خيارات البحث
النتائج 471 - 480 من 572
Хроническая токсичность препарата Аесел
Belyavskij, V.N. | Ushakov, S.S., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus) | Prokopchik, N.I. | Basinskij, V.A., Grodno State Medical Univ. (Belarus)
Determination of chronic toxicity of a new selenium-containing preparation Aesel was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. There was realized endermatic administration of the experimental preparation to laboratory white mice. Studying of sensitivity of some organs and systems of mice and revelation of a degree of reversibility of processes caused by active substances of the drug was realized. The main clinical, pathomorphologic, biochemical, hematological changes in the organism of laboratory animals with induced chronic toxicity were determined.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Биологические свойства вакцины против болезни Ауески свиней
Erokhovets, N.F. | Saj, N.G. | Gusev, A.A. | Obyedkov, G.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus). The S.N. Vyshelesskij Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Medicine
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was developed a production technology and there were produced samples of lyophilizated live vaccine against Aujeszky's disease of swine which corresponded to all parameters of control. The vaccine had an expressed phylactic power, induced the development of long-lived immunity of vaccinated piglets.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Сравнительная эффективность сорбентов СВ-1 И СВ-2 при профилактике абомазоэнтеритов у телят
Kozlovskij, A.N. | Velikanov, V.V. | Ivanov, V.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Lapina, V.A., National Academy of Sciences, Minsk (Belarus). The B.I. Stepanov Inst. of Physics | Kritskij, Yu.V., Agricultural Production Enterprise Mazolovogaz (Belarus)
Comparative effectiveness of application of SV-1 and SV-2 sorbents for preventive treatment of abomazoenterite of 1-2 month old calves was studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Research results showed that application of SV-1 and SV-2 sorbents rendered a positive influence on hematological and biochemical blood indexes, in particular, there was an increasing of hemoglobin level, albumins content, alkaline reserve, calcium and phosphorous in blood serum. They also rendered the stimulatory effect on natural resistance. The prophylactic effectiveness in experimental group was 100%, in a control one – 60%.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Химико-токсикологическая оценка препарата – энергизатора для лошадей
Finogenov, A.Yu. | Krasochko, P.A. | Finogenova, E.G. | Zhuravlyova, E.S., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus). The S.N. Vyshelesskij Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Medicine
Results of chemical and toxicological estimation of an energized preparation, intended for increasing of performance ability and sports qualities of horses realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus were presented. The energized preparation included honey, lactalbumin hydrolyzate, pollen hydrolyzate, and teotropin. Chemical and toxicological estimation of the preparation included determination of physical, chemical and pharmacological compatibility of components of the preparation, acute and chronic toxicological characteristics, skin-resorbtive poison after single and long-term application at horse skin, topical-product-induced irritation and allergic action of the preparation. Research results showed that all components of the preparation were compatible among themselves. The preparation proved to be a low-hazardous substance (substance hazard category 4) and did not possess skin-absorptive, local-irritating and allergic action.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Биохимические методы в гепатологии крупного рогатого скота
Kholod, V.M. | Soboleva, Yu.G., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was made a hepatospecific metabolic profile of cattle blood serum for complex appraisal of liver functional condition. Age-specific peculiarities of biochemical indices including the composition of hepatospecific metabolic profile of cattle blood serum were revealed. On the basis of obtained results there were calculated the appropriate correction coefficients which must be taken into consideration in objective interpretation of laboratory research.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Система разведения овец в малочисленных популяциях
Barieva, E.I. | Shatskij, A.D., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
In degree incest negative influence of inbreeding is established on sheep's productive qualities in comparison with contemporaries with inbreeding in a degree of a close and moderate alliance. The system of a coupling of the wombs is developed, excluding inbreeding depression on productive qualities of animals and allowing to carry out repairs a livestock in a small population due to own reproduction
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Биосредства микробного происхождения и их влияние на продуктивность и сохранность поросят-сосунов
Bezzubov, V.I. | Petrushko, A.S., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Kolomiets, E.I. | Sverchkova, N.V., National Academy of Sciences (Belarus). Institute of Microbiology | Ananchikov, M.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus). The S.N. Vyshelesskij Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Medicine
Usage of biological preparation of high antibacterial activity allows to decrease the air pollution by bacteria of colon bacillus group at 25-100%, increase productivity at 17-67 g, safety – at 0,4%, resistance, protein metabolism, protein fractions and some other indices (lysozyme and betalysine activity, leucocytes, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, AST, ALT, urea, cholesterol, bilirubin and glucose)
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Применение противовирусного препарата Миксоферон курам-несушкам
Gotovskij, D.G. | Demidovich, A.P., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Birman, B.Ya., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus). The S.N. Vyshelesskij Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Medicine
Application of antiviral preparation Mixoferon for poultry is studied. It is established, that Mixoferon application does not influence negatively on organism of hens, increases intensivity of protein metabolism, including the maintenance of antibodies in blood whey. Mixoferon in dozes of 2,5 ml (500000 МЕ), 1,5 ml (300000 МЕ), 0,5 ml (100000 МЕ) can be used for preventive maintenance and therapy of virus infections of hens
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Голозерный овес в рационах кур
Dadashko, V.V. | Romashko, A.K. | Zinkevich, L.V., Belarus Regional Experimental Poultry Station, Zaslavl (Belarus)
Application zoned bare-grained oats grades in a diet of chickens and hens-layers of egg breeds makes positive impact on efficiency of a bird, forage conversion, reduces expenses of forages for manufacture of eggs that allows to receive additional profit. The maximum norm – 40 % bare-grained oats in mixed fodders of hens is defined
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Синбиотическое действие пробиотика Диалакт и иммуностимулятора Альвеозан в кормлении цыплят-бройлеров
Kapitonova, E.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Complex application Alveozan and Dialact conducts to the increase of perservance of birds on 2,1%, daily average additional weight on 3,6%, and also to the decrease in expenses of forages counting on 1 kg of a gain of live weight by 4,1%. Complex influence of Alveozan and Dialact stimulates growth and development lacto- and bifidoflora in a gastroenteric path, reduces quantity of aerobic microorganisms and oppresses a reproduction and settling of a gastroenteric path by bacteria intestinally-paratyphus groups. The economic efficiency of wording out 11,1 rubles on 1 ruble of additional expenses
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]