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النتائج 431 - 440 من 528
Current trends in helminth parasite control in small ruminants in Malaysia and South East Asia
Chandrawathani P. | Nurul Aini R.
Parasitic helminth infections in small ruminants are prevalent in South East Asia (SEA), limiting productivity and causing major economic loss for farmers. The hot, wet, tropical climate all year
round favours trichostrongylid infections, predominantly haemonchosis in sheep and goats. Commercial large scale farms, with
more than 300 animals, as well as small holders or backyard farmers with less than 50 animals face the debilitating effects of haemonchosis when they graze their animals as effective worm control is often hampered by anthelmintic resistance. In Malaysia, frequent and indiscriminate use of anthelmintics in the past has resulted
in the majority of the small ruminant population facing resistance to one or more anthelmintics. Several alternative methods of worm control are being employed by farmers; the most important and effective being cut and carry or zero grazing, where the animals are kept in pens and grass is cut and fed. In Cambodia and Myanmar,
ruminants are still tethered or stall fed with minimal drug use. In Indonesia and Thailand, commercial goat and sheep farms are fast expanding to produce breeder stock for the SEA market. However, up to
75% of the small ruminant population is still traditionally managed by small scale farmers. In most of SEA, the McMaster method for faecal worm egg counts is the only diagnostic test used to assess helminthosis in ruminants. There is an urgent need to increase awareness and information on the need for testing faecal samples regularly before drenching, conducting faecal egg count reduction tests on a yearly basis, use of the FAMACHA technique to enable
selective treatment of individual animals. The use of alternative worm control methods to manage helminthosis will help promote effective ruminant production with reduced drug use and ncourage “green” farming methods. Extension of research on local bioactive plants which may have the potential to control helminthosis may also be beneficial in the longer term.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A beef fattening decision support system
Wan Zaharil M. | Shanmugavelu S. | Wong, H. K. | Mardhati M.
A beef feedlot production decision support system (DSS) was developed based on Microsoft® Excel. The DSS comprises of three modules i) an ingredient database ii) a least-cost ration formulation module and iii) beef growth simulation module. The program uses empirical equations developed for tropical beef to simulate nutrient requirements and daily body weight gains based on the formulated feed ration. The formulated least cost ration can be pasted automatically into the growth model to evaluate performance and economic viability. The growth model calculates nutrient available and computes body weight gain on a daily basis, summates weight gain and stops at the targeted body weight. The data output include i) days to reach target body weight, ii) cumulative feed consumed, iii) anticipated average daily gain, iv) total cost of feed (concentrates and grass), and v) gross profit per cattle. If a portion of the feed is fed as grass, then the model also computes the pasture land required in hectares, based on the forage species
chosen. It is anticipated that the developed model can assist cattle entrepreneurs and farmers in the development of the beef cattle industry in Malaysia.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Pig growth performance data using the Loudong Bio-Fermentation waste treatment technology in closed house system
Khor, S. K. | Khoo, C. K. | Lim, Y. S. | Syed Hussein S. A. | Helen, M. | Chui, I. | Yeoh, N. N. | Abu Hassan M. A.
A trial and pig performance data collection was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of Luodong Bio- Fermentation Treatment Technology with zero discharge effect in a pig close house system at Tanjung Sepat, Selangor. This trial was done to gather and monitor the pig growth performance and the pig acceptance of using the Loudong Bio-fermentation Waste Treatment Technology in close house enviroment. Growth performance of the pigs were monitored by an average daily gain, feed conversion ratio, behaviour and veterinary observations. Close house temperature, moisture measurement and
bedding sampling were also conducted.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A genetic improvement program for Kedah-Kelantan cattle
Raymond A. K. | Abu-Hassan M. A.
Kedah-Kelantan cattle (KK) being an indigenous breed are highly adapted to the hot-humid Malaysian climate and can survive in harsh, marginal environments. This makes the KK a valuable genetic resource, given the challenges of climate change and the changing demands of the livestock sector. Hitherto there is no comprehensive programme to genetically improve the purebred KK. Genetic improvement of the KK would be to fulfill the breeding objectives of increasing lean meat growth rate, enhancing meat quality, raising feed efficiency, improving fertility and maintaining adaptability. The breeding structure proposed is a 2-tier breeding structure, with a nucleus tier followed by a commercial tier below it. The nucleus tier would comprise of a number of pedigree farms run as a community
breeding project. A sire reference scheme is proposed, where progeny of reference sires are used as genetic links between pedigree herds and between years. Some guidelines are offered on the establishment
and implementation of the scheme. Modern breeding technology such as BLUP using an Animal Model, artificial insemination, embryo transfer, tissue scanning, MAS and MAI could be used as tools to support the KK genetic improvement programme. To address the problem of genetic erosion, emphasis should be given to the conservation and sustainable utilization of the KK. The programme is expected to have a high impact on the livestock sector. Substantial investments are needed to develop infrastructure and human capital associated with the KK breeding programme. The establishment of a KK breed society will improve awareness concerning the KK and protect the interests
of the KK breeding community.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Neonatal diarrhoea in goat kids
Noor Suhaila Samsi | Azizah Darus | Zamila Zainun
Corona Discharge Therapy for a Malaysian elephant (Elephas maximus hirsutus)
Vellayan S. | Yap, M. T.
Corona Discharge Therapy,an evidence-based therapeutic modality, was used on a 40-year-old female Malaysian elephant. The elephant was on systemic therapy for her wounds for 5 days. All therapies were then stopped for 4 days. Corona Discharge Therapy was subsequently applied on both the hind limb joints for 3 sessions. The non-invasive
treatment was made with a multi-patented, electronic therapeutic device called VET Sonotron without the concurrent use of drugs. Corona discharge beam (CDB) of the device was used to relieve the joint pain and inflammation. The skin surface of the elephant joints was scanned with the CDB emanating from a discharge electrode to
which was applied periodic bursts of radio frequency at 0.43 mHz, pulsed at 1 kHz of sound frequency. This therapy showed remarkable anti-inflammatory effects.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Fractionated RBD palm stearin as potential rumen bypass supplements
Norliza Saparin | Zahariah Ismail | Mohd Suria Affandi Yusoff | Shawaluddin Tahiruddin
Refined, Bleached and Deodorized Palm Stearin (RBDPS) is a solid fraction obtained from Refined, Bleached and Deodorized Palm Oil after fractionation by crystallization at controlled temperature. Fractionated RBDPS was found to be enriched with C16 fatty acids,
lacking in trans fat and has a high melting point. The fractionated RBDPS produced had an iodine value of 13.1 gI2/100g, C16 content of 79.7% and melting point 60°C .These characteristics indicate fractionated RBDPS has potential as a rumen bypass fat as well as providing desirable carbon chain composition for good milk characteristics.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Histomorfometria do corno uterino de gatas (Felis catus) submetidas à ovariosalpingohisterectomia
Cristina Maria Rodrigues Monteiro | Silvia Helena Venturoli Perri | Roberto Gameiro de Carvalho | Adelina Maria da Silva | Marion Burkhardt Koivisto
Dados histomorfométricos foram obtidos de cornos uterinos de gatas nulíparas (n=6), primíparas (n= 6), multíparas (n=6) e de gatas tratadas com contraceptivo (n=6).O material coletado após a cirurgia foi fixado em paraformaldeído e incluído em resina Paraplast® para se proceder a microtomia. Os cortes adquiridos foram submetidos à coloração rotineira com hematoxilina e eosina e examinados ao microscópio de luz para a realização das seguintes mensurações:espessura total (μm) da parede uterina, endométrio total, diâmetro das glândulas endometriais e altura dos respectivos epitélios glandulares, espessura total do miométrio, do miométrio interno,miométrio externo e estrato vascular.Concluiu-se que: uso de anticoncepcionais e inúmeras gestações alteraram a estrutura uterina; uma única gestação parece não afetar significativamente as estruturas da parede uterina como ocorre nas gatas multíparas; não houve variação significativa das estruturas entre as gatas nulíparas e primíparas, com exceção para miométrio interno; o miométrio total e o endométrio apresentaram variações semelhantes, com exceção para o grupo das gatas tratadas; o miométrio externo apresentou alterações mais marcantes nas gatas tratadas; as variações morfológicas menos marcantes foram relativas ao diâmetro e epitélio glandulares; a presença de glândulas endometriais dilatadas foi encontrada somente nas gatas tratadas.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Efeito do extrato etanólico de própolis verde sobre a produção de anticorpos após imunização contra parvovírus canino (CPV) e coronavírus canino (CCoV)
Lílian das Neves Ferreira | Paula Fonseca Finger | Clarissa Caetano de Castro | Bianca Sica Siedler | Lívia Silveira Munhoz | Gilberto D’Avila Vargas | Geferson Fischer | Silvia de Oliveira Hübner
Este estudo foi realizado para avaliar se extrato etanólico de própolis verde (EEP) pode interferir na produção de anticorpos específicos após imunização contra parvovírus (CPV) e coronavírus canino (CCoV). Camundongos foram vacinados com CPV e CCoV (0.75, 1.5 e 3 x 106 TCID50) com ou sem 400 μg/dose de EEP. Vinte e um dias após a terceira dose foi mensurado IgG sérica. A coadministração de EEP aumentou significativamente os níveis de IgG específica para o CPV em animais inoculados com a maior concentração do antígeno, e não teve influência sobre os níveis de anticorpos para CCoV. Os resultados indicam que o EEP tem ação imunomoduladora intimamente dependente do tipo e concentração do antígeno utilizado, sendo capaz de aumentar os níveis de anticorpos contra CPV.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Detecção de Helicobacter spp. em amostras de mucosa gástrica de cães assintomáticos e alterações histológicas associadas
Manuella Carvalho da Costa | Paulo Renato dos Santos Costa Costa | João Carlos Pereira da Silva | Renner Emerson de Negreiros Maia | José do Carmo Lopes Moreira
O presente estudo teve por objetivo correlacionar o número de bactérias espiraladas e as alterações histológicas da mucosa gástrica em cães de vida livre. Foram analisadas biopsias gástricas endoscópicas de 28 cães assintomáticos. Para análise histológica, foi realizada avaliação qualitativa, onde foram atribuídos escores de 0 a 3, considerando a densidade de bactérias espiraladas por campo (400x), a presença de células inflamatórias, o número de agregados linfoides e a existência de alteração degenerativa glandular. A prevalência de Helicobacter spp, identificado pela histologia (Carbol-Fucscina) e positividade no teste da urease, foi de 100%. Dos 28 cães, 18 (64,3%) receberam escore 3 e 10 (35,7%) o escore 2 para a densidade de bactérias. O infiltrado inflamatório predominantemente linfoplasmocitário foi de grau leve (escore 1) em 17 (60,7%) cães e moderado em 6 (21,4%) cães. Dos 28 cães, 14 (50%) receberam escore 1 para degeneração glandular e 9 (32,1%), o escore 0. As regiões do corpo e antro apresentaram maior número de resultados positivos à histopatologia. Apesar do número elevado de bactérias encontrado nas amostras analisadas, as alterações histológicas foram classificadas como de grau leve na maioria dos animais. A presença do Helicobacter spp. não parece estar relacionado com sintomatologia de gastrite.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]