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النتائج 671 - 680 من 723
Management Femoral Fracture in Cats using Intramedullary Pin and Wires Fixation
Erwin Erwin | Deni Noviana | Dany Umbu | Tri Isyani Tungga Dewi
On April 2016, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University (VTH FKH IPB) received 4 cases of femoral fractures in cats caused by trauma. Two cats suffered oblique diaphysis fracture femoral, one cat suffered comminuted diaphysis fracture femoral, and one cat suffered epiphyseal fracture femoral (column femoral and trochanter major). All cats were treated by open surgery using intramedullary pins (Steinmann) and cerclage wires (Kirschner). Fracture recovery went without complication and all cats were able to move their feet one week after surgery.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Infectious Diseases of Six Non-Domesticated Neo-Tropical Animals In Trinidad and Tobago
Kavita Ranjeeta Lall | Kegan Romelle Jones | Gary Wayne Garcia
This review serves to shed light on some common infectious diseases: their names, prevalence, site of infection and diagnostic tools for identificationof six (6) neo-tropical animals that are found in Trinidad and Tobago with the potential for domestication. These are theagouti(Dasyprocta leporina/ D. agouti), lappe/paca (Cuniculus paca/ Agouti paca), capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), manicou/opossum (Didelphis marsupialis insularis), collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu/ Peccari tajucu) and red brocket deer (Mazama americana).There is over Ninety (90) references were used, with the earliest being 1951 and the most recent being in 2017.Where literature was lacking, information from other species within the same genus was incorporated and identified clearly. It was interesting to note that the majority of animals, despite being infected with pathogenic organisms were clinically healthy. In animals that showed clinical signs of disease there was a large quantity of pathogens present. This manuscript sheds some light on the pathogens that may use these animals as natural reservoirs. This review paper also includes many of the earliest identification of these pathogens in Neo-tropical animals in specific geographic regions.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Anthropogenic Sources of Non-Migratory Avian Mortalities In Singapore
David J. X. TAN | Ding Li YONG | Bing Wen LOW | Alan OWYONG | Alfred CHIA
Although urban spaces are increasingly recognised as viable habitats for wildlife, cities remain a major source of anthropogenic mortality for wild birds. While the sources of urban avian mortalities have been well documented in North America, these phenomena remain poorly studied in Southeast Asia, especially for resident species. Here we present the first summary of non-migratory urban bird mortalities for the heavily urbanised island of Singapore. We conducted a citizen science study using print and social media outreach to encourage members of the public to report their observations of dead birds between November 2013 and October 2017, and collected a total of 362 mortality records across 65 resident bird species and five mortality sources. Our results show that a diverse array of bird species is directly impacted by anthropogenic sources of mortality, although mortalities stemming from roadkill and cat predation are likely to be undersampled. We also find that forest-edge frugivores such as the Pink-necked Green Pigeon are likely to be especially vulnerable to building collisions. Our study shows that despite its limitations, opportunistic sampling using citizen science can generate large amounts of ecological data at relatively low cost, and serve as a cost-effective complement to standardised survey methodologies.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The Administration of Epididymis Extract Increased the Testosterone Concentration without Affects the Dihydrotestosterone Concentration in Local Male Goat
Nanda Yuliansyah | Muslim Akmal | Tongku Nizwan Siregar | Sri Wahyuni | Mahdi Abrar | Syafruddin Syafruddin | Gholib Gholib | Farida Athaillah
This study was aimed to determine the effect of epididymis extract (EE) on the testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) level of local male goat. An experimental study was performed using a completely randomized design (CRD) pattern of one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). 15 local male goats aged 1.5 years with body weight 14-16 kg were used in this study. The K0 group as a control group, injected with only 1 ml physiological saline, while each KP1, KP2, KP3, and KP4 groups treated with multilevel EE dose, ie 1, 2, 3, and 4 ml / goat for 13 consecutive days. At the end of treatment (day 14th), testes, epididymis (caput, corpus, and cauda) and ductus deferens samples were taken through the close-castration method for examining the testosterone and DHT concentration by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique. Data gathered were later analyzed using ANOVA followed by Tukey’s HSD in SPSS 16.0 for Windows. The result showed that the average concentration of testosterone on K0, KP1, KP2, KP3, and KP 4 in testis respectively were 10.00±2.64 ng/ml; 7.66±2.51 ng/ml; 10.00±6.55 ng/ml; 0.66±0.57 ng/ml; 11.66±7.37 ng/ml; caput epididymis; 5.00±1.73 ng/ml; 2.33±1.52 ng/ml; 5.00±2.64 ng/ml; 1.33±0.57 ng/ml; 5.66±1.15 ng/ml; corpus epididymis; 1.33±0.57 ng/ml; 0.66±0.57 ng/ml; 4.00±2.64 ng/ml; 0.66±0.57 ng/ml; 4.33±2.30 ng/ml; cauda epididymis: 1.00±0.00 ng/ml; 0.66±0.57 ng/ml; 1.66±0.57 ng/ml; 1.00 ± 0.00 ng/ml; 2.00±1.73 ng/ml; ductus deferens: 3.66±2.51 ng/ml; 0.66±0.57 ng/ml; 3.00±1.00 ng/ml; 1.00±0.00 ng/ml and 3.66±1.15 ng/ml. While the average concentration of DHT on K0, KP1, KP2, KP3, and KP 4 in testis respectively; 10.00±2.64 ng/ml; 7.66±2.51 ng/ml; 10.00±6.55 ng/ml; 0.66±0.57 ng/ml; 11.66±7.37 ng/ml; caput epididymis; 5.00±1.73 ng/ml; 2.33±1.52 ng/ml; 5.00±2.64 ng/ml; 1.33±0.57 ng/ml; 5.66±1.15 ng/ml; corpus epididymis; 1.33±0.57 ng/ml; 0.66±0.57 ng/ml; 4.00±2.64 ng/ml; 0.66±0.57 ng/ml; 4.33±2.30 ng/ml; cauda epididymis: 1.00±0.00 ng/ml; 0.66±0.57 ng/ml; 1.66±0.57 ng/ml; 1.00 ± 0.00 ng/ml; 2.00±1.73 ng/ml; ductus deferens: 3.66±2.51 ng/ml; 0.66±0.57 ng/ml; 3.00±1.00 ng/ml; 1.00±0.00 ng/ml and 3.66±1.15 ng/ml. Statistical analysis showed that the administration of EE only increased testosterone concentration in testes had significant effect (P 0.05). From this study, it can be concluded that the EE has the potential to improve spermatogenesis and sperm quality through increasing the testosterone concentration in the local male goats.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The Relationship between Farmer Characteristic and Knowledge towards the Successfulness of Cattle Artificial Insemination (AI) in Aceh Besar District
Julia Kardin | Dasrul Dasrul | Sugito Sugito | Nurliana Nurliana | Teuku Zahrial Helmi
The purpose of this research was to identify the relationship of characteristic and knowledge of farmers to the successful of artificial insemination (AI) in Aceh Besar Districts. The number of respondents is 93 people from twenty three districts in Aceh Besar, selected purposively as the sample of this research. The instruments used in this research are questionnaire and direct observation in the field, while the observed variables are: farmer characteristics, farmer knowledge and artificial insemination result. The results of this research revealed that the characteristics and knowledge of the farmers were good and showed a real relationship to the successfulness of AI in Aceh Besar Districts. The average service per conception (S / C) in Aceh Besar Districts during 2017 was 1.32 while the conception rate (CR) was 86.36%. The results were in accordance with the standard of general guidance of Upsus Siwab Year 2017.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Concentration Of Cortisol Metabolites In Captive Sumatran Elephants At Elephant Conservation Facilities In Aceh
Rosa Rika Wahyuni | Sri Wahyuni | Al Azhar | Gholib Gholib
This study was conducted to validate the DRG Cortisol ELISA EIA-1887 Germany kit for measure the concentration of stress hormone metabolites (cortisol) from the feces and its correlation to the stressor factor in captive elephants in PKG and CRU of Aceh. These factors are location, diet and presence of livestock. There is no special treatment, observation based on the activity, behavior or natural condition of the animals. The sampling technique was non invasive, fresh dung samples of each (±20 gram) were collected from 25 elephants in CRU and PKG. Feces taken in the morning (before the animals are bathed) along with the observation of animal behavior. All samples were collected and stored at -200C until the analysis process. The validation test are analytic (parallelilmsm) and biological validation test. The analytic test result (paralillsm), showed that the sample curve was not parallel to the standard curve, but crossed the standard curve. While the results of biological validation test, DRG Cortisol ELISA EIA-1887 Germany kit can measure the concentration of cortisol hormone feces of Sumatran elephant and able to describe the difference of cortisol concentration relation to physiological events (stress vs non-stress). The mean values of cortisol metabolite concentrations from PKG Saree (Komplek PKG and Hutan Seunapet), Sampoiniet CRU, Cot Girek, Das Peusangan, Meulaboh and Aceh Timur were (577 ng/g and 400 ng/g), 435ng /g, 419ng /g, 517ng / g, 401ng/g and 425ng /g. The measurement results correlate with the physiological conditions and observed factors.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The Effort of Beef Needs Supplying for Coming Years in Indonesia
Supardi Rusdiana | Ismail Ismail | Rusli Sulaiman | Amiruddin Amiruddin | Razali Daud | Zainuddin Zainuddin | Mustafa Sabri
The increase in beef production is constrained by the slow growth of beef cattle population which is caused by the cattle breeding business that is considered less commercially profitable. The supplying of beef needs in a critical and effective manner is always increasing each year, so the price of beef is fluctuate. The various priority concept of the government's main program for the development of beef cattle is always done in every region in Indonesia. But the production of beef is still less and the government have to import the beef to fulfill the beef production. Therefore, this issues need necessary operational steps to provide more open space for some factors and leverage points in the supplying of beef needs. The purpose of this review is to examine the efforts to supply beef needs for the future in Indonesia critically. The high price of beef is not a mistake of the government. Basically, the government has tried to make the beef cattle population increased, to fulfill the consumer needs and the prices of beef is affordable for the customer. To cope with the higher beef prices, the government is make a policy of developing small, medium-sized, and big beef cattle breeding industries through seed cattle spreads on plantations of oil palm, rubber and cultivable fields for the development of beef cattle population. It is expected that in the coming year, beef cattle business can be oriented to agribusiness bussiness so that farmer's welfare will increase and can support Indonesia as the world food granary.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Alternative approach to mastitis management – How to prevent and control mastitis without antibiotics?
Sofie Piepers | Sarne de Vliegher
Mastitis affects a high proportion of dairy cows throughout the world and is one of the greater problems faced by the dairy industry today. The disease is still a major cause of economic loss on a dairy farm. Mastitis poses not only negative consequences for the dairy farmer but also for the dairy industry as a number of issues threaten the reputation of milk as a healthy product from healthy animals. The use of antimicrobials is one of those concerns and threats. Antimicrobial usage on dairy farms is most often related to udder health as most medicines are used in prevention and control of mastitis. Antimicrobials remain vital for treatment of bacterial infections in dairy cattle, but in light of the upcoming debate instigated by the potential link between the use of antimicrobial products in animal husbandry and the development of antimicrobial resistance in both animal and human pathogens, there is an urgent need for innovation and alternatives to antibiotic therapy for mastitis treatment and control. Alternative approaches include vaccination, probiotics or beneficial microorganisms and inhibitory substances, immunomodulation, bacteriophages, homeopathy, and plant-derived inhibitory substances, yet only when scientifically-proven evidence is available indicating these alternatives are effective.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Can centrifugation force compromise the plasmatic membrane, acrosome and DNA integrity of goat spermatozoa?
André Maciel Crespilho | Karinne Ávila Bosco | Camila de Paula Freitas Dell'Aqua | Lorenzo Garrido Segabinazzi | Frederico Ozanam Papa | Karoline Maria Gil Brás | Gustavo Mendes Gomes | Kleber da Cunha Peixoto Junior
Protocols for cooling or freezing goat semen usually recommend centrifugation for seminal plasma removal. However, little is known about the effect of this process on goat sperm viability and functionality. The present study evaluated the effects of centrifugation force on the plasma membrane, acrosomes, and DNA integrity of goat semen. Four ejaculates from each of the four different Anglo Nubian male goats were used. Semen samples were obtained using artificial vagina, and immediately after collection, ejaculates were diluted using Ringer’s sodium lactate solution and split into three groups: Control (CG, without centrifugation), G1 (centrifugation 600 x g/10 min), G2 (centrifugation 1200 x g/10 min). After centrifugation, seminal plasma was removed, the sperm pellets were resuspended using Tris-egg yolk extender (80 x 106 spermatozoa/mL) and the sperm morphology was analyzed. Samples were cooled at 5°C for 5, 24, 36, and 48 h and then sperm plasma membrane and acrosome integrity (PMAI, %) and sperm DNA fragmentation index (SDF, %) were evaluated at each time-point, using a flow cytometer. Additionally, sperm movement was determined using computer semen analysis (CASA) after 5, 24, and 48 h of refrigeration period. The semen centrifugation did not induce additional sperm morphology defect or reduction in sperm kinetics in the experimental groups. Differences were not observed (p > 0.05) in PMAI and SDF among different groups, in any of each timepoint of the cooling process. In conclusion, centrifugation, even at high speeds, did not affect goat sperm integrity and functionality when submitted to refrigeration process.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Use of a porous cellulose membrane (Membracel®) and moxibustion for severe excoriative injury in a chilean skua (Catharacta chilensis)
Natassia Bacco Mannina | Daniela Magalhães Drummond de Mello | Priscilla Carla dos Santos Costa | João Paulo Bastardo Rodrigues | João Victor da Silveira Bertão
The use of alternative therapeutic approaches in wild animals has gained notoriety due to its efficiency, low cost and reduced or nonexistent stressors. The present study evaluated the efficacy of treatment of a bilateral excoriative lesion in the region of the dorsal metacarpus in a Chilean skua (Catharacta chilensis) in a rehabilitation process with the use of a porous cell membrane, sold commercially, in concomitance with moxibustion sessions with herbs (Artemisia vulgaris). The healing time of 14 days was reduced when compared to traditional techniques and proved the viability and efficacy of the treatment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]