by a dynamic perspective on gross anatomy often provides amplified pattern to reveal the more complex anatomy of the adult. This is especially helpful in understanding system whose components drastically change their relation positions during developmental growth, such as urogenital organs. OJECTIVES: The aim of present study was to study morphologic and morphometric development of sheep kidneys during fetal period. METHODS: Sixty fetal kidneys obtained from 30 sheep fetuses were divided into three groups (70-100, 100-120, 120-145 days) according to body length. Topography, dimensions, and weight of kidneys were evaluated. RESULTS: The kidneys were located totally in the lumbar region of the sides of the median plane. The position of kidneys relative to the transvers process of lumbar vertebrae was different in the age groups. The fetal kidney was not located at the same level of adult position even at the end of fetal period. The right kidney was consistently slightly cranial to left kidney. The left kidney was in contact with dorsal sac of rumen in all age groups. The right kidney was covered by ventral surface and a small part of the lateral surface of right lobe of liver, but with advancing age, the contact are of right kidney with caudate process of liver showed tangible reduction and such a contact limited eventually to the cranial pole of kidney. Means of dimensions and weight of kidneys increased with gestational age during fetal period. There were no sex and laterality differences in any parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Topography of fetal sheep kidneys relative to the lumbar vertebrate and their contact area of the kidneys with right lobe and caudate process of liver differed extremely from that of adult sheep kidney. It seems that the emergence of positional asymmetry of kidneys and changing contact area of right kidney exhibited an intimate relationship with the cranial shift and grow rate of right lobe and caudate process of liver during fetal development. The morphmetric results of fetal sheep kidneys were in agreement with the morphometric findings of humans and bovine kidneys.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of analgesic effects of constant rate infusion of both xylasine and lidocaine in horses
Tavanaeimanesh, Hamid | Azarnoosh, Afrooz | Saberi Afshar, Fereidoon | Dehghan, Mohammad Mehdi | Akbarinejad, Vahid
Backgrounds, there are limited choice of analgesic agent in horse medicine, and mostly because of side effects usage of analgesics is contraindicated in horses. Objectives, introduction of compounds which have little side effects whith good analgesic affects. Methods, this study was undertakan in 6 healthy horses, in control group they received normal saline. In treatment group CRI of lidocaine and xylasine has been administered, and data was recorded at the beginning of infusion and 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 minutes after starting the infusion at time 50 infusion was stopped and 15, 30 and 60 minutes after that data was recorded as well. Analgesic effect was evaluated by algometer. NIBP, Temperature, Heart rate, respiratory rate, sedation, intestinal sounds was evaluated at each time points. Results, 30 minutes after starting the infusion analgesic effect has started and there was significant difference between control and treatment group this effect last until the end of infusion and after the CRI this effect disappeared gradually. Conclusions, simultaneous infusion of xylasine and lidocanie has significant analgesic effect. But it needs more study in fields like laminitis cases to prove the efficacy of combination of xylazine and lidocaine.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Isolation and molecular identification of Trueperella pyogenes, one of the main causes of cutaneous abscesss, in cattle
Ashrafi tamai, Iradg | محمدزاده, عبدالمجید | Mahmoodi, Pezhman | Zahraei Salehi, Taghi
Backgrounds: Trueperella pyogenes is one of the most important pathogens of cattle cutaneous abscess which can cause many economic damages in livestock’s industry. Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate on T.pyogenes as an opportunistic pathogen in vast ranges of domestic and wild animals. Methods and materials: 134 samples were collected from 15 cattle farms in Tehran’s province. The pathogens bacteria were isolated and were identified initially by their colony morphology and biochemical characteristics. In addition, using routine biochemical techniques and Molecular tests for detection of T. pyogenes strains. Susceptibility of T. pyogenes strains to antibiotics was evaluated using the disk diffusion method. Results: The bacterial species isolated from 314 cutaneous abscess studied were 10 geniuses of pathogen bacteria. T. pyogenes was the pioneer pathogen among other these. According to biochemical and CAMP test, nine biotypes of T. pyogenes is detected. All T. pyogenes isolates (9 biotypes) were positive for the PCR test. The highest percentage of T. pyogenes isolates was susceptible to ampicillin, penicillin G and amoxicillin and high resistance rates were observed for trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, erythromycin and tetracycline. Conclusions: Although T. pyogenes is considered normal floral bacteria in varied organs in domestic animals, it could turn into a primary and secondary pathogen and consequently cause several complications. Nevertheless, the synergistic effect between T. pyogenes and other bacteria should also be accounted for.in addition, the economic losses of this pathogen and zoonotic concerns in immunosuppressive patients are very important.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Study of BuLA-DRB3 polymorphism in Khuzestan river buffaloes
Ranjbar, Mohammad Mehdi | Nikbakhat Brujeni, Gholamraza | Ghadrdan Mashhadi, Alireza | Dabbaghyan, Mehran
BACKGROUND: Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) comprises a group of genes, which plays a central role in immune response. The exon 2 of BuLA-DRB3 is part of the MHC class II in buffalo that highly polymorphic, found to be associated with resistance/susceptibility to infections and also with production parameters. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the present study is to identify BuLA-DRB3 polymorphism in Khuzestan buffaloes and compare this population with other Iranian and world buffalo populations. METHODS: Blood samples were taken from 136 unrelated Khuzestan river buffaloes. After DNA extraction, second exon of BuLA-DRB3 was amplified by the seminested PCR method. Then, the fragments produced by amplifying second exon were cut by RsaI restriction enzyme according to van Eijik method. In the following, allelic frequencies, genotype frequencies, expected and observed homozygosty and heterozygosity were calculated. RESULTS: In restriction fragment analysis 13 and 24 different allelic and genotype patterns were identified for RsaI restriction enzyme, respectively. 10 out of 13 alleles were previously reported. The most frequent genotype was oo)0.1691) and then followed by hh (0.1544) ,ll(0.1103), lw (0.0955), lh (0,0808), ha (0.0661) and lo (0.0514). Also four most frequent alleles were o (0.2721), h (0.2316),l (0.2316)and w (0.1176), respectively. These seven genotypes and four alleles form 72.76% and74.29% overall genotype and allele frequency of population. In addition, estimation of heterozygosity/homozygosty and deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibriumofcorresponding population revealed observed homozygosty is more than heterozygosity and departure of population from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicated that exon 2 of the BuLA-DRB3 gene is highly polymorphic among Khuzestan buffaloes and although, there is differences between buffalo’s genetic polymorphism of distinct world regions, Khuzestan buffaloes’ population is similar to Egyptian buffaloes’ population.
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